104 Adventist Pastors fired for rejecting the inspiration of Ellen G. White!
Some SDA members have been deceived by their leaders into thinking they don't have to accept White as prophet and can use only the Bible! |
Testimonials: (Submit yours!)
I dropped my membership in the SDA church in 1981, of my own volition. I was never fired. The actual number of people who either resigned or were fired because of loss of faith in the SDA mission, I believe is a far higher number than what you list below. Few people, relatively speaking were fired. Many more, like myself, decided on our own that this was no place to be. (A.R., Virginia, May 2005)
"Hi, My name is Les Stambaugh, though I have never been an Adventist pastor myself, I did study to become one. I had my SDA church membership transfer from Astoria, Or. where I had been an elder in good standing, to Dillingham, Ak. where I moved in 1980, was blocked from taking place (Ironically I believed staunchly in EG White at that time.) The issue holding up my transfer had to do with my father, R. Glen Stambaugh. Dad had been the longest serving and much loved missionary pastor in the Alaska Mission of SDA ,and served as a pastor in Oregon and Washington states as well. But, Dad was at that time being called to give assurance of his belief in Ellen White in the Gold Hill, Or. church he was pastoring then. I was surprised to NOT see his name on your list of fired pastors, as the ultimate result for him was that he was fired (about 1982) by the Oregon Conf. of SDA., who, (also ironically), are responsible for telling him about the LIES about EG White. My father's story is a remarkable one reminiscent of Martin Luther and the diet at Verms. His congregations voted to reinstate him as pastor after he was" censured. " Surprisingly even a panel fellow SDA Denominational workers who examined his doctrinal beliefs voted to reinstate him. However at his reinstatement ceremony the Or. Conf. Pres asked him to reaffirm his belief in Ellen White and her writings stacked on top of the Bible in front of his congregation. After all they had told him, and all he had leaned in the process of the events he went through, he was amazed he could be asked such a thing and told them plainly so." (Submitted Feb. 2004)
Neal C. Wilson, President General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and Life Member Ellen G. White Estate Board: "...when we come to the point as to whether one has to believe in Ellen White, to some degree or another, or accept her visions as real or simply an imagination or parroting what somebody else said - that one has to believe that these things were real visions in order to be a Seventh-day Adventist or to experience salvation - this church has never taken that position. I hope it never does... " (Neal Wilson, Pacific Union College Campus Chronicle 5/27/82)
The list:
Attached is a partial list of former SDA workers, mostly ordained ministers, who have been fired, pressured to resign, or reassigned voluntarily because they could not conscientiously "believe in Ellen White to some degree or another, or accept her visions as real". Their refusal to preach extrabiblical church doctrines led to excruciating circumstances and decisions for many who loved their church and wished only to proclaim God's Word unhindered by human traditions and creeds.
We ask our readers to supply us with any additions or corrections to this list
- Albertson, Ivan, Teacher: Central California Conference
- Bailey, Mike, Pashr: Oregon Conference
- Barren, Grahem, Pastor: New Zealand
- Bassch, Eric, Pastor: South Africa
- Bassch, Eugene, Colporteur: South Africa
- Bean, Harvey and Marlie, Teachers: Oregon Conference
- Broad, Ray, Teacher: New Zealand
- Broomhaul, Rod, Pastor: North Queensland, Australia
- Bruington, Dean, Pastor: Iowa Conference
- Campbell, Francis: President South African Union
- Cannaday, Ron, Arizona
- Cary, Tom, Pastor: South Africa
- Chambers, Joe, Pastor : Western Australia
- Champaign, Gary, Pastor: Arkansas-Louisiana Conference
- Coon, Glenn 111, Pastor: West Virginia - Mt. View Conference
- Crandall, Alan, Doctoral Student: Andrews University
- De Villiers, Brian, Worker South Africa
- Dennis, Travis, Pastor Texas Conference
- Dorsey, Ruth, Teacher: Washington Conference
- Douglas, Gary, Pastor: West Virginia Mt. View Conference
- Edwards, Calvin, Pastor: Missouri Conference
- Ernesto Hernandez, CaliforniaAgafonoff, Sergie, Pastor,: Brisbane, Australia
- Fahden, Lyall, Pastor: Oregon Conference
- Finney, Conrad, Pastor: Oregon Conference
- Ford, Desmond, Religion Professor: Australasian Division
- Fredericks, Richard, Maryland
- Garrison, Gary, Pastor: Central California Conference
- Geddes, Charles, Teacher: Colorado Conference
- Greenley, Ray, Pastor: Ohio Conference
- Harper, John, Pastor: Oregon Conference
- Harris, Ed, Pastor: Washington - Upper Columbia Conf.
- Helppi, Rauno, Pastor: Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference
- Higby, Bob, Pastor: Wisconsin Conference
- Higby, Wally, Pastor: Northern California Conference
- Honeycutt, Ronald, Pastor: Florida Conference
- Hood, Paul, Pastor: Arkansas-Louisiana Conference
- Howard, Turner, Pastor: Georgia- Cumberland Conference
- Howell, Dan, Teacher: Florida Conference
- Huston, Ed, Pastor: Washington Conference
- Jenner, Loren, Pastor: South Australia
- Johnson, Rick, Teacher: Missouri Conference
- Kaikainahaule, Bill, Pastor: Southern California Conference
- Kellar, Don, Pastor: Northern California Conference
- Kluzit, Victor, Pastor/Lit. Evang.: Texas Conference
- Knight, David, Teacher: Colorado Conference
- Kress, Michael, Graduate Student: Andrews University
- LaBrecque, Alexander, Pastor: West Virginia-Mt. View Conference
- Lamp, Herschel, M.D.: St. Helena Hosp. (Calif.)
- Lawson, Chris, Teacher: Ontario Conference
- Lemon, Duane, Pastor: Southern California Conference
- Ludwig, Doug, Pastor: Kansas Conference
- Luster, Chuck, Pastor: Arkansas-Louisiana Conference
- Maraccini, Rocky, California
- Martin, Colin, Pastor: England
- Martin, J. Mark
- Mason, Noel, Pastor: Oregon Conference
- Masters, George, Teacher: Central California Conference
- McCauley, Norman, Pastor: Northern New England Conference
- McCormack, Kevin, Pastor: Southern California Conference
- McHarg, Winston, Pastor: Australia (resigned in advance)
- McMurphy, Elmore, College Professor: Pacific Union College
- Merrill, Ben, Pastor: Oregon Conference
- Moorehead, Doug, Teacher: Florida Conference
- Moran, Don, Literature Evangelist: Central California Conference
- Newman, Ray, Pastor: New South Wales, Australia
- Palmer, Bob, Pastor: Northern California Conference
- Pangborn, Tom, Pastor: Oregon Conference
- Parkin, Herb, Pastor: Western Australia
- Patterson, Mark, Pastor: Northern California Conference
- Peck, Clay, Colorado
- Peisert, Greg, Pastor : Iowa Conference
- Pitman, Hughie, Pastor: Florida Conference
- Pobke, Wayne, Pastor: South Australia
- Polglase, John, Pastor: Western Australia
- Pursley, Mkhael, Pastor: Pennsylvania Conference
- Ralph, Kevin, Pastor: Australia
- Rapp, Jim, Pastor: Southern California Conference
- Ratzlaff, Dale, Pastor: Central California Conference
- Rea, Walter, Pastor: Southern California Conference
- Rendalen, Aage, Editor: Norway (actually withdrew from church over doctrinal reasons, not fired)
- Retief, P.J., Pastor: South Africa
- Rollings, Dean, Pastor: Queensland, Australia
- Ruppert, Greg, Pastor: Northern California Conference
- Saladino, Joe, Pastor: Kansas Conference
- Schafer, Gary, Pastor: Oregon Conference
- Schuster, Craig, Pastor: Alabama-Mississippi Conference
- Sellers, Dennis, Evangelist : Washington - Upper Columbia Conf.
- Shumate, Gordon, Pastor: Singapore
- Smith, Neville, Pastor: South Australia (Victoria)
- Stambaugh, R. Glen: Oregon Conference of SDA
- Suessenbach, Heinz, Pastor: Western Australia
- Summers, Lloyd, Pastor: Oregon Conference
- Swanepoel, Martin, Pastor : South Africa (Transvaal Conf.)
- Taylor, Greg, North Carolina
- Toews, John, Pastor: Southeastern California Conference
- van Rooyen, Smuts, Religion Prof.: Andrews University
- Vorhies, Wayne, Pastor: Colorado Conference
- Waterhouse, Wayne, Pastor: Texas Conference
- Waterworth, David, Pastor: South Australia
- Weaver, Bruce, Pastor: Arkansas-Louisiana Conference
- Wells, Dan, Pastor: Southeastern California Conference
- Willruth, Bart, Doctoral Student: Andrews University
- Winger, Nordon, Pastor: Northern California Conference
- Zapara, John, Pastor: Northern California Conference
Location |
Number of SDA Pastors fired |
Alabama -Mississippi |
1 |
Andrews Uniuerslty |
4 |
Arkansas -Louisiana |
4 |
Australia/New Zealand |
17 |
California |
21 |
Canada |
3 |
Colorado |
1 |
England |
1 |
Florida |
4 |
Georgia-Cumberland |
1 |
lowa |
2 |
Kansas |
2 |
Missouri |
2 |
Northern New England |
1 |
Norway |
1 |
Oregon |
11 |
Ohio |
1 |
Pennsyluania |
1 |
South Africa |
8 |
Singapore |
1 |
Texas |
3 |
Upper Columbia |
2 |
Washington |
2 |
West Virginia |
3 |
Wisconsin |
1 |

We Speak truth in LOVE
"you are seeking to kill Me, a man who has told you the truth" Jn 8:40