Liberal Bible Trashers
“Their unbelief lurks beneath all their
Beware of all "canon" scholars who reject the Bible
A conservative, bible believing
God's providence gave us the 27
book New Testament Canon, not the church. God, not men decided the canon. This providence
does not mean that church leaders were inspired in their selecting the canon,
only that God had his eye on the scriptures the whole time and brought about
His will to form the Bible we see today!

Beware of
all "canon" scholars who reject the Bible
Liberal Bible Trashers
unbelief lurks beneath all their conclusions”
Go to: "Canon of
the Bible" Home Page
Beware of
all "canon" scholars who reject the Bible
Liberal Bible Trashers: “Their unbelief lurks beneath all their conclusions”
is important to know the personal biases of the "scholars and
authorities" who engage in complicated discussions on the topic of the
canon of the Bible. Please keep the following in mind whenever you read any
book on the canon or textual criticism. Try to determine if the author is a
true Bible believer, or just a professional educator with a Ph.D. that has no
personal life in Christ.
- If the
author believes in the existence of the "Q" document, they
reject the Bible and are not true believers. The "Q" document is
supposed to be the original text from which Matthew, Mark and Luke were copied.
Of course there is no evidence of any proof that the "Q"
document ever existed except in the minds of infidels who reject the
concept of Bible inspiration. When these Bible trashers see that parts of
the synoptic gospels are identical and parts are different, they assume
the similar parts were all copied from the "Q" document. Those
who believe in "Q" usually take the more liberal of two
interpretive option. The Holy Spirit chose the wording of all Bible books.
- If the
author believes any of the 27 New Testament books were written after 100
AD, they reject the Bible and are not true believers. These authors
believe the New Testament is unreliable and contains forged books. In
other words, the Bible is the product of humans, rather than the Holy Spirit.
- Remember
that they are basing their information strictly upon recorded history. All
agree that the historical information before 200 AD is too small to make a
reliable judgement.
- They often
base their opinions on history to the exclusion of what is actually in the
Bible. A perfect example of this is the whole discussion regarding when the 27 books were first
called, "the new testament/covenant". Scholars will imply
that the collection of New Testament books were first called the "New
Testament" only after about 150 AD. Yet they fail to observe the
obvious fact that in several books, they are called just that: Luke 22:20;
1 Corinthians 11:25; 2 Corinthians 3:6; Heb 8:6-13; 9:1-4, 15. So instead
of admitting that the earliest Christians MUST have referred to their
collection of books as the New Testament as the Bible itself documents,
they ignore this and base their opinions strictly on extant historical
Eternal destruction
awaits those who doubt
By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for
comments, input or corrections.