wants to replace Christianity and the church for guidance and life's answers!
Psychiatry provides:
a source of wrong answers opposed to the Bible
promises of false hope and happiness
solutions that don't work


Psychiatry is a vicious enemy
of Christianity and the Bible.
Psychiatry is Anti-Christian
Psychiatry is Atheistic
Psychiatry is Humanistic
- Psychiatry has positioned itself to function as a
replacement to the church and Christianity.
- Psychiatry is not content to share the "turf"
with Christianity, it seeks to compete with, replace and obsolete the idea
of looking to God for guidance and solutions for life's problems.
- Psychology is actually a religion where Psychiatrists,
psychologists and mental health workers are the "priests"
imposing their own personal atheistic and humanistic value system upon
unsuspecting individuals.
- The psychiatry industry and insurance industry have banded
together to literally yank a minister's or pastor's traditional role of
"councilor" out of their hands. This is a very recent phenomena
and is unprecedented in history! It is driven by territorial expansionism
by the psychiatry industry and simple cash savings from litigation by the
insurance industry. It is wrong.
- Society has begun to pick up on this message that going to
your church, a minister, a pastor, a Christian or the Bible is a second
best option for solving personal problems. "Sure", they suggest,
"go to your minister just like you would go to a friend"...
"but when you really want professional advice that will solve your
problems... come see a psychologist or psychiatrist."
- The message is loud and clear: counseling from a minister,
a pastor, a Christian is a waste of time. If you want results see a psychologist
or psychiatrist!
- Psychology is the "new religion" where social
workers are the priests imposing their own personal atheistic and
humanistic value system upon unsuspecting individuals. Psychiatry has
positioned itself to replace the church and religion for guidance and
life's answers!
- A practicing psychologist comments: "Naturally, I
continue to wonder what would happen if religion
was to take back its role in matters of the "soul,"
science was to take back the study of the body and behavior, and people
could accept life as something more profound than a quest for
psychological solutions." (Manufacturing Victims,
Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 283
A. Psychiatry opposes pastoral counseling as part of a turf war:
- As incredible as it may sound, Psychiatry frowns upon
seeking advice from a minister or pastor/elder or Christian. Of course, if
the pastor has been certified by the psychiatry industry they are happy.
It is all about control!
- This is part of a larger territorial turf war where the
psychiatry industry wants to put ministers out of the "counseling
- Here is an example of how pastors merely provide comfort
while the psychiatrist fixes the problem. The pastor is banished from the
operating room where the spiritual surgery is performed and placed in the
waiting room outside. What is shocking about this quote, is that it comes
from a very naive conservative Christian: "The pastor provides the
Christian comfort and the psychiatrist
provides the needed therapy and neither
conflicts with the other." (Wesley W. Nelson, Baker's Dictionary of
Practical Theology, p. 300) Of course this is as absurd as it is wrong.
But it illustrates just how far the psychiatry industry has gone to
convince even the church that they should leave the counseling to the pros
- "It can be rightly claimed that malingering [faking]
is always the sign of a disease often more severe than a neurotic
disorder. . . . It is a disease which to diagnose requires particularly
keen diagnostic acumen. The diagnosis should never
be made but by the psychiatrist." Kurt R. Eissler, 1908-1999,
Malingering, p 252)
B. Insurance companies oppose pastoral counseling:
- Even insurance companies for churches strongly recommend
against "uncertified and uncredentialed" ministers from engaging
in any form of counseling!
- Insurance companies have begun to dissuade church
ministers and pastors from calling what they do, "counseling".
Instead call it, "pastoral insight",
"spiritual guidance", "shepherding"... anything but what the Bible
says it is! Counseling!
- It is clear that this advice is driven by litigation in
part, but the effect is just another angle of squeezing ministers and
pastors out of their rightful traditional role of counseling.
- Here is the advice of the insurance industry: "We
recommendation that unless a minister or other church official or
volunteer is actually a professional counselor (i.e. psychologist, psychotherapist or some other recognized
degree and designation from a self governing and self disciplining
professional association) then they should not call it
"counseling". It's a somewhat loaded term legally in terms of
the expectations of those who receive such services, paid or unpaid. Therefore we recommend that most churches
and ministers refrain from using the term counseling. A better alternative
in bulletins, websites and other oral and written communication is to
refer to such "services" more precisely as "pastoral insight", "spiritual guidance", "shepherding" or whatever other term makes
sense within the context of your church culture and ministries. This will
avoid unnecessarily heightened standards of legal liability related to
professional counseling that most ministers are not really qualified to
provide." (President of large insurance company that specializes in
church insurance policies)
- So what has happened, is the mental health industry has
come in and literally taken over the traditional and central right and
function of ministers and pastors and Christians in general, to council!
- Now we believe that the vast majority of pastor counseling
can be accomplished in no more than 2-3 one hour meetings. We do not
recommend ministers advertise or charge for their superior services. The
motivation must be finding and correcting the problem quickly. Usually the
solution is quite simple, but the person rejects the advice. It is
important for councilors to realize that some people enjoy focusing on
themselves and reject your advice because then no further sessions would
be necessary. Most of the problems that arise in counseling are from paid,
protracted weekly sessions that last months.
C. Psychiatry is a religion:
NOTE: Medical doctors do not impose their philosophical, moral
values upon you when they do a knee replacement. Psychiatrists, on the other
hand always bring their philosophical and moral values into their treatment
arena. For example, since most psychiatrists are atheists who reject the
existence of the soul or spirit and believe man is a pile of chemicals, they
treat you with drugs. When they do council you, they view your religious faith
as an impediment to good mental health.
- Name of their religion and philosophy is humanism, atheism
and evolutionary Darwinian.
- Psychiatry's founding prophet is Freud.
- Psychiatry's Bible is the DSM-5
(Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders)
- Psychiatry's high priests are psychiatrists.
- Psychiatry's priests are psychologists.
- Psychiatry's altar boys are psychiatric nurses and mental
health workers.
- Psychiatry's "Holy Spirit" communicator is the
- Psychiatry's temples are mental institutions.
- Psychiatry's "Church Treasury" is your public
Tax Dollars
- Psychiatry's divine being is the "self".
- Psychiatry's view of where we came from: Random chance
- Psychiatry's purpose of life: None.
- Psychiatry's future hope of heaven: None
D. Therapists impose their personal religion views upon you:
- "So often, in the Psychology industry, the diagnosis
is consistent with the treatment offered that one can only surmise that
the psychologist's area of interest determines
both the label and the treatment. This was intimated by Frank
Pittman, who writes: "psychotherapy involves applying the value
system of the therapist to the dilemmas of the clients. . . his or her value system is more important to you than
training, credentials, or even professional degrees." (Manufacturing Victims,
Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 164)
- "False interpreting is the essential ingredient in
the manufacture of synthetic victims; it places the psychologist's beliefs
above the client's problems. For the client, this leads to getting "the therapist's particular brand of psychotherapy,
addressing the problem areas that the therapist finds significant. The
form of treatment, then, is determined by the therapist's
habitual approach and not by the nature of the problem that the
patient brings in." (Manufacturing Victims,
Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 73)
- "Others [studies] have demonstrated the ability of therapists to influence the values of
their patients to come in line with their own. Welkowitz and his
colleagues arbitrarily assigned clients to therapists and subsequently
found that the values of the therapists resembled those of their own
patients more than those seen by other therapists, and that the similarity
of values tended to increase over time or length of treatment.' Similarly,
a study by Rosenthal found a positive relationship between ratings of
improvement and the change of clients' moral values towards those of the
psychologists, with respect to sex, aggression and authority.' Since such moral conversion is possible, it is no wonder
that psychologists with a victim-oriented philosophy can intentionally or
inadvertently manufacture victims." (Manufacturing Victims,
Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 202)
- "An investigation of this question suggests that
psychologists, regardless of what credentials they may or may not have,
are not well trained, are often as badly off as
their clients, apply their own values and ideas, however inappropriate,
don't know or acknowledge their limitations, and get by either
because they are just nice people or because they know how to play the
role of an authority and expert. (Manufacturing Victims,
Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 227)
- As Sarason writes: "every
psychologist has a picture of what man is or should be, of what society is
or should be, and this picture infiltrates (indeed, is in part the
basis of) his or her theories, along with the psychologist's way of
thinking about theory and practice." (Manufacturing Victims,
Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 235)
- "Put simply, the Psychology industry considers and
treats people as children who, regardless of age, experience, education or
status must be protected, guided, sheltered, excused and disciplined. I
consider the prospect of this emerging neo-paternalistic
society in which the "fathers" (the "paters") are the
psychologists, whose knowledge is superior and whose power is absolute,
to be intolerable." (Manufacturing Victims,
Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 268)
- "It allows itself to be a willing, cooperative agent
of social policy and control, with its activities conforming to
governmental and corporate principles. In so doing, it diminishes its
capacity to step back and question the always present and unspoken
assumptions that underlie the present form of society; "an
undergirding that drastically limits the universe of alternatives that
social policymakers can consider." This willingness to avoid
challenging the views of policymakers has turned the profession into an
industry. Instead of probing human nature and thereby striving to
understand why the social order has come to be the way it is and how one
might build a better one, psychologists have colluded to maintain the
present one in which they have attained power and become part of the
cultural elite. Despite psychologists' apparent
willingness to describe themselves as "social influence purveyors,"
they fail to see that in assuming this role, they become pawns in a larger
game of creating and molding dependent, conforming and disciplined
people." (Manufacturing
Victims, Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 271)
- "The psychological way of
life has infiltrated our society to such an extent that it goes unseen,
accepted and undetected, affecting our thoughts and language, emotions,
behaviors and beliefs." (Manufacturing Victims,
Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 283)
E. Psychiatry promises false happiness:
- Only Jesus Christ can provide true lasting happiness.
- "All the analysis (therapy) in the world doesn't allow the person to find out who he is and why
he is here on earth, why he has to die, and how he can make his life a
triumph. It is when psychology pretends to do this, when it offers
itself as a full explanation of human unhappiness, that it becomes a fraud
that makes an impasse from which he cannot escape." (Manufacturing Victims,
Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 268)
- "I am increasingly astonished about how unable the average patient is now to articulate reasons
for their unhappiness, and how readily they will accept a
"medical" diagnosis and solution if given one by a narrow-minded
psychiatrist. This is a cultural pathologic dependence on medical
authority. Granted, there are patients who do fight this kind of definition
and continue to search for better explanations for themselves which are
less infantilizing, but in my experience this is not common. There is a
frightening choking off of the possibility for dissent and creative
questioning here, a silencing of very basic
questions such as "what is this pain?" or "what is my
purpose?" Modern psychiatry has unconscionably participated in
this pathology for its own gain and power. It is a moral, not scientific
issue at stake here, and in my view this is why many astute Americans
rightfully distrust this new psychiatry and its Utopian
claims about happiness through medical progress." (Against
Biologic Psychiatry, Dr. David Kaiser, Psychologist, Psychiatric
Times, December, Dec. 1996, Vol. XIII, Issue 12)
- "In its broadest forms, as
trauma counseling, stress debriefing, educational guidance, parent
education, divorce mediation, violence prevention, anger management,
twelve-step programs, sensitivity training, and so on, psychotherapy has
become a building block of society. It is accepted without
question, practiced without hesitation and funded without reservation. As
such, "there seems little question that psychotherapy is one of the
most significant cultural artifacts of our time, reflecting and shaping
the central themes of the last 150 years." (Manufacturing Victims,
Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 280)
F. Psychiatry is redefining moral standards:
- Standards of morality, right and wrong, and what is normal
and acceptable behaviour is defined by God alone. Christians are asleep
while the devil has stepped in allowed psychologists and psychiatrists to
create brand new definitions of what is normal and the basic moral code.
- So guess what happens when an industry that is atheistic,
evolutionary and humanistic sets out to define morals? Well open your eyes
and look that the mess your local town is in today! Moral relativism and
- "The altruistic appearance of the services offered by
psychologists is dangerously misleading. People need to recognize that the
Psychology Industry thrives by promoting its services and expanding its
market, and that psychologists are selling the public a bill of goods,
making promises about happiness, health and safety which they cannot
fulfil. Psychologists are in the business of
posing as experts in living, claiming for themselves the ability to divine
right from wrong and cause from effect. The Psychology industry has
persuaded society that the "good life" is possible through the
guidance and assistance of psychologists." (Manufacturing Victims,
Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 269)
- The result is that behaviour and actions that the Bible
defines as sin and deviant and wrong, are being accepted as normal. Judges
are accepting the advice of psychiatrists and giving light sentences for
child rapists. click
for more.

- "One way to unmask the dogma
that is biologic psychiatry is to ask the question what kind of human
being is being posited as desirable, "normal," or not disordered.
Judging by the DSM-IV, it would be a person not depressed or anxious,
without perversions or sexual "dysfunction," in touch with
"reality," not alienated from society, adapted to their work,
not prone to excessive feeling states and generally productive in their
life pursuits. This is, of course, the bourgeois
ideal of modern culture. We will all fit in, produce and consume
and be happy about it. Anyone who dissents by choice or nature slips into
the realm of the disordered or pathologic, is then located as such by
medical science and is then subject to social management and
control." (Against
Biologic Psychiatry, Dr. David Kaiser, Psychologist, Psychiatric
Times, December, Dec. 1996, Vol. XIII, Issue 12)
- "They used these licenses to give themselves the
authority to decide who and what is normal and
abnormal, good and bad, healthy and sick." (Manufacturing Victims,
Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 273)
- "A more humane psychiatry, if it is even possible in
today's cultural climate, must recognize the powerful potential of the
uses and abuses of power if it is not to become a
tool of social control and normalization." (Against
Biologic Psychiatry, Dr. David Kaiser, Psychologist, Psychiatric
Times, December, Dec. 1996, Vol. XIII, Issue 12)
- "To create these tests, psychologists determined what
"normal" was by measuring the characteristics of thousands of
people and then calculating an average and a normal range. In the same way
that a normal range of temperature or rainfall can be calculated, so a
normal range of intelligence, ability or behavior could be established.
But psychologists have twisted this concept of "normal." Instead
of referring to something quantitative and objective, it now refers to
something qualitative and subjective. The original concept of
"normal" as average has been replaced by the psychological one
involving pathology. No longer does "normal" have to do with the
common experience of people for psychologists have made normal such a
narrow range that most people today are, by some definition or another,
abnormal. Today "normal" is how
psychologists think the world should be: how families should function, how
couples ought to "enjoy intimacy," how one ought to
"resolve conflicts." (Manufacturing Victims,
Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 55)
- The time has come for Christians to wake up and realize
that the psychiatry industry has been waging war against Christianity for
over 100 years. The bad news is that they are winning!
- Atheistic psychologists and psychiatrists are imposing
their own Darwinian and Humanistic religious views upon society and you!
When you entrust your spirit and mind to such a system, the result will
not be good. It is controlled by the devil in its foundational core
- The psychiatry industry has successfully convinced judges,
lawyers, insurance companies and the general public that it is a bad thing
to take real problems to the church and God for help. Counseling from a
minister, a pastor, a Christian is a waste of time. If you want results,
see a psychologist or psychiatrist! What a sad day this is.
- The psychiatry industry has redefined morality in a way
that is condemned in the Bible.
- Christians are blind to the fact that the psychiatry
industry has successfully replaced the hope and happiness offered by
Christ, with their own false promises. People are rarely helped by the
psychiatry industry.
- Jesus Christ still offers true happiness and hope. Simple
Bible believing Christians can and do often make better councilors than a
psychiatrist with 11 years of university education.
Steve Rudd: Contact the author for
comments, input or corrections.
Send us your story about your
experience with modern Psychiatry