Modern Headline news does not fulfill Matthew 24
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The Titus Arch in
Rome that celebrates the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD by Titus as
Matthew 24 prophesied.
The signs of Matthew 24 prophecies
the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD not the second coming and certainly not
some “Rapture” theology that was invented in 1830 AD by
John Darby. When Christians saw the signs, they fled the city and were saved.
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Modern Headline news does not fulfill Matthew 24
1. Jack Van Impe has made millions
deceiving people into thinking that today’s headline news is a
fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
2. Matthew 24 does give warning signs
of a destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD, but not of the second coming.
3. Jesus said there will be no signs of
the second coming except it would be a time of peace when no man expects it
4. The idea that Noah knew when the end
was coming therefore so can we is utterly false. Like Noah, we do not know when
the end is coming until the day God told Noah to enter the Ark.
5. Paul gave only one sign that would
precede the second coming and that was the great falling away of the faith in 2
Thess 2:3. This has long been fulfilled in the Gnostic heresy of the first
century, the Catholic/Orthodox falling away, or even the protestant
A. The Bible Give Signs Leading Up To Second Coming?
- Over the
centuries there have been thousands of speculations made from these
- Wars
famines, earthquakes applied to current world conditions were signs that
preceded the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD.
- “One
left, one taken” does to teach the rapture doctrine invented in 1830
AD, but was fulfilled in the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD when the
“Christians were taken” when they saw Jerusalem surrounded by
armies (Luke 21:20) and fled the city as Jesus instructed.
- Great
tribulation, flee, Wo to those with children was a warning to Christians
and preceded the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. Having children will
slow down your exit from the city.
- Jesus
said to pray the destruction of Jerusalem not happen on a Sabbath because
the gates of the city would be closed and the Chrsitians could not escape.
- People
are losing sleep because they fear the great tribulation will happen in
their lifetime and it has all been fulfilled in 70 AD.
- The next
thing that will happen is the second coming and there will be no warning.
B. Modern Day Speculation:
- Many
different theories are rampant today about how news headlines fulfill
Bible prophecy & spread like gangrene just like in the 1st century: 2
Ti 2:14-18
- This
subject, is perhaps abused & misinterpreted more than any other
- People little Bible knowledge appear to be experts on this
- Unbelievers
sometimes know more about this false doctrine, than why Jesus died
- The
Jehovah's Witnesses have predicted the second coming of Christ several
times and failed. (1914 & 1975) Many who criticize Jw's for this, are
guilty of exactly the same thing with their "signs of the times"
speculation. Both groups use exactly the same passages to predict exactly
the same thing: the second coming. Both groups are wrong. The Bible
passages they use have absolutely nothing to do with the second coming but
are ripped completely out of context!
- Ronald
Weinland predicted the end in 2008, then in 2012. All failed and it was
based upon what modern news stories.
- Harold
Camping predicted the second coming in 1994 and when that failed, he
predicted it again in May 21, 2011. It failed too and he still won’t
give up.
- A man
wanted to study the Bible, so he placed his Bible on his lap & prayed
for guidance. He closed his eyes, opened the Bible at random then dropped
his index finder anywhere on the page. This he did three times. Here was
the result. 1. "Judas went and hung himself" 2. "go and do
likewise" 3. "what you do, do quickly". This kind of random
collection of totally unrelated scriptures is exactly what is done to try
to prove their point on current signs and Bible prophecy. The subject is not
really that difficult if it is approached with care.
Using headline news as
evidence that the second coming is near is a satanic deception but it keeps TV
viewer watching and donations flowing in.
The very passages the
headline news is supposed to fulfill were all fulfilled in the destruction of
Jerusalem in 70 AD.

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“you are
seeking to kill Me, a man who has told you the truth” John 8:40
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