Calvinism Refuted
Total hereditary depravity
(or Inherited Sin)

We Speak truth in LOVE

Unavoidable Consequences of Inherited Sin:
A. Jesus inherited the depraved nature and guilt of sin like any
other man, otherwise
- Jesus had an advantage in overcoming
sin that we do not.
- Jesus was not made like his brethren in
all things" Heb 2:14-18
- Jesus was not tempted in all things just
as we are. Heb 4:15
B. Man has no responsibility to hear and obey the gospel
(irresistible grace)
- Calvinists teach that man being
depraved, cannot comprehend the gospel message. The Holy Spirit must
specifically touch an individual, thus allowing them to respond to the
gospel. Thus man cannot be saved without the direct and miraculous
operation of the Holy Spirit.
- If men go to hell, it is because God
never extended his Holy Spirit to that individual, thus giving them the
ability to accept and comprehend the gospel then:
- God is therefore responsible for all
the unsaved going to hell.
- God created certain men who never had
any chance or opportunity to be saved!
- This makes God a respecter of
C. Man is not responsible for his sin, since he has no freewill
- There is little difference between
"the devil made me do it" and "Adam made me do it"
- Ultimately, God is responsible for
man's sin because that is the way God created us at conception. Like
migrating birds that have no choice, we are acting out of nature and
D. Unelect Newborn babies go to hell. Every newborn is
"utterly indisposed, disabled, and made opposite to all good, and wholly
inclined to all evil"
Calvin, the father of Calvinism believed:
- "There
are babies a span long in hell."
- Then every newborn is as wicked as the
Devil himself.
- Newborns that die are lost.
- God failed to provide instructions on
how newborns can be saved.
- God will condemn to hell a newborn for
someone else's sin and something it didn't do.
- Consistent
Calvinists teach newborn babies who die will go to hell.
Did Calvin teach "There are babies a span long in
- John Calvin mystery quote: "There are babies a span
long in hell."
- This specific quote has been attributed to Calvin but is
- There is enough history for us to judge that Calvin
indeed did both teach and say this, even if it has passed down to the
present in oral tradition.
- The Calvinists were accused of teaching this as far back
as the 1600's.
- Inconsistent Calvinists will teach election, predestination
and irresistible grace, but that no newborns go to hell.
- They rationalize predestination and no babies in hell by
asserting that only elect babies die. This ridiculous doctrine also
teaches that unelect babies never die and go to hell, they must wait till
they are 3 - 15 years old before they can go to hell.
- Some can teach this because they realize the words of
Christ prevent it, while ignoring the obvious conclusions of their
I. Here is an historic gallery of Calvinists who taught
babies go to hell:
- Here a Baptist rejects babies are in hell but notes
Calvinists teach it:
- "Infant Salvation: Many and varied problems
are discovered in a study of the doctrine of infant salvation. Like all
salvation issues, the doctrines here involved must ever be correctly
stated and harmonized—election, Anthropology, the fall of the race,
Soteriology, together with redemption. The entire field of sovereign grace
toward a lost world is in view. No theology is established or complete
which does not account for the salvation of those who die in infancy.
This company is great numerically, and without this group some
representation from every tribe and nation might not be included among
the redeemed. Being unable to respond to God’s proffered grace in Christ,
the child, if saved at all, must be saved on other terms than those
imposed upon the adult portion of humanity. God’s freedom to save the
lost in righteousness is evidently at stake. It will be recognized that
when a disproportionate emphasis on the lost estate of men is present
there may well be a tendency to think of all children as if they were
born reprobate. That they are unregenerate at birth is certain; yet God
likewise has in great mercy provided for the unsaved whom it is His
purpose to save. Earlier, extreme Calvinists
asserted that hell is a place paved with infants not over a span long;
because of this sort of teaching and as a heritage from Rome came about
the belief in baptismal regeneration. To such a position, of course, the
Word of God gives no sanction either directly or indirectly." (Systematic
theology, Doctrinal Summarization vol 7., Lewis Sperry Chafer, Dallas
Theological Seminary, 1993 AD)
- This historical account written in 1760 about George Whitefield who was an Anglican who went on to found
Methodism. It is important to realize that Whitefield was indeed a
Calvinst who taught it was impossible to be born again until the Holy
Spirit enlightened you. This pamphlet was written by John Harman who theologically disagreed with Whitefield. John Harman
gathered the quotes and doctrinal statements and ideas from first hand
witness to George Whitefield's preaching. It is interesting
that the idea of children in hell dates back at least to 1760 AD.
- "The Scurrilous Pamphlet THE CROOKED DISCIPLE AND
THE BLIND GUIDE A pamphlet that now lies before me, published in London
in 1760, shows how low, mean, and contemptible the opposers of Mr. Whitefield
were—how bold and barefaced their opposition. They jeered at his person,
nicknaming him “Dr. Squintum,” they ridiculed his attitudes, his prayers,
and sermons. They burlesqued and caricatured him every way. The following
is the title of the pamphlet: “The Crooked Disciple’s Remarks upon the
Blind Guide’s Method of Preaching, for some Years. Being a Collection of
the Principal Words, Sayings, Phraseology, Rhapsodies, Hyperboles,
Parables, and Miscellaneous Incongruities of the Sacred and Profane, commonly,
repeatedly, and peculiarly made use of by the Reverend DR. SQUINTUM.
Delivered by him viva voce ex cathedra at Tottenham Court, Moorfields,
etc. A Work never before Attempted: Taken Verbatim from a Constant
Attendance, whereby the Honesty of this Preacher’s Intentions may be
Judged of from his own Doctrine. By the Learned Mr. John Harman,
Regulator of Enthusiasts, London. Printed for and sold by the Author, and
by the Book-sellers in Paternoster Row. N.B.—This Performance will be
found by Analogy to be a Useful and Conscientious Regulator to the
Methodists. (Price one shilling.)” The author of the pamphlet has a
preface according with the title-page which he submits “To the Publick.” “I
have nothing further to premise, by way of preface, than that the importance
and utility of the present subject has induced me to submit the following
doctrine to the consideration of the Publick, namely, “1. The efficacy of
the spirit of Christ warmly and irresistibly felt in the heart.—This is
his Doctrine of Regeneration and Predestination. “2. A Person is not a Christian, nor does he receive this
spirit, by baptism, but by the New Birth; for there are Children in Hell,
(as he says,) though baptized, who are not a span long.—This is his
Doctrine of Reprobation. “3. It matters not what Religion you
are of, whether Church of England, Presbyterian, Anabaptist, Quaker,
Ranter, Muggletonian, or be of what Religion you will; provided you feel
Christ in your heart you’ll all go to Heaven.—This is his Doctrine of
Reconciliation. “4. A strict observation of the Sabbath, festivals,
religious ceremonies, etc., is all Stuff, and not positive
Christianity.—This is his Doctrine of Indifference and Inessentiality. “5.
That he can tell when a person shall go to Heaven or plunge into Hell as
well as you can see the shining of the sun at noonday.—This is his
Doctrine of Assurance. “6. Persons frequenting balls, plays, operas,
routs, masquerades, gaming, or any other kind of diversions, are
diabolical.—This is his Doctrine of Sorrow and Lamentation. “These six
Articles comprehend the scope and tenets of his pious religion.” (The
prince of pulpit orators: a portraiture of Rev. George Whitefield., J. B.
Wakeley, p 245, 1871 AD)
- John Wesley was also a founder of Methodism, but unlike
George Whitefield and the creed adopted by the historic and modern Methodist
church, John Wesley opposed Calvinism. This led him to criticize Calvinism
and specifically the doctrine of predestination which he believed clearly
taught that there would be unelect babies in hell. He rejected predestination
and the idea that any babies were in hell. It is interesting that this was
a common charge against Calvinists as far back as 1771 AD. Here we have
two founding fathers of Methodism TEACHING OPPOSITE AND CONTRODICTORY
- "27. This is the blasphemy for which (however I love
the persons who assert it) I abhor the doctrine of predestination, a
doctrine, upon the supposition of which, if one could possibly suppose it
for a moment, (call it election, reprobation, or what you please, for all
comes to the same thing,) one might say to our adversary, the devil,
“Thou fool, why dost thou roar about any longer? Thy lying in wait for
souls is as needless and useless as our preaching. Hearest thou not, that
God hath taken thy work out of thy hands; and that he doeth it much more
effectually? Thou, with all thy principalities and powers, canst only so
assault that we may resist thee; but He can irresistibly destroy both
body and soul in hell! Thou canst only entice; but his unchangeable
decrees, to leave thousands of souls in death, compels them to continue
in sin, till they drop into everlasting burnings. Thou temptest; He
forceth us to be damned; for we cannot resist his will. Thou fool, why
goest thou about any longer, seeking whom thou mayest devour? Hearest
thou not that God is the devouring lion, the destroyer of souls, the
murderer of men” Moloch caused only children to pass though the fire: and
that fire was soon quenched; or, the corruptible body being consumed, its
torment was at an end; but God, thou are told, by his eternal decree,
fixed before they had done good or evil, causes, not only children of a span long, but the parents also,
to pass through the fire of hell, the ‘fire which never shall be quenched;
and the body which is cast thereinto, being now incorruptible and
immortal, will be ever consuming and never consumed, but ‘the smoke of
their torment,’ because it is God’s good pleasure, ‘ascendeth up for ever
and ever.’ ” (Sermons, on several occasions, John Wesley (1771
- John Flavel was a Presbyterian and therefore
a hardcore calvinist. Here we see him clearly teaching infants are in
- "Argument 1. It should exceedingly dissuade from
this sin, to consider that it is an high abuse of the bounty and goodness
of God in affording us those sweet refreshments, to make our lives
comfortable to us upon earth. In Adam we
forfeited all right to all earthly as well as heavenly mercies: God might
have taken thee from the womb, when thou wast a sinner but of a span
long, and immediately have sent thee to thine own place; thou hadst no
right to a drop of water more than what the bounty of God gave thee: And
whereas he might have thrust thee out of the world as soon as thou camest
into it, and so all those days of mercy thou hast had on earth might have
been spent in howling and unspeakable misery in hell: Behold the bounty and goodness of God to thee;
I say, behold it, and wonder: He hath suffered thee for so many years to
live upon the earth, which he hath prepared and furnished with all things
fit for thy necessity and delight: Out of the earth, on which thou
treadest, “he bringeth forth thy food, and [wine] to make glad thy
heart,” Psal. 104:14, 15. And dost thou thus requite the Lord? Hath mercy
armed an enemy to fight against it with its own weapons? Ah! that ever
the riches of his goodness, bounty, and long-suffering, all which are
arguments to lead thee to repentance, should be thus abused! If God had
not been so bountiful, thou couldst not have been so sinful." (The
Whole Works of the Rev. Mr. John Flavel, 1627-1691 AD, Presbyterian,
Volume 5, Page 299, 1820 AD)
- Isaac Watts was a Dissenter from Anglican
the way Luther was of Roman Catholic. In this article Watts discusses the
various views taught in the Anglican church about children in Hell. It
appears that Watts himself rejected the doctrine although there were at
least two different groups from among his "dissenters" who
indeed taught it in the 1700's.
- " Since I have occasion, in this place to mention
the education of children amongst the persons of the established church,
and those that have separated from it, I could scarce excuse it to my own
conscience, if I should neglect to make this solemn remark on both, viz.
that there is something very dangerous that is early impressed on the
minds of children of the one party and the other, and they unhappily
learn it from the different respective catechisms, in which they are
instructed. The children who are educated in the church of England, as
soon as they have learned to answer “what is their name?” they are
immediately told in the next answer, that in their baptism, “they are
made the members of Christ, the children of God, and inheritors of the
kingdom of heaven.” This arises from the doctrine they are generally
taught, that baptism and regeneration are much the same thing, or that
all men are regenerated by being baptised; whereas in scripture, baptism
is but an emblem and representation of such a change of the heart, as
regeneration requires and implies; and for want of this distinction, the
children usually grow up through all their stations in life, without
enquiring whether they have had any such real change in their souls, as
includes in it repentance for sin, and a turn of soul towards God and
godliness, whereby a man is born again and becomes a new creature. And
this necessary change, upon which the favour of God, and an interest in
the salvation of Christ, and the kingdom of heaven depend, is very
grossly and shamefully neglected by them through their whole lives, they
always supposing as they have been taught, that all this work is done in
baptism. And for this reason many divines of the church of England have
heartily wished that either these words in the catechism were a little
altered, or that this answer should never be taught to children without
explaining the meaning of it. Among the
dissenters, one part of the education is usually learning the
catechism, written by the assembly of divines at Westminster, Now in the
19th answer it is said, “That all mankind by their fall,—are under the
wrath and curse of God, and so made liable to all the miseries in this
life, to death itself, and to the pains of hell for ever:” And some persons have been so grossly unwise, as to
assert under this influence, that there are children of a span long
suffering the vengeance of God in hell, for their interest in the Sin of
Adam. Now the very hint of such a notion frights children
terribly, and while they are required to love God with all their
hearts, it gives them a very terrible and cruel notion of the great
and blessed God, who has ordained young children to these everlasting
torments for the sin of Adam. There are some that deny this answer, and
renounce this doctrine roundly. Indeed there is
one author that has endeavoured to explain it in a moderate way,
and to make a just distinction upon this subject, and that is in the last
question of a book called the “ruin and recovery of mankind.” There it is
shewn that all good christians, by their faith in Christ, are become the
children of Abraham, and that they and their infant children have an
interest in the promise made to Abraham, Gal. 3:26, 29. viz. that God
would be their God, and the God of their seed,” which gives abundant
hope for the children of good parents dying in infancy, that they are
translated to the blessedness of heaven, and the hope of a joyful
resurrection by the covenant of Abraham. And
it is the children of the wicked, who have never accepted of the covenant
of grace, are left under the curse, that is, of temporal
death, which Adam had incurred for himself and his posterity, and that
without any prediction or promise of any resurrection at all. Now I speak
of those who never sinned actually, nor enjoyed a state of personal trial
for themselves in this world. “See the original writer.” When these
things will be corrected in the education of children, of the one side or
the other, it is only the providence of God can determine." (The Works
Of The Rev. Isaac Watts, 1674-1748 AD, Dissenter from Anglican,
vol 3, p236, 1812AD)
- Although the quote, "There are babies a span long in
hell." Has not been found from the pen of Calvin directly, there is
enough circumstantial evidence that Calvin probably said it:
- That unelect newborns go to hell is entirely consistent
in the system of Calvinism as a direct predictable consequential
- Calvin never taught that unelect newborns DO NOT GO TO
- Non-calvinsist attacked Calvinist believing religious
leaders by accusing them of teaching, "There are babies a span long
in hell."
- Calvinists, though not Calvin himself, are specifically
noted as saying, "There are babies a span long in hell." or the
same thing in different words.
- Historically the question of non-elect babies going to
hell was a flashpoint of debate that centered around Calvinism
- The truth is that John Calvin was a heretic and a false
- Babies do not inherit any guilt of sin from Adam or
anyone. Children are innocent and sinless.
- Predestination is a false doctrine because any man and
every man can be saved he so chooses.
- Churches that teach ANY of the 5 points of Calvinism are
forced through consistency, to teach that babies go to hell.
- In the above survey we see that Christian Reform, Anglican
and Presbyterian churches were historically accused of teaching babies
went to hell.
- If you are a Calvinist who agrees with us that no newborn babies
go hell, you need to keep reading to learn why you must either give up
Calvinism ENTIRELY or have the guts and honesty to teach newborns go to
- No newborn babies go to hell. The idea of elect babies go
to heaven and non-elect babies go to hell is heresy and a false doctrine.
By Steve Rudd