Sabbatarians falsely teach that the Sabbath was a moral law and not a ceremonial law.
They say, "All other special Jewish days, seasons and yearly festivals are ceremonial, but not the weekly Sabbath!" Yet Sabbath keeping" is by definition a ceremonial law. Only Sabbath keepers are too bind to see it!
A. The Sabbath is not a moral law because:
The Sabbath is not a moral law because the priests were allowed to profane it: Matt 12:5; Num 28:9-10; Josh 6:15; 1 Ki 20:29; Jn 5:10
The Sabbath is not a moral law because a man could break it without sin to save an animal from a pit.
The Sabbath is not a moral law because Jesus broke the Sabbath without sin in John 5:18.
The Sabbath is not a moral law because God never intended for all mankind to keep it: God NEVER charged the Gentiles with breaking it, much less even keeping it. Only the Jews were expected to keep it. Interesting that God charges the Gentiles many times for breaking all the 9 moral commandments on the tablets of stone, but NEVER ONCE says anything about breaking the Sabbath!
If the Sabbath is moral, then why did God grow weary of them keeping it? God never said he was weary of them NOT stealing or NOT committing adultery. But God did say he was could not endure their keeping the Sabbath: Isa 1:13-14 "Bring your worthless offerings no longer, Incense is an abomination to Me. New moon and Sabbath, the calling of assemblies- I cannot endure iniquity and the solemn assembly. I hate your new moon festivals and your appointed feasts. They have become a burden to Me." Such is never said of any moral command anywhere in the Bible! Think about it!

Let all Sabbatarians comprehend this bit of irrefutable logic:
God NEVER grows weary of men keeping moral laws.
God DID grow weary of men keeping the 4th commandment (Sabbath law)
Therefore the Sabbath is NOT a moral law!
B. Sabbatarians falsely argue that the Sabbath law is a moral law merely because it is in the ten commandments.
What does the argument: "because it is in the 10 commandments" prove? NOTHING! The Sabbath law is not "moral" just because it was numbered with the other nine commandments. They are assuming the point to be proved and this is circular reasoning!
Anybody, except someone deceived by a false prophet (Ellen G. White), can clearly understand and see that the Sabbath law is a ceremonial law.
"Moral and positive" laws as Sabbatarians define "law" are often linked: Lev 19:4-5; Ezek 18:6; Acts 15:29
C. Another false Adventist argument is that the Sabbath law is moral BECAUSE violation was punishable by death: Ex 31:15;35:2. Yet the truth is that all the following non-moral or ceremonial laws were punishable by death:
Pharaohs firstborn slain for not letting Israel go.
For touching the Ark: 2 Sam 6:7
Aaron's sons, (Nadab and Abihu) priests were killed for violating ceremonial law when offering incense to Jehovah: Lev 10:1-5
medium or a spiritist: Leviticus 20:27
for touching the mount Horeb: Ex 19:12-13
Unauthorized entrance into the holy place of the tabernacle: Lev 16:2
For looking into the Ark: 1 Sam 6:19
For disobeying ceremonial commands of any Priest: Deuteronomy 17:12-13
Cut off = death penalty: Exodus 31:14 "Everyone who profanes it shall surely be put to death; for whoever does any work on it, that person shall be cut off from among his people."
D. Sabbatarians are falsely taught that the Sabbath is moral because spoken by God verbally and personally. Yet God verbally and personally spoke many "ceremonial laws":
God verbally and personally spoke many altar, sacrifice and offering laws at exactly the same time he have the 10 commandments: Ex 20:21-26
Sabbatarians would say that the "foremost" moral law, to love God and your neighbour as yourself, was not spoken verbally and personally by God. Mt 22:36-40. This alone proves that the "verbal/personal" argument is invalid!
God verbally and personally spoke to many from Adam to Moses regarding burnt offerings: Cain and Abel's offerings
God verbally and personally spoke the land promise: Gen 17:8
God verbally and personally spoke the law of circumcision: Gen 17:10
God verbally and personally spoke to all these: Job 38:1; 42:7; 1 Ki 19:9,12; 1 Sam 23:12; 30:8,10; Ex 33:11; Num 12:8; Deut 5:3
The Bible nowhere teaches that things verbally, personally or handwritten by God are eternal!
E. The Sabbath is moral and sacred inherently in itself
Other than merely stating this, what proof do Sabbatarians offer??? None! But we can prove otherwise!
The seventh day (Sabbath) was sanctified not because it was inherently moral, but because God rested on that day! The seventh day was not the Sabbath because it was the seventh day, but because God declared it to be and MADE it holy above the other six days of the week after he rested on it!
The day itself did not make it holy, resting on it did not make it holy, but God blessing and hallowing it did. Thus its holiness did not come from its own nature but from an act of God in blessing and hallowing it.
In this regard, the seventh day is no more inherently "holy" than any of the other special Jewish holy days that God blessed and set apart in the Law of Moses.

We Speak truth in LOVE
"you are seeking to kill Me, a man who has told you the truth" Jn 8:40