Cypriot Pottery
From the Island of Cypress
Pottery of the Bible
Cypriot pottery
From the Island of
Cypress, this pottery was key to proving the location of Jericho.

- Although
Kathleen Kenyon made great contributions to controlled stratigraphic
excavation techniques, she was above all A BIBLE HATING SKEPTIC.
- Pottery
is one of the key methods of dating an ancient ruined city and Kenyon had
no training or experience in reading pottery. In fact, in her final
report, she devoted a single short paragraph to pottery.
- Kathleen
Kenyon rejected the Bible story of Joshua causing the walls of Jericho to
fall based primarily on pottery. She never found Cypriot pottery herself
and she misread the pottery she did find by over 150 years too early.
- Kathleen
Kenyon excavated Jericho in the 1950's and concluded that the walls fell
150 years before the Bible says they did in 1600 BC because she had no
training in reading late Bronze pottery and she ignored the fact that
Garstang found imitation Cypriotware in his excavations in the 1920's.
Dr. Bryant Wood has a PhD in Late Bronze pottery and when he reexamined
Kenyon's misdated pottery, he proved her conclusions wrong and gave
Jericho back to Bible believing Christians.
- Kathleen
Kenyon (excavations: 1952-58) said the tel belonged to time much earlier
and could not be Biblical Jericho based on the absence of the imported
Cypriote ware pottery. She did acknowledge the city was, "blackened
or reddened by fire. . . in most rooms the fallen debris was heavily
burnt," Digging Up Jericho, 1957, p. 370
- Bryant
Wood, Professor of Near Eastern Studies, University of Toronto noted that
Garstang had found the diagnostic "Imitation Cypriotware"
pottery on the east side of the tel, a more prosperous part of the city.
Additionally he found a continuous series of Egyptian scarabs with dated
inscriptions on bottom. Unbroken series extended from 18th century BC to
time of Israel's conquest (1406 BC).

- The
sequence of continuous occupation at Beidha is unique in the Levant. Similarities
exist between the round buildings at Beidha and Jericho because at both
sites, round buildings were replaced by square ones. At Jericho, it is not
clear if the round or later square buildings were destroyed by the Hebrews
during the conquest in 1446 BC. But Joshua placed a curse upon the city
and it appears to have not been rebuilt until the time of Hiel in 860 BC:
Jericho continued to be occupied down to the time of Jesus: "Then
Joshua made them take an oath at that time, saying, "Cursed before
the Lord is the man who rises up and builds this city Jericho; with the loss of his firstborn he
shall lay its foundation, and with the loss of his youngest son he
shall set up its gates."" Joshua 6:26 "In his days Hiel the Bethelite built Jericho; he laid its
foundations with the loss of Abiram his firstborn, and set up its
gates with the loss of his youngest son Segub, according to the
word of the Lord, which He spoke by Joshua the son of Nun." 1 Kings
16:34. "He entered Jericho and was
passing through. And there was a man called by the name of Zaccheus; he was a chief tax collector and he was
rich." Luke 19:1-2: "PPNB: Beidha is
currently the only southern Levantine site that documents this transition
in residential architecture. Elsewhere in the southern Levant, the
transition is either completely abrupt without transitional steps (such as
at Jericho) or else PPNB sites have either curvilinear or rectangular
architecture (Byrd 2000). At Jericho, largely
undifferentiated PPNA curvilinear buildings were abruptly replaced by PPNB
rectangular pier houses considerably earlier than rectangular buildings
were first constructed at Beidha (Kenyon 1981). The pier-house
style of architecture was then used over a wide area of the southern
Levant during the PPNB and was well suited to be internally subdivided
(Byrd and Banning 1988)." (Early
Village Life At Beidha: Neolithic, Brian Byrd, 2005 AD, Conclusion)
- "For
example, at many early village communities (such as Jericho, CayOnti, and
Abu Hureyra) individual buildings were repeatedly built virtually directly
on top of earlier ones (Kenyon 1981; Moore et al. 2001; Ozdogan and
6zdogan 1989). This may imply that building plots were subject to
ownership." (Early
Village Life At Beidha: Neolithic, Brian Byrd, 2005 AD, Conclusion)
Steve Rudd: Contact the author for
comments, input or corrections.