church organization: 588 - 606 AD:
final dog fight between Rome and Constantinople for control of the world!
This was a departure from the
simple bible blueprint of a group of equal elders (presbyters) governing only
within their own local church.
of this section:
588 AD Constantinopolitan synod: John IV the Faster, patriarch of
Constantinople, is granted the title of "oecumenical" or
"universal bishop," but doesn't start using it till 595 AD.
590 AD: Gregory I, the great, becomes Patriarch of Rome, 590-604 AD
595 AD: John IV the Faster, starts using the title of "universal
bishop" and Gregory I, denies the title even for himself. Biship of Rome, Gregory
I protests John IV the Faster's use of the title "universal bishop"
saying such a claim is a sign "the antichrist is near" and calls it a
"proud and profane title" and equates John IV's to the devil himself.
595 AD: John IV the Faster dies on September 2, shortly after claiming
to be pope of the world.
602 AD Roman Emperor Maurice is murdered in a coup by Phocas, who then
becomes emperor.
604 AD Gregory, the bishop of Rome dies and is replaced by Sabinian, who
reigns for two years.
606 AD Sabinian, the bishop of Rome dies and is replaced by Boniface
III. Phocas writes to the new bishop of Rome, Boniface III and through imperial
decree of the Roman government, proclaims Boniface III, as the "Head of
all the Churches" and "Universal Bishop". Phocas transfers the
title from Constantinople to Rome. Boniface III, Bishop of Rome takes title:
"universal Bishop": Catholicism is formally born in its final evolved
form but the east never accepts Rome's claims and finally split fellowship with
Rome in 1054 AD.
607 AD: Boniface III dies on 19 February, shortly after claiming to be
pope of the world. It is interesting that the first eastern leader (John IV) to
proclaim himself as "universal bishop" and the first western
(Boniface III) leader, to do the same, died within 12 months of claiming to be
the "universal bishop". Was God sending a
message here?
In summary, when John IV, Patriarch of Constantinople, started calling
himself the "Universal Bishop" Gregory I, Patriarch of Rome, did not
say, "Hey that's my title, you have right to wear it." Instead
Gregory said that no man should consider himself the "Universal
Bishop" calling it the sign the "antichrist" was near. (see 2
Thess 2:3-4) The bishop of Constantinople, John IV. was saying, "I am over
you", Gregory was saying, "we are equal", even though Gregory
would readily make the false claim that he, not John, was a successor of
Apostle Peter.
Learn from the Bible Blueprint, how the
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Historical Development of the Papal and Patriarchal Systems of Centralized
Church Government.
- 606 AD: The final dog fight between Rome and Constantinople for control of
the world!
A. Our
comments and observations:
- 588 AD marked the beginning of a great power struggle and
rivalry between Old Rome (West, Italy) and New Rome (East,
Constantinople). It was actually this power struggle that accelerated the
Bishop of Rome to take on the title of Universal Bishop. Neither one was
"over" the others district, but were viewed as equals, although
Rome had made claims of supremacy that were not accepted elsewhere.
- Later this title was confirmed to John IV., the Faster,
when he was officially proclaimed "universal bishop" via a synod
in 588 AD by the emperor. Gregory strongly renounced any suggestion that
he was a "universal Bishop" and viciously objected to John IV's
use of it.
- Gregory warns that John's use of "Universal
Bishop" is a sign the antichrist was near! He was referring to this
verse: "Let no one in any way deceive you, for it [the second coming]
will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness
is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes
and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that
he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God."
(2 Thess 2:3-4)
- What is most important here, is that when John IV,
Patriarch of Constantinople, started calling himself the "Universal
Bishop" Gregory I, Patriarch of Rome, did not say, "Hey that's
my title, you have right to wear it." Instead Gregory said that no
man should consider himself the "Universal Bishop" calling it
the sign the "antichrist" was near. (see 2 Thess 2:3-4) The
bishop of Constantinople, John IV. was saying, "I am over you",
Gregory was saying, "we are equal", even though Gregory would
readily admit he, not John, was a successor of Apostle Peter.
- It is interesting that the first eastern leader (John IV)
to proclaim himself as "universal bishop" and the first western
(Boniface III) leader, to do the same, died within 12 months of claiming
to be the "universal bishop". Was God sending a message here?
B. What
scholars say about this period:
- "this patriarchal power was not from the beginning
and to a uniform extent acknowledged in the entire West. Not until the latter part of the sixth century did it
reach the height we have above described. It was not a divine
institution, unchangeably fixed from the beginning for all times, like a
Biblical article of faith; but the result of a
long process of history, a human ecclesiastical institution"
(Philip Schaff, History of the Christian Church, book 3, chapter 5)
- "And such universal power had already been claimed by
Roman pontiffs before Gregory, such as Leo I.,
Felix, Gelasius, Hormisdas, in language and acts more haughty and
self-sufficient than his. [ie. Gregory 1]" (History of the Christian
Church, Philip Schaff, Vol 4, ch 4, 51. Gregory and the Universal
C. 588
AD Constantinopolitan synod: John IV the Faster, patriarch of Constantinople,
is granted the title of "oecumenical" or "universal
bishop," but doesn't start using it till 595 AD.
- This synod, rejects the decree of
Roman emperor Justinian I in 533 AD, that proclaimed the bishop of
Rome supreme head of all churches. Pope Pelagius II immediately protests
the synod of 588. The text of this synod is unknown. A decretal which claims to be the words of the synod, is
an admitted forgery. We regret not having the words of this synod,
for it allows Catholics to make guesses about the content that no one
knows are for sure, creating confusion. We can only know the contents of
the synod, based upon others who reacted to it.
- "In other letters we find him saying, "With
respect to the Constantinopolitan church, who doubts that it is subject to
the apostolical see?" and "I know not what bishop is not subject
to it, if fault is found in him" (Ep. vii. ind. ii. 64, 65). But the
most memorable incidents in this connexion are his remonstrances against
the assumption by John the Faster of the title of oecumenical
or universal bishop. They began in 595, being provoked by the
repeated occurrence of the title in a judgment against an heretical
presbyter which had been sent to Rome. The title
was not new. Patriarchs had been so styled by the emperors Leo and
Justinian, and it had been confirmed to John the Faster and his
successors by a general Eastern synod at Constantinople in 588, pope
Pelagius protesting against it. Gregory now wrote to Sabinianus, his
apocrisiarius at Constantinople, desiring him to use his utmost endeavours
with the patriarch, the emperor, and the empress, to procure the
renunciation of the title; and when this failed, he himself wrote to all
these in peculiarly strong language. The title he called foolish, proud,
pestiferous, profane, wicked, a diabolical usurpation; the ambition of any
who assumed it was like that of Lucifer, and its assumption a sign of the
approach of the king of pride, i.e. Antichrist. His
arguments are such as to preclude himself as well as others from assuming
the title, though he implies that if any could claim it, it would be St.
Peter's successors. Peter, he says, was the first of the apostles, yet
neither he nor any of the others would assume the title universal, being
all members of the church under one head, Christ. He also states (probably
in error) that the title had been offered to the bishop of Rome at the
council of Chalcedon, and refused. Failing entirely to make an
impression at Constantinople, he addressed himself to the Eastern
patriarchs. He wrote to Eulogius of Alexandria and Anastasius of Antioch,
representing the purpose of their brother of Constantinople as being that
of degrading them, and usurping to himself all ecclesiastical power. They,
however, were not thus moved to action; they seem to have regarded the
title as one of honour only, suitable to the patriarch of the imperial
city; and one of them, Anastasius, wrote in reply that the matter seemed
to him of little moment. The controversy continued
after the death of John the Faster. Gregory instructed his
apocrisiarius at Constantinople to demand from the new patriarch,
Cyriacus, as a condition of intercommunion, the renunciation of the proud
and impious title which his predecessor had wickedly assumed. In vain did
Cyriacus send a nuncio to Rome in the hope of arranging matters: Gregory
was resolute, and wrote, "I confidently say
that whosoever calls himself universal priest, or desires to be so called
in his elation, is the forerunner of Antichrist." At this time
he seems to have gained a supporter, if not to his protest, at any rate to
the paramount dignity of his own see, in Eulogius of Alexandria, whom he
had before addressed without result. For in answering a letter from that
patriarch, he acknowledges with approval the dignity assigned by him to
the see of St. Peter, and expresses adroitly a curious view of his
correspondent, as well as the patriarch of Antioch, being a sharer in it.
"Who does not know," he says, "that the church was built
and established on the firmness of the prince of the apostles, by whose
very name is implied a rock? Hence, though there were several apostles,
there is but one apostolic see, that of the prince of the apostles, which
has acquired great authority; and that see is in three places, in Rome
where he died, in Alexandria where it was founded by his disciple St.
Mark, and in Antioch where he himself lived seven years. These three,
therefore, are but one see, and on that one see sit three bishops, who are
but one in Him Who said, I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in
you." But when Eulogius in a second letter
styled the bishop of Rome universal pope, Gregory warmly rejected such a
title, saying, "If you give more to me than is due to me, you rob
yourself of what is due to you. Nothing can redound to my honour that
redounds to the dishonour of my brethren. If you call me universal pope,
you thereby own yourself to be no pope. Let no such titles be mentioned or
ever heard among us." (Henry Wace, A Dictionary of Christian
Biography, Gregorius, 51, I, p 425)
D. 590
AD: Gregory I, the great, becomes Patriarch of Rome, 590-604 AD
- Gregory writes the Roman Emperor Maurice and asks for the
title "universal bishop" to be stripped from the bishop of
Constantinople, but Maurice refuses.
- "with Gregory I. (590-604) a new period begins. Next
to Leo I. he was the greatest of the ancient bishops of Rome, and he marks
the transition of the patriarchal system into the strict papacy of the
middle ages. For several reasons we prefer to
place him at the head of the succeeding period." (Philip
Schaff, History of the Christian Church, book 3, chapter 5)
- "The first Leo and the first
Gregory are the two greatest bishops of Rome in the first six centuries.
Between them no important personage appears on the chair of Peter;
and in the course of that intervening century the idea and the power of
the papacy make no material advance. In truth, they went farther in Leo's
mind than they did in Gregory's. Leo thought and acted as an absolute
monarch; Gregory as first among the patriarchs; but both under the full
conviction that they were the successors of Peter (Philip Schaff, History
of the Christian Church, book 3, chapter 5)
Gregory's Territory and the development of Cardinal Bishops:
- "He [Gregory, 590 AD] was bishop of the city of Rome,
metropolitan over the seven suffragan (afterwards called cardinal) bishops of the Roman territory, and
patriarch of Italy, in fact of the whole West, or of all the Latin churches."
(History of the Christian Church, Philip Schaff, Book 4, ch 4, 51. Gregory
and the Universal Episcopate)
- "As metropolitan or archbishop, the bishop of Rome
had immediate jurisdiction over the seven suffragan bishops, afterward called cardinal bishops, of the
vicinity: Ostia, Portus, Silva candida, Sabina, Praeneste, Tusculum, and
Albanum." (Philip Schaff, History of the Christian Church, book 3,
chapter 5)
F. 595
AD: John IV the Faster, starts using the title of "universal bishop"
and Gregory I, denies the title even for himself
- John IV the Faster, patriarch of Constantinople, starts
using the title of "oecumenical" or "universal bishop"
in his letters condemning a heretic bishop in 595 AD. Although the title was first granted in 588, this first
official use of the title starts a firestorm of protest in Rome from
Gregory I. The real battle and controversy began in 595, but was
never settled. This was the beginning of a split that would see the Greek
orthodox church and Roman Catholic church formally sever fellowship in
1054 AD. This proves that in the early church did not have an officially
designated "universal bishop", or else Constantinople would
never have taken the title.
G. What
Gregory I, actually said in 595 AD to protest John IV the Faster's use of the
title "universal bishop": "the
antichrist is near"
- "Lo, he [Peter] received the keys of the heavenly
kingdom, and power to bind and loose is given him, the care and
principality of the whole Church is committed to him, and yet he is not called the universal apostle; while
the most holy man, my fellow-priest John, attempts
to be called universal bishop." (Gregory the Great, book V,
Epistle XX. To Mauricius Augustus)
- "Now eight years ago, in the time of my predecessor
of holy memory Pelagius, our brother and fellow-bishop John in the city of
Constantinople, seeking occasion from another cause, held a synod in which
he attempted to call himself Universal Bishop.
Which as soon as my said predecessor [Pelagius] knew, he despatched
letters annulling by the authority of the holy apostle Peter the acts of
the said synod; of which letters I have taken care to send copies to your
Holiness. ... wherein by a new act of pride
[John claiming title of Universal Bishop], all the bowels of the Universal
Church are disturbed. But, if he [John] should altogether refuse to be
bent from the stiffness of his elation, then, with the succour of Almighty
God, we may consider more particularly what ought to be done."
(Gregory the Great, book V Epistle XLIII. To Eulogius and Anastasius,
- "a proud and profane title
... I have however taken care to admonish earnestly the same my brother
and fellow-bishop [John of Constantinople] that, if he desires to have
peace and concord with all, he must refrain from the appellation of a foolish title. ... the
appellation of a frivolous name. But I
beseech your imperial Piety to consider that some frivolous things are
very harmless, and others exceedingly harmful. Is it not the case that,
when Antichrist comes and calls himself God, it
will be very frivolous, and yet exceedingly pernicious? If we
regard the quantity of the language used, there are but a few syllables;
but if the weight of the wrong, there is universal disaster. Now I
confidently say that whosoever calls himself, or desires to be called, Universal Priest, is in his elation the precursor of
Antichrist, because he proudly puts himself above all others."
(Gregory the Great, Book VII, Epistle XXXIII. To Mauricius Augustus)
- "Still it is very distressing, and hard to be borne
with patience, that my aforesaid brother and fellow-bishop [John of
Constantinople], despising all others, should attempt to be called sole bishop. But in this pride of his what else
is denoted than that the times of Antichrist are
already near at hand?" (Gregory the Great, Book V, Epistle
XXI. To Constantina Augusta)
- "For, having confessed thyself unworthy to be called
a bishop, thou hast at length been brought to such a pass as, despising
thy brethren, to covet to be named the only bishop.
And indeed with regard to this matter, weighty letters were addressed to
your Holiness by my predecessor Pelagius of holy memory; in which he annulled the acts of the synod, which
had been assembled among you in the case of our once brother and fellow-bishop
Gregory, because of that execrable title of pride,
and forbade the archdeacon whom he had sent according to custom to the
threshold of our Lord, to celebrate the solemnities of mass with
you." (Gregory the Great, Book V, Epistle XVIII. To John, Bishop)
- "If then he shunned the subjecting
of the members of Christ partially to certain heads, as if beside
Christ, though this were to the apostles themselves, what wilt thou say to
Christ, who is the Head of the universal Church, in the scrutiny of the
last judgment, having attempted to put all his members under thyself by
the appellation of Universal? Who, I ask,
is proposed for imitation in this wrongful title but he who, despising the
legions of angels constituted socially with himself, attempted to start up to an eminence of singularity,
that he might seem to be under none and to be alone above all? Who even
said, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the starts
of heaven: I will sit upon the mount of the testament, in the sides of the
North: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the
most High (Isai. xiv. 13)." (Gregory the Great, Book V, Epistle
XVIII. To John, Bishop)
- Still it is very distressing, and hard to be borne with
patience, that my aforesaid brother and fellow-bishop, despising all
others, should attempt to be called sole bishop.
But in this pride of his what else is denoted than
that the times of Antichrist are already near at hand? For in truth
he is imitating him who, scorning social joy with the legions of angels,
attempted to start up to a summit of singular eminence, saying, I will
exalt my throne above the stars of heaven, I will sit upon the mount of
the testament, in the sides of the North, and will ascend above the
heights of the clouds, and I will be like the most High (Isai. xiv. 13).
(Gregory the Great, Book V, Epistle XXI. To Constantina Augusta)
H. What
scholars say about Gregory's protest of John's use of the title "universal
- "Gregory likens anyone who
would claim to be 'universal bishop' to Lucifer himself who
attempted to raise his throne above the throne of God Himself (Isaiah 14).
Would the modern claims of the papacy qualify for Gregory's ridicule? This
author believes that they would." (James R. White, Answers to
Catholic Claims, p 122, 1990)
- "The Reformers also discovered that tradition
contradicted tradition. For example, the tradition of the Roman church
teaches that the pope is the head of the church, a bishop over all
bishops. But Gregory the Great, pope and saint at
the end of the ancient church period, said that such a teaching came from
the spirit of Antichrist ('I confidently affirm that whosoever
calls himself -sacerdos universalis- [universal priest or bishop], or
desires to be so called by others is in his pride a forerunner of
Antichrist')." (Robert Godfrey, What Still Divides Us?, p14, edited
by Don Kistler, 1995)
- "The attitudes and practices
of the Fathers and councils reveal that the church never viewed the
bishops of Rome as being endowed with supreme authority to rule the church
universal. And there never has been a supreme human ruler in the
church. This whole concept was repudiated by Pope
Gregory the Great (A.D. 590-604) when he rebuked the bishop of
Constantinople for attempting to arrogate to himself the title of
'universal bishop'. He insisted that such a position and title are
unlawful in the church of Jesus Christ" (William Webster, Roman
Catholicism, edited by John Armstrong, page 280, 1994)
- "He [Gregory I] even solemnly protested, as his
predecessor Pelagius II. had done, against the
title of universal bishop, which the Constantinopolitan patriarch,
John Jejunator, adopted at a council in 587; he declared it an antichristian assumption, in terms which quite
remind us of the patriarchal equality, and seem to form a step in
recession from the ground of Leo. But when we take his operations in
general into view, and remember the rigid consistency of the papacy, which
never forgets, we are almost justified in thinking, that this protest was directed not so much against the title itself, as
against the bearer of it, and proceeded more from jealousy of a rival at
Constantinople, than from sincere humility. From the same motive
the Roman bishops avoided the title of patriarch,
as placing them on a level with the Eastern patriarchs, and preferred the title of pope, from a sense of the
specific dignity of the chair of Peter. Gregory is said to have been the
first to use the humble-proud title: "Servant of the servants of
God." His successors, notwithstanding his protest, called themselves
"the universal bishops" of
Christendom. What he had condemned in his oriental colleagues as
antichristian arrogance, the later popes considered but the appropriate
expression of their official position in the church universal. (History of
the Christian Church, Philip Schaff, Vol 3, ch 5, 64. The Papacy from Leo
I to Gregory I. a.d. 461-590.)
- Especially exposed to criticism were Gregory's joyful and
flattering congratulations to Phocas, the bloody usurper who overthrew the
Eastern Emperor Maurice. Unless Gregory was strangely ignorant of the
character and the doings of Phocas, this certainly was a sad blot upon his
record; since it reveals him as indulging a, grudge which he had
entertained against Maurice, in a spirit and manner alike unseemly and
unchristian.' [Epist. xiii. 31, 38.] But while censure has its place,
Gregory, taken all in all, was, for his age, an eminent and commanding
example of the Christian bishop. Though his tone
was less lofty than that of some of his successors, Gregory's view of his
office did not fall much short of the full papal theory. He disclaimed, it
is true, high-sounding titles, such as "universal pope" and
"universal bishop." But he had a special incentive to this. To
disclaim such titles gave greater force to his criticism of the Patriarch
of Constantinople for styling himself universal bishop. Gregory
complained bitterly of the assumption of the Eastern prelate, and declared
it a fitting introduction to the proud and godless
reign of Antichrist. Nevertheless, in the
very letters in which he voices his complaints, he claims for the Roman
see that general oversight of the Church which one might naturally connect
with the rejected name. [Epist. v. 18, 20, 21, ix. 68.] Boniface
III., therefore, was adding little or nothing to the actual claims of the
papacy, when, a few years after Gregory's death, he
accepted from Phocas the title which had been so obnoxious to his illustrious
predecessor. (Henry C. Sheldon, History of the Christian Church,
Vol 2, p116-117)
- "The activity, of Gregory tended powerfully to
establish the authority of the papal chair. He
combined a triple dignity, episcopal, metropolitan, and patriarchal.
He was bishop of the city of Rome, metropolitan over the seven suffragan
(afterwards called cardinal) bishops of the
Roman territory, and patriarch of Italy, in fact of the whole West, or of
all the Latin churches. This claim was scarcely disputed except as
to the degree of his power in particular cases. A certain primacy of honor
among all the patriarchs was also conceded, even by the East. But a universal episcopate, including an authority of
jurisdiction over the Eastern or Greek church, was not
acknowledged, and, what is more remarkable, was not even claimed by him,
but emphatically declined and denounced. He stood between the patriarchal
and the strictly papal system. He regarded the four patriarchs of
Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem, to whom he
announced his election with a customary confession of his faith, as co-ordinate leaders of the church under Christ,
the supreme head, corresponding as it were to the four oecumenical
councils and the four gospels, as their common foundation, yet after all
with a firm belief in a papal primacy. His correspondence with the East on
this subject is exceedingly important. The
controversy began in 595, and lasted several years, but was not settled.
John IV., the Faster, patriarch of Constantinople, repeatedly used in his
letters the title "oecumenical" or "universal bishop."
This was an honorary, title, which had been given to patriarchs by the
emperors Leo [457-474 Leo I] and Justinian [527-565 Justinian I], and
confirmed to John and his successors by a Constantinopolitan synod in 588.
It had also been used in the Council of Chalcedon of pope Leo I [440-461
AD]. But Gregory I. was provoked and irritated beyond measure by the
assumption of his Eastern rival, and strained every nerve to procure a
revocation of that title. He characterized it as a
foolish, proud, profane, wicked, pestiferous, blasphemous, and diabolical
usurpation, and compared him who used it to Lucifer. ... Failing in
his efforts to change the mind of his rival in New Rome [Constantinople],
he addressed himself to the patriarchs of Alexandria and Antioch, and
played upon their jealousy; but they regarded the title simply as a form
of honor, and one of them addressed him as oecumenical pope, a compliment
which Gregory could not consistently accept. After the death of John the
Faster in 596, Gregory instructed his ambassador at Constantinople to
demand from the new patriarch, Cyriacus, as a condition of intercommunion,
the renunciation of the wicked title, and
in a letter to Maurice he went so far as to declare, that "whosoever calls himself universal priest, or desires to
be called so, was the forerunner of Antichrist." In opposition
to these high-sounding epithets, Gregory called himself, in proud
humility, "the servant of the servants of God." This became one
of the standing titles of the popes, although it sounds like irony in
conjunction with their astounding claims. ... But his remonstrance was of
no avail. Neither the patriarch nor the emperor
obeyed his wishes. Hence he hailed a change of government which
occurred in 602 by a violent revolution. ... When Phocas [Roman emperor],
an ignorant, red-haired, beardless, vulgar, cruel and deformed upstart,
after the most atrocious murder of Maurice and his whole family (a wife,
six sons and three daughters), ascended the throne, Gregory hastened to
congratulate him and his wife Leontia (who was not much better) in most
enthusiastic terms, calling on heaven and earth to rejoice at their
accession, and vilifying the memory of the dead emperor as a tyrant, from
whose yoke the church was now fortunately freed. This is a dark spot, but
the only really dark and inexcusable spot in the life of this pontiff. He
seemed to have acted in this case on the infamous maxim that the end
justifies the means. His motive was no doubt to secure the protection and
aggrandizement of the Roman see. He did not forget to remind the empress
of the papal proof-text: "Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will
build my church," and to add: "I do not doubt that you will take
care to oblige and bind him to you, by whom you desire to be loosed from
your sins." The murderer and usurper [Phocas]
repaid the favor by taking side with the pope against his patriarch
(Cyriacus), who had shown sympathy with the unfortunate emperor. He [Phocas]
acknowledged the Roman church to be "the head of all churches."
But if he ever made such a decree at the instance of Boniface III.,
who at that time was papal nuntius at Constantinople, he must have meant
merely such a primacy of honor as had been before conceded to Rome
by the Council of Chalcedon and the emperor Justinian. At all events the disputed title continued to be used by
the patriarchs and emperors of Constantinople. Phocas, after a
disgraceful reign (602-610), was stripped of the diadem and purple, loaded
with chains, insulted, tortured, beheaded and cast into the flames. He was
succeeded by Heraclius. In this whole controversy
the pope's jealousy of the patriarch is very manifest, and suggests the
suspicion that it inspired the protest. Gregory displays in his
correspondence with his rival a singular combination of pride and
humility. He was too proud to concede to him the
title of a universal bishop, and yet too humble or too inconsistent to
claim it for himself. His arguments imply that he would have the best
right to the title, if it were not wrong in itself. His real
opinion is perhaps best expressed in a letter to Eulogius of Alexandria.
He accepts all the compliments which Eulogius paid to him as the successor
of Peter, whose very name signifies firmness and solidity; but he ranks
Antioch and Alexandria likewise as sees of Peter, which are nearly, if not
quite, on a par with that of Rome, so that the three, as it were,
constitute but one see. He ignores Jerusalem. ... When
Eulogius, in return for this exaltation of his own see, afterwards
addressed Gregory as "universal pope," he strongly repudiated
the title, saying: "I have said that
neither to me nor to any one else (nec mihi, nec cuiquam alteri)
ought you to write anything of the kind. And lo! in the preface of your
letter you apply to me, who prohibited it, the proud title of universal
pope; which thing I beg your most sweet Holiness to do no more, because
what is given to others beyond what reason requires is subtracted from you.
I do not esteem that an honor by which I know my brethren lose their
honor. My honor is that of the universal Church.
My honor is the solid strength of my brethren. I am then truly honored
when all and each are allowed the honor that is due to them. For, if your Holiness calls me universal pope,
you deny yourself to be that which you call me universally [that is, you
own yourself to be no pope]. But no more of this: away with words which
inflate pride and wound charity!" He even
objects to the expression, "as thou hast commanded,"
which had occurred in his correspondent's letter. "Which word,
commanded, I pray you let me hear no more; for I know what I am, and what
you are: in position you are my brethren, in manners you are my, fathers.
I did not, therefore, command, but desired only to indicate what seemed to
me expedient." On the other hand, it cannot be denied that Gregory, while he protested in the strongest terms against the
assumption by the Eastern patriarchs of the antichristian and blasphemous
title of universal bishop, claimed and exercised, as far as he had the
opportunity and power, the authority and oversight over the whole church
of Christ, even in the East. "With respect to the church of
Constantinople," he asks in one of his letters, "who doubts that it is subject to the apostolic see?"
And in another letter: "I know not what
bishop is not subject to it, if fault is found in him."
"To all who know the Gospels," he writes to emperor Maurice,
"it is plain that to Peter, as the prince of
all the apostles, was committed by our Lord the care of the whole church
(totius ecclesiae cura) .... But although the keys of the kingdom
of heaven and the power to bind and to loose, were entrusted to him, and
the care and principality of the whole church (totius ecclesiae cura et
principatus), he is not called universal
bishop; while my most holy fellow-priest (vir sanctissimus
consacerdos meus) John dares to call himself
universal bishop. I am compelled to exclaim: O tempora, O mores!"
We have no right to impeach Gregory's sincerity.
But he was clearly inconsistent in disclaiming the name, and yet claiming
the thing itself. The real objection is to the pretension of a
universal episcopate, not to the title. If we concede the former, the
latter is perfectly legitimate. And such universal
power had already been claimed by Roman pontiffs before Gregory, such as
Leo I., Felix, Gelasius, Hormisdas, in language and acts more haughty and
self-sufficient than his. No wonder, therefore that the successors
of Gregory, less humble and more consistent than he, had no scruple to use
equivalent and even more arrogant titles than the one against which he so
solemnly protested with the warning: "God resisteth the proud, but
giveth grace to the humble." But it is a very
remarkable fact, that at the beginning of the unfolding of the greatest
power of the papacy one of the best of popes should have protested against
the antichristian pride and usurpation of the system."
(History of the Christian Church, Philip Schaff, Vol 4, ch 4, 51. Gregory
and the Universal Episcopate)
Catholic attempts for damage control: Catholics, aware of the obvious damage
Gregory's views of any man calling themselves, "universal Bishop",
does towards the modern papal system, will give some very feeble rebuttals. We
list them here now with our comments:
- Catholics say: Gregory himself said: "the Church
of Christ, who doubts that it is subject to the Apostolic See". Answer: True, but the Roman bishop had a habit of
making these kinds of claims. The fact remains that all the councils and
canons before this, showed that Rome did not have total, absolute control
of the universal church. In 325, three patriarchal churches equally ruled
the world. In 381 AD, Second Ecumenical Council tried to change the number
of ruling churches from 3 to 2 equal powers, and 3 secondary powers. In
451 AD, The fourth ecumenical council, 5 equal patriarchal churches were
the rule of the day. While Rome always had top prestige, it was always
understood that Rome did not have total control, but shared power with the
other patriarchal churches.
- Catholics say: Gregory's protest of John the Faster,
Patriarch of Constantinople, taking the title of Universal Bishop, is
itself an act where he exercised his [Gregory's] universal jurisdiction.
Answer: Although Gregory's protest could be
viewed as exercising his Papal power, there is not reason why we are
forced to interpret it this way. After all, every Bishop protested many
things of other Bishops for hundreds of years, and Catholics do not view
these protests as acts of exercising their universal jurisdiction. In 416
AD, when Roman Bishop. Pope Innocent I, claimed the "chair of
Peter" and the Bishop of Constantinople protested was the Bishop of
Constantinople exercising the universal jurisdiction? So the Catholic
comment is as illogical as it is wrong. But it gets worse for the Catholic
position. Catholics see Gregory's protest of John the Faster, taking the
title of Universal Bishop, as meaning, that it was Gregory's Title and
position alone and that John the Faster was usurping Gregory's position.
This is simply not the case and we can prove it: Gregory never takes the
title for himself. It is clear that Gregory did not think ANY man on
earth, including himself, should wear the title of Universal Bishop.
Catholic denials of this fact are a combination of wishful thinking and
blind self-delusion.
- Catholics say: Gregory was merely condemning John the
Faster's misuse of the term, "Universal Bishop" because John was
using it to proclaim himself the "only real Bishop, to the exclusion
of all others", rather than the correct view, namely the "top
Bishop among other bishops", as Gregory viewed it. Answer: This is historically wrong and a
deliberate misreading of what Gregory did in fact say and mean. But we ask
Catholics to consider the fact that they believe Pope Leo I, in 451AD,
took the title of "Universal bishop". (The truth is that Pope
Leo I never did use this title, but it is a Catholic myth.) But since
Catholics believe Pope Leo I did use the title, then obviously John the
Faster was using the term in exactly the same way as Leo when the Bishop
of Constantinople had complained. For Catholics, the term was already in
use and well defined. This was a time of power struggle between Rome and
Constantinople. The final proof that John did properly define the term, is
that Boniface III defined the term EXACTLY the same way as John did.
- Catholics say: Gregory objected to John's use of the title
"universal bishop" could be applied to anyone, himself included,
if by that term one meant there was only one bishop for the whole world
and that all other "bishops" were bishops in name only, with no
real authority of their own. What Gregory condemned was the expropriation
of the title Universal Bishop by Bishop John the Faster, the patriarch of
Constantinople, who proclaimed himself Universal Bishop at the Synod of
Constantinople in 588. Gregory condemned the patriarch's act because
universal jurisdiction applies solely to the pope. Answer: This has to be one of the clearest cases of illogical
double talk we have ever heard. Notice first they say Gregory objected
that John was using the title to exclude all other bishops. Then second
they say Gregory objected because the title applied only to him, as the
Pope, meaning that John had stolen the title from Gregory. So which is it?
Did Gregory object because John was wrongly defining the title to mean
something different than how Gregory would use the title, or was John
correctly defining the title, but had no right to use it because it
belonged solely to Gregory? Catholics want it both ways! Here are the facts: First, John never claimed to
exclude all other bishops with the title any more than Boniface III did a
few years later when he took on the title. We challenge Catholics to prove
John ever defined the term in this way! So the first point is irrelevant
and a misreading of what John did actually say. Second, Gregory never said
the title was wrong because it was solely his to wear, but that no man
should ever wear the title. We challenge Catholics to show us where
Gregory ever actually used the title, "Universal Bishop"!
Finally, the modern Catholic papacy is where the Pope has total universal
control of the entire church world wide. His views cannot be overturned by
anyone! Isn't this exactly the definition they say John was applying to
Universal Pope? In fact, the Pope today, really is in a class by himself
with no others. Why are Catholics so illogical?
J. 602
AD Roman Emperor Maurice is murdered in a coup by Phocas, who then becomes
K. 604
AD Gregory, the bishop of Rome dies and is replaced by Sabinian, who reigns for
two years.
L. 606
AD Sabinian, the bishop of Rome dies and is replaced by Boniface III. Phocas
writes to the new bishop of Rome, Boniface III and through imperial decree of
the Roman government, proclaims Biniface III, as the "Head of all the
Churches" and "Universal Bishop". Phocas transfers the title
from Constantinople to Rome. Boniface III, Bishop of Rome takes title: "universal
Bishop": Catholicism is formally born in its final evolved form but the
east never accepts Romes claims and finally split fellowship with Rome in 1054
- "The Roman bishop claims, that the four dignities of
bishop, metropolitan, patriarch, and pope or primate of the whole church,
are united in himself. The first three offices must be granted him in all
historical justice; the last is denied him by the Greek church, and by the
Evangelical, and by all non-Catholic sects." (Philip Schaff, History
of the Christian Church, book 3, chapter 5)
from the Bible Blueprint, how the church was organized by the apostles!
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