AL B�R�NI, in his "Vestiges of Ancient Nations," written A.D. 1000 (A.H. 390), while describing the customs of the Sabeans, cites the authority of Ibn Ish�c al Kindy, the Christian, in these words:
Likewise Abd al Mas�h ibn Ish�c al Kindy, the Christian, in his reply to the Epistle of Abdallah ibn Isma�l the H�shimite, relates of them (the Sabeans) that they are notorious for Human sacrifice, but that at present they are not able to practise openly the same.1
A work answering the above description has recently been published by the Turkish Mission Aid Society, in Arabic, under the following title : "The Epistle
1 "Chronology of Ancient Nations," p. 187, by Dr. Sachau. London, 1879.