The council of Jamnia
(The Old Testament Canon)
90 AD
A conservative, bible believing
God's providence gave us the 27
book New Testament Canon, not the church. God, not men decided the canon. This
providence does not mean that church leaders were inspired in their selecting
the canon, only that God had his eye on the scriptures the whole time and
brought about His will to form the Bible we see today!
The council
of Jamnia: 90 AD
- In
90 AD, the council of Jamnia was unimportant in determining the Jewish
- It
was not a major council like Nicea, but a small collection of rabbinic
Jewish leaders.
- They
did not gather to determine the canon of the Old Testament, but rather
limited their discussion to the books of Ecclesiastes and the Song of
- Roman
Catholics and Orthodox leaders misrepresent history when they make claims
that the Canon of the Old Testament was not fixed until the council of
Jamnia in 90 AD. They desperately don't want to be bound to following the
Bible. Roman Catholics and Orthodox leaders feel that re-writing history
to suggest the canon of the Jews was not fixed until after the Jewish
system was abolished in 70 AD, is as absurd as it is wishful thinking.
Think about it, only after God destroys the Jewish religion, do the Jews
get a fixed canon.
- There
was clearly a fixed canon long before Jesus was born and when Jesus was
tempted by the Bible three times, he did not reply, "human, man-made
church tradition says Satan" Rather all three times Jesus replied,
"It is written", (Matthew 4:1-4) referring to the Old Testament
canon. In other words, the Devil didn't ask, "Written in what?"
for everyone, including even the Devil knew what books were included in
the Old Testament.
I. Discussion:
- Frank
M. Cross designates the Council of Jamnia "a common and somewhat
misleading designation of a particular session of the rabbinic academy (or
court) at Yabneh." He adds, "Recent sifting of the rabbinic
evidence makes clear that in the proceedings at the academy of Yabneh the
Rabbis did not fix the canon, but at most discussed marginal books,
notably Ecclesiastes (Qohelet) and the Song of Songs. . . . Moreover, it
must be insisted that the proceedings at Yabneh were not a `council,'
certainly not in the late ecclesiastical sense." Cross sees Josephus,
independent of any Jamnia proceedings, reflecting "a clear and
coherent theological doctrine of canon that must stem, we believe, from
canonical doctrine of Hillel and his school." Albert Sundberg
recognizes that the "Council of Jamnia" hypothesis is dead. At
the same time, still contending that the Hebrew tripartite canon was
probably fixed between 70 and 135 C.E., he suggests that my own view of
the hypothesis may have been too quickly accepted. He asks, "What
alternatives are there to Jamnia as the venue?" Lee McDonald
summarizes the case, "There is evidence that a discussion was held at
Jamnia on the canonical status of Ecclesiastes and the Song of Songs, but
this is not enough to suggest that any binding or official decisions were
made regarding the scope of the biblical canon at Jamnia." (Lee
Martin McDonald, James A. Sanders, Editors: The Canon Debate; Jack P.
Lewis, Jainnia Revisited, p 161, 2002)
- "it
appears that a general consensus already existed regarding the extent of
the category called Scripture, so that even the author of 4 Ezra, though
desiring to add one of his own, was obliged to recognize this consensus in
his distinction between public and hidden Scripture." (The Council Of
Jamnia And The Old Testament Canon, Robert C. Newman, 1983, abstract)
- A
basic feature of most liberal theories of the Old Testament canon is an
alleged council held at Jamnia about AD 90 which is supposed to have
canonized or at least finalized the Writings or Hagiographa, the third
division of the Hebrew Old Testament. In this paper--a reprint of the
article appearing in the Westminster Theological Journal 38
(Spring, 1976)--the Talmudic evidence for such a council is surveyed. It
is concluded that there is no real evidence for such a council nor for any
binding canonical decisions at that time. Instead there appears to have
existed a consensus on the content of the Old Testament in the first
century AD which was already ancient at that time. (The Council Of Jamnia
And The Old Testament Canon, Robert C. Newman, 1983)
- From
these sources, as well as from the statements in Josephus, 4 Ezra and the
Talmud regarding the cessation of prophecy about the time of Ezra (cited
above, notes 1, 4, 7, 9), and in view of the New Testament use of
"Scripture" as though it were a recognized body of material, it
seems that there was a popular consensus on the books belonging to
Scripture even before the end of the first century A.D. This consensus did
not extend to the question of how these books were to be ordered or
counted, but it did seem to be combined with the belief that these books
had been known publicly since the time of Ezra. (The Council Of Jamnia And
The Old Testament Canon, Robert C. Newman, 1983, conclusion)
II. Roman Catholic and Orthodox leaders deliberately misrepresent history:
1. Misrepresentation
of history:
a. "THE BIBLE OF THE APOSTLES: ... The modern
Jewish canon was not rigidly fixed until the third century A.D. Interestingly,
it is this later version of the Jewish canon of the Old Testament, rather than
the canon of early Christianity, that is followed by most modern Protestants
today. When the Apostles lived and wrote, there was no New Testament and no
finalized Old Testament. The concept of "Scripture" was much less
well-defined than I had envisioned." (Which Came First: The Church or the
New Testament?, Fr. James Bernstein, Orthodox churchman, 1994, p 5, p )
b. "Indeed,
it may not have been until the Council of Jamnia (c. A.D. 90), well into the
Christian era, that the Jews defined their canon." (THE WAY: What Every
Protestant Should Know About the Orthodox Church, Clark Carlton, 1997, p 98)
2. Refutation
of James Bernstein and Clark Carlton (Orthodox):
a. Bernstein,
being an Orthodox apologist, has a direct vested interest in promoting the
superiority of "man made church tradition" over what the Bible says.
b. There
was a well defined canon of the Old Testament well before Jesus walked the
earth. To say that it wasn't until the third century AD that the Jews had a
fixed canon, is just irresponsible to say. It is deliberate misrepresentation
of the facts of history.
By 70 AD most of the books of the New
Testament were written and in full use.
By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for
comments, input or corrections.