The Apostolic fathers viewed Scripture as
a complete pattern that must to be followed
A conservative, bible believing
God's providence gave us the 27
book New Testament Canon, not the church. God, not men decided the canon. This providence
does not mean that church leaders were inspired in their selecting the canon,
only that God had his eye on the scriptures the whole time and brought about
His will to form the Bible we see today!
The Apostolic fathers viewed Scripture as containing a complete
pattern that must to be followed.
- The
earliest Christians were patternists. "Patternism" is a term that
is derived from Rom 617: "But thanks be to God that though you were
slaves of sin, you became obedient from the heart to that form of teaching
to which you were committed". The Greek word is "Morphe"
which means a form or mold into which molten material is poured to create
an object. Patternism is the act of following scripture so closely that
you view it as a mold or form, that we are to duplicate morally and
doctrinally in our lives.
- Roman
Catholics and Othodox leaders are anti-patternist. They refuse to allow
the Bible to govern their lives. They feel that man-made church tradition
can change the Bible. They fell the Bible is not a pattern or form to be
- Earliest
Christians, however, are at variance with Roman Catholics and Othodox
leaders, because the earliest Christians viewed scripture as a pattern to
be followed exactly. They quoted the New Testament to prove their doctrine
- "Is
there a plan within scripture (the rule of truth) by which scripture is to
be interpreted, or does one bring a plan from outside scripture and
rearrange its contents to fit that plan? Irenaeus and the orthodox said
there was a plan or plot within scripture itself. It is all the more
significant that this plot derived from placing the Christian sources of
authority alongside the Old Testament. Irenaeus, after identifying the
triple authority of prophets, Lord, and apostles as
"scriptures," used a graphic illustration from mosaic art to
describe the situation: 'Such, then, is their [disciples of Ptolemaeus]
system, which neither the prophets announced, nor the Lord taught, nor the
apostles delivered, but ... they gather their views from reading
non-scriptural writings .... while they endeavor to adapt with an air of
probability to their own peculiar assertions the parables of the Lord, the
sayings of the prophets, and the words of the apostles in order that their
scheme may not seem altogether without support. In doing so, however, they
disregard the order and the connection [taxis kai heimon] of the scriptures,
and so far as in them lies, dismember and destroy the truth.... Their
manner of acting is just as if one, when a beautiful image of a king has
been constructed by some skillful artist out of precious jewels, should
then take this likeness of the man all to pieces, should rearrange the
gems and so fit them together as to make them into the form of a dog or of
a fox and even that but poorly executed; and should then maintain and
declare that this was the beautiful image of the king that the skillful
artist constructed pointing to the jewels that had been admirably fitted
together by the first artist to form the image of the king but have been
with bad effect transferred by the latter one to the shape of a dog, and
by thus exhibiting the jewels should deceive the ignorant who had no
conception what a king's form was like and persuade them that the
miserable likeness of the fox was in fact the beautiful image of the
king.' (Haer. 1.8.1)" (Lee Martin McDonald, James A. Sanders,
Editors: The Canon Debate; Everett Ferguson, Factors Leading to the
Selection and Closure of the New Testament Canon, p 313, 2002)
- "Tertullian
in his Prescription against Heretics disagrees concerning who has the
right to interpret the scriptures. 'They [heretics] treat of the scriptures
and recommend their opinions out of the scriptures. To be sure, they do.
From what other source could they derive arguments concerning the things
of the faith, except from the records of the faith?' (ch. 14). He
denies this right to the heretics because the scriptures belong to the
catholic Christians (ch. 15; 19). He charged Valentinus with tampering
with the scriptures "by his different expositions and acknowledged
emendations" (Praescr. 30). The gnostic controversy made imperative a
clarification of what writings accurately expressed apostolic teaching and
apostolic authority. Against the secret tradition claimed by certain
gnostic Christians, Irenaeus appealed to the public teaching of the
churches. This included the teaching of the scriptures, as can be seen by
Irenaeus's refutation in Books 3-5 of Adversus haereses. Irenaeus is
recognized as the first orthodox Christian author whose works argue from
scripture as a whole. After setting forth the views of the heretics (book
l) and giving a rational refutation (book 2), he declares that he will
devote a special book to the "scriptures of the Lord" (2.35.4),
referring to the immediately mentioned preaching and teaching of the
apostles, Lord, prophets, and law. As he begins to adduce "proofs
from the scriptures" (3 praef.), he appeals to the gospel first
proclaimed in canon, but William R. Farmer has called attention to how
suitable the New Testament canon was for strengthening Christians facing
martyrdom. (Lee Martin McDonald, James A. Sanders,
Editors: The Canon Debate; Everett Ferguson, Factors Leading to the
Selection and Closure of the New Testament Canon, p 314, 2002)
- "Since
therefore we have such proofs, it is not necessary to seek the truth among
others which it is easy to obtain from the Church; since the apostles,
like a rich man [depositing his money] in a bank, lodged in her hands most
copiously all things pertaining to the truth: so that every man, whosoever
will, can draw from her the water of life. For she is the entrance to
life; all others are thieves and robbers. On this account are we bound to
avoid them, but to make choice of the thing pertaining to the
Church with the utmost diligence, and to lay hold of the tradition of the
truth. For how stands the case? Suppose there arise a dispute relative to
some important question among us, should we not have recourse to the most
ancient Churches with which the apostles held constant intercourse, and
learn from them what is certain and clear in regard to the present
question? For how should it be if the apostles themselves had not left us
writings? Would it not be necessary, [in that case,] to follow the course
of the tradition which they handed down to those to whom they did commit
the Churches?" (Irenaeus, book 3, Chapter IV.-The Truth is to Be Found
Nowhere Else But in the Catholic Church, the Sole Depository of
Apostolical Doctrine. Heresies are of Recent Formation, and Cannot Trace
Their Origin Up to the Apostles)
- Augustine,
in a large book where he teaches every Christian in the pews, not the
leaders as Roman Catholics would expect, about how they should study the
scriptures: "Accordingly, among the canonical Scriptures he will
judge according to the following standard: to prefer those that are
received by all the catholic churches to those which some do not receive.
Among those, again, which are not received by all, he will prefer such as
have the sanction of the greater number and those of greater authority, to
such as are held by the smaller number and those of less authority. If,
however, he shall find that some books are held by the greater number of
churches, and others by the churches of greater authority (though this is
not a very likely thing to happen), I think that in such a case the
authority on the two sides is to be looked upon as equal."
(Augustine, Book 2, Chapter 8, The Canonical Books)
- Of
interest here is the fact that the community of faith, rather than church
authorities, were responsible for this process; what they determined to be
edifying and useful later found a place in the canon. Church authorities
only authorized or sanctioned what had already been in use. (Lee Martin
McDonald, James A. Sanders, Editors: The Canon Debate; Kent D. Clarke, The
Problem of Pseudonymity in Biblical Literature and Its Implications for
Canon Formation, p 467, 2002)
By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for
comments, input or corrections.