The New Apostolic Church Creed
The head of the New Apostolic Church is the Chief Apostle, who is the supreme authority in all Church affairs. His official seat is in Zurich, Switzerland.
(Our Ten Articles of Faith)
The First Article of Faith: I believe in God the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth.
The Second Article of Faith: I believe in Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried, entered the realm of the departed, rose again from the dead, ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty, from whence He shall return.
The Third Article of Faith: I believe in the Holy Ghost; the Holy Apostolic Church; the Community of the Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the dead. and life everlasting.
The Fourth Article of Faith: I believe that the Lord Jesus rules His Church through living Apostles until His return, and that He has sent them into the world and still sends them with the commission to teach, to forgive sins in His name and to baptize with water and the Holy Spirit.
The Fifth Article of Faith: I believe that all ministrations in the Church of Christ are chosen and ordained into their ministries only by Apostles and that all gifts and powers must come forth out of the Apostle ministry; equipped with these, the community becomes a legible letter of Christ.
The Sixth Article of Faith: I believe that the Holy Baptism with water is part of the rebirth, and that a person baptized with water is entitled to the Holy Sealing. It is furthermore the covenant of a good conscience with God.
The Seventh Article of Faith: I believe that the Holy Communion was instituted by the Lord Himself, in memory of the once brought eternally valid sacrifice and the bitter suffering and death of Christ. The worthy partaking of the Holy Communion establishes our fellowship with Jesus Christ, our Lord. It is celebrated with unleavened bread and wine, such to be blessed and dispensed by a Priestly ministry of the Church.
The Eighth Article of Faith: I believe that those baptized with water must through a living Apostle be sealed with the Holy Spirit, to receive the right of the firstborn, whereby they are incorporated as members into the bodY of Christ.
The Ninth Article of Faith: I believe that the Lord Jesus will return as sure as He ascended into heaven and that He will transform and gather the firstfruits of the dead and the living, those who have awaited Him and were prepared for His coming. I believe that after the marriage in heaven He will return to earth with these firstlings to establish His Kingdom of Peace and rule with them as Kings and Priests. After the conclusion of the Millennium, He will conduct the Last Judgment when all the living and the dead shall be judged according to that which they have done during their lifetime, be it good or evil.
The Tenth Article of Faith: "I believe that I am obliged to obey the worldly authorities provided no godly laws are thereby transgressed."