Adventists are desperate, when they use "the Sabbath was made for man" syllogism!
Their false argument revolves around Mark 2:27 which says, "The Sabbath was MADE for man". Did you catch that? The Sabbath was MADE! And since God only made stuff in the beginning, at creation, therefore the Sabbath existed in the Garden of Eden and long before Moses!

Adventist's use this false 3 part argument to prove the Adam kept the Sabbath:
In the beginning the word made "all things" Jn 1:1-3; Col 1:16
The Sabbath day was made: Mk 2:27-28
Therefore the Sabbath day was created or made in the beginning and therefore Adam had to keep it!
The Adventist syllogism is invalid because:
In the beginning the word made "all things" Jn 1:1-3; Col 1:16
He did ALL his work in 6 days: Gen 2:1-3; Ex 20:11
Since the Sabbath day was not created till AFTER God rested on the seventh day, therefore the Sabbath day is not part of "all things" of the ORIGINAL CREATION and did not exist in the Garden until AFTER the 6 days of creation!
God finished his word in SIX DAYS then rested. The Sabbath did not exist until after God rested on the seventh day.
The issue is not when God rested, but when He first commanded man to keep the Sabbath!
Here are two comments from
our history archive that prove the common view between 150 and 200AD was that the Patriarchs never kept the Sabbath!
150AD JUSTIN: Moreover, all those righteous men already mentioned [after mentioning Adam. Abel, Enoch, Lot, Noah, Melchizedek, and Abraham], though they kept no Sabbaths, were pleasing to God; and after them Abraham with all his descendants until Moses... And you [fleshly Jews] were commanded to keep Sabbaths, that you might retain the memorial of God. For His word makes this announcement, saying, "That you may know that I am God who redeemed you." (Dialogue With Trypho the Jew, 150-165 AD, Ante-Nicene Fathers , vol. 1, page 204)
200AD TERTULLIAN: Let him who contends that the Sabbath is still to be observed a balm of salvation, and circumcision on the eighth day because of threat of death, teach us that in earliest times righteous men kept Sabbath or practiced circumcision, and so were made friends of God. .. ...Therefore, since God originated Adam uncircumcised, and inobservant of the Sabbath, consequently his offspring also, Abel, offering Him sacrifices, uncircumcised and inobservant of the Sabbath, was by Him commended... Noah also, uncircumcised - yes, and inobservant of the Sabbath - God freed from the deluge. For Enoch, too, most righteous man, uncircumcised and inobservant of the Sabbath, He translated from this world... Melchizedek also, "the priest of most high God," uncircumcised and inobservant of the Sabbath, was chosen to the priesthood of God. (An Answer to the Jews 2:10; 4:1, Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol. 3, page 153)

We Speak truth in LOVE
"you are seeking to kill Me, a man who has told you the truth" Jn 8:40