Seventh-day Adventists will falsely argue that since the Ten Commandments were written in stone, that proves they will never be abolished!

False argument answered:
Seventh-day Adventists will falsely argue that since the Ten Commandments were written in stone, that proves they will never be abolished!
- We merely ask, then where was Adam's stone copy of the 10 commandments?
- Why did God not give Adam a stone copy once for all time?
- Why is it that Moses was first person in history to not only see the 10 commandments, but the first person to hold the stone tablets upon which the 10 commandments were written?
- Why do Seventh-day Adventists argue that the ten commandment law is no longer written in stone, but in the flesh of the human heart in 2 Corinthians 3:3? (Of course 2 Cor 3:3 says the 10 commandments were abolished and the new Covenant, the law of Christ is written on human hearts)

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"you are seeking to kill Me, a man who has told you the truth" Jn 8:40