The Canon of Marcion the heretic
A conservative, bible believing
God's providence gave us the 27
book New Testament Canon, not the church. God, not men decided the canon. This
providence does not mean that church leaders were inspired in their selecting
the canon, only that God had his eye on the scriptures the whole time and
brought about His will to form the Bible we see today!
The Canon of Marcion the heretic
I. Who was Marcion and when did he live?
- Marcion
was born about 110 AD, being the son of the wealthy Bishop of Sinope in
- By
144 AD, at age 34, Marcion had caused such a stir, that his teachings were
the subject of an investigation and condemnation.
II. What did Marcion believe that made him a dangerous heretic:
- Marcion
believed that the God of the Old Testament was an evil creator god that
Jesus came to destroy.
- Marcion
believed that this evil god did in fact reveal his will through the Old
Testament. Thus he believed in the "inspiration" of the Old
Testament from divine sources, although from an evil source.
- Marcion's
canon: Luke + Paul's writings. Marcion accepted only the gospel of Luke to
the exclusion of the other three gospels. He also accepted all of Paul's
writings but he would "cut out" any Old Testament quote or
anything else that contradicted his theological views. He rejected all
other books of the Bible except Luke + Paul's writings.
- "It
is usually said that Marcion "rejected" the Old Testament and
accepted in its place only his own canon of Luke plus Pauline Epistles, edited
to remove all allusions to the Old Testament. This, however, obscures two
important points. First, Marcion's rejection of the Old Testament was
indeed total, in that he regarded it as completely alien to the revelation
of salvation brought by Jesus and recorded in the New Testament documents
he accepted. But this was not because he did not believe that the God of
the Old Testament actually existed, or thought that the Old Testament
itself was a purely human invention, pseudo-oracles of an imaginary god.
On the contrary, Marcion firmly believed that the Old Testament God did
exist, and that he was the Creator of the world. The problem was that his
creation was evil, and he himself therefore a malign being; it was
precisely the role of Jesus, and of the Unknown God now revealed in him,
to deliver humankind from the malice of the evil Creator. Furthermore, the
creator-god really had spoken the words attributed to him in the Old
Testament: these were fully true and accurate oracles, not a human
invention. They truly expressed the thoughts of the maker of the universe,
and there could be no question of suggesting that they had been falsified
in any way or contaminated by human intervention. "The Jewish
Scriptures represent a true revelation of the Creator, but they do not
speak of or for the God whom alone Christians ought to
worship."" Marcion's "rejection" of the Old Testament
thus needs to be qualified."" (Lee Martin McDonald, James A.
Sanders, Editors: The Canon Debate; John Barton, Marcion Revisited, p 344,
- "Marcion,
we may conclude, was important for two reasons. He rejected the Old
Testament as the document of an alien religion; and he taught that Jesus
had come to save humankind from the control of the evil Creator to whom
the Old Testament witnesses. These are precisely the two aspects of his
work on which patristic condemnations, from Tertullian onwards, focus. In
the process he denied the validity of allegorical interpretation of the
Old Testament, which he saw as a means of accommodating it to Christian
belief; this too is picked up by Tertullian. In short, Marcion was not a
major influence on the formation of the New Testament; he was simply a
Marcionite." (Lee Martin McDonald, James A. Sanders, Editors: The
Canon Debate; John Barton, Marcion Revisited, p 354, 2002)
III. Others quickly identified Marcion as a dangerous heretic:
- At
any rate, it is clear that Tertullian was not the first to realize that
there was a problem with Marcion's Bible and try to answer his claims.
(Lee Martin McDonald, James A. Sanders, Editors: The Canon Debate; Everett
Ferguson, Factors Leading to the Selection and Closure of the New
Testament Canon, p 311, 2002)
- Tertullian
too contrasted Marcion's reductionism with what he considered Valentinus's
expansion of the gospel material: 'Of the scriptures we have our being
before there was any other way, before they were interpolated by
[heretics]. . . . One man perverts the scriptures with his hand, another
their meaning by his exposition. For although Valentinus seems to use the
entire volume, he has nonetheless laid violent hands on the truth only
with a more cunning mind and skill than Marcion. Marcion expressly and
openly used the knife, not the pen, since he made such an excision of the
scriptures as suited his own subject-matter. Valentinus, however,
abstained from such excision, because he did not invent scriptures to square
with his own subject-matter ... and yet he took away more, and added more,
by removing the proper meaning of every particular word....' (Praescr. 38)
(Lee Martin McDonald, James A. Sanders, Editors: The Canon Debate; Everett
Ferguson, Factors Leading to the Selection and Closure of the New
Testament Canon, p 312, 2002)
IV. Marcion's canon was much less than what was already accepted
as scripture by Christians in general.
- Marcion's
concern was to exclude books that he disapproved of from his
"canon." He was not assembling a collection of Christian books,
but making a (very restricted) selection from the corpus of texts which
already existed and which must already have been recognized as sacred by
many in the church-otherwise he would not have needed to insist on
abolishing them. (Lee Martin McDonald, James A. Sanders, Editors: The
Canon Debate; John Barton, Marcion Revisited, p 342, 2002)
- The
New Testament books, or at any rate the central "core" of the
Gospels and the Pauline and Catholic Epistles, were already used very
widely in the time before Marcion, and continued to be so used after him.
(Lee Martin McDonald, James A. Sanders, Editors: The Canon Debate; John
Barton, Marcion Revisited, p 343, 2002)
- In
his attitude to the Old Testament Marcion really does look more like an
innovator than he was in his "canonization" of the New
Testament. Nevertheless it is unlikely that his theology seemed so new to
him. Rather, he regarded it as the continuation of a central theme in
Paul: the supersession of the law by the gospel. Paul "spoiled"
the novelty of this theme by continuing to quote the Old Testament as
though it were authoritative for Christians, and Marcion accordingly had
to expurgate even the Pauline letters that he retained. (Lee Martin
McDonald, James A. Sanders, Editors: The Canon Debate; John Barton,
Marcion Revisited, p 351, 2002)
V. Roman Catholic and Orthodox get Marcion wrong:
James Bernstein, an Orthodox church leader wrote:
first person on record who tried to establish a New Testament canon was the
second-century heretic, Marcion. ... Many scholars believe that it was partly
in reaction to this distorted canon of Marcion that the early Church determined
to create a clearly defined canon of its own." (Which Came First: The
Church or the New Testament?, Fr. James Bernstein, Orthodox churchman, 1994, p
2. Refutation of James Bernstein
It is
clear from our documentation that most scholars today reject the idea that
Marcion had any direct influence on the development of the canon. But the
Orthodox church wants to desperately to believe that there was no Bible till
the 4th century and that church tradition was the rule of the day.
consensus of scholars is the Marcion started with a larger list of New
Testament books and from this list of universally known inspired books, started
removing books from the list.
clearly proves that all the writings of Paul were considered inspired and
universally distributed. The Orthodox church practices countless things the
contradict the writings of Paul.
- When
we study Marcion, it should be obvious that the vast majority of New
Testament books were already recognized as part of the New Testament
- Marcion's
specific removal and denial of many New Testament books from his own
canon, including all of Peter, James and John, proves they were already in
use between 125-144 AD and widely accepted as scripture.
By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for
comments, input or corrections.