The Mormon Church
The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints

Why we must reject the Book of Mormon and ultimately Mormonism itself!

- There is no room for the Book of Mormon because the Bible itself claims to be all-sufficient, compete and incorruptible and our judge on the last day.
- The Book of Mormon contradicts the Bible.
- The Book of Mormon makes many scientifically false statements.
- Absolutely none of the specific historical content of the Book of Mormon has been verified through Archeological finds.
- We do not have the Gold Nephi Plates for the world to examine.
- Although the original 1830 edition of the Book of Mormon was alleged to be inspired in its English translation, there have been thousands of changes, corrections, additions and deletions. Most Mormons have never seen the original 1830 "inspired" edition and would be shocked if they did.
- Although they claim direct guidance by God, the Mormon church is among the most divided church in the world with more than 89 different sects who will not cooperate with each other.
- The book of Doctrines & Covenants is very different depending upon which sect you are talking to.
- The three witnesses of the B of M were all excommunicated by the Mormon church and were of less than ideal character.