and forgetting is better than remembering and getting angry!

Psychologists and therapists wrongly
believe it is important for you
to remember past trauma and get angry!
This is opposite to what the Bible says!

is Anti-Christian
Psychiatry is Atheistic
Psychiatry is Humanistic
- Psychologists say remembering and getting angry is better
than forgiving and forgetting! Dr. Tana Dineen exposes and criticizes her
own industry who teaches: "Therapy is
successful only if the memories and feelings are uncovered." (Manufacturing Victims,
Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 217)
- This notions is rooted in the junk science of repression
therapy of Sigmund Freud. Although much of Freud has been rejected, the
Psychiatry industry has retained the idea of repression.
- Repression theory says that your present unhappiness (ie
childhood sexual abuse by a father) is due to bad things that happened to
you when you were younger, but have repressed the memory of. (forgotten).
The theory is that you can never be happy until the repressed memories of
these bad things are brought to the surface and "dealt with"
head on. Present unhappiness is seen as a result of repressed memories. In
an amazing circle of reasoning, the Psychiatry industry believes that if
someone is unhappy, they have experience some childhood trauma and have
repressed the memories of it.
- The foundation of "repressed memories" is false.
People simply do not forget major trauma like begin abused as a child by
your uncle. If it happened, you will clearly remember it. If you can't
remember it, it either never happened or it is not bothering you and you
will need to look elsewhere for the cause of your present unhappiness. We
are not bothered by things we cannot remember.
- The Psychiatry industry's solution, is to spend months and
years in therapy exploring, probing and remembering the
"repressed" (forgotten) childhood trauma. But there are
significant problems with this approach, like the well documented
"rewriting history" and "trauma inventing".
- The idea that people forget or suppress traumatic
experiences is a myth. If you cannot remember something, then either it
was not traumatic enough for you to remember or it never happened!
- We remember the "traumatic stuff" and forget the
"routine stuff", and are hypnotized by psychiatrists into
remembering the "false stuff" .
A. The Bible says forgive and forget:
- It is a sin to dwell on the negative things people have
done to us in the past.
- The Bible says that we must forget past sins and traumas
we have experienced:
"Brethren ... one thing I do: forgetting
what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead,
I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in
Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:13-"" Philippians 4:89
"love ... does not take into account a wrong
suffered" 1 Corinthians 13:5
- Dr. Tana Dineen exposes and criticizes her own industry
who teaches: "Therapy is successful only if
the memories and feelings are uncovered." (Manufacturing Victims,
Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 217)
- Psychiatrists wrongly encourage anger and revenge!
B. The Bible says dwell on the positive not the negative:
- The Bible tells us to let our minds dwell on good and
positive things, not bad and negative things.
- "Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is
honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely,
whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything
worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these
things. The things you have learned and received and heard and seen
in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you."
Philippians 4:8-9
- Psychiatrists wrongly make your mind dwell on negative and
hurtful things.
C. The Bible says do not seek revenge:
- It is a sin to seek revenge of the person who wronged you
in your childhood.
- The Bible tells us no to take revenge when we suffer wrong
at the hands of another:
"Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of
God, for it is written, "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,"
says the Lord. "But if your enemy is hungry, feed him, and if he is
thirsty, give him a drink; for in so doing you will heap burning coals on
his head." Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."
Romans 12:18-21
- Psychiatrists wrongly encourage you to seek revenge.
D. Repression therapy is harmful:
- Here is a full discussion of Repressed
memory syndrome (Dissociative amnesia).
- If you bring to vivid remembrance, things you had
forgotten, things that were bad, hurtful or harmful, you will feel worse
not better!
- "Since this reconstructed
story is inevitably sad, the perceiving and telling of the story
invariably "plunges the victim into profound grief," which
psychologists refuse to see for its destructive effect. Rather,
they see it as leading to "the necessity of
mourning... in the resolution of traumatic life events."
According to Herman, "failure to complete the normal process of
grieving perpetuates the traumatic reaction" for which some time
imagining that you were sexually abused, without worry about accuracy or
having your ideas make sense." Others give clients the instruction to
"ground the experience or event in as much
knowledge as you have and then let yourself imagine what actually might
have happened." Corydon Hammond, past president of the
American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, presupposing abuse, will typically
say to a person: "You know, I know a secret about you."" (Manufacturing Victims,
Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 223)
E. Problems with repression therapy:
- Most important, is that the entire theory of
"repressed memories" is false. People simply do not forget major
trauma like begin abused as a child by your uncle. If it happened, you
will clearly remember it. If you can't remember it, it either never
happened or it is not bothering you and you will need to look elsewhere
for the cause of your present unhappiness. We are not bothered by things
we cannot remember.
- If we really have forgotten about a genuine experience of
being sexually abused by our father, (for example) talking about it will
only make us more unhappy. In fact, contrary to foundational theory of the
Psychiatry industry, the more we talk about bad stuff that happened to us
in the past, the worse we feel! This is so well documented, it is a puzzle
why any intelligent person would allow a therapist to spend ours
remembering every single detail of a truly horrifying event.
- Repressed memory therapy has many proved cases of clients
"rewriting history", "trauma inventing" or "false
remembering". In other words, under the continued pressure of the
psychiatrist that the clients unhappiness is because of forgetting
something bad in the past, the client simply invents something that never
happened, and starts believing it is real.
"The Psychology Industry contends that the key to eliminating their
impact lies in recovering and re-experiencing the memories. "The patient must reconstruct not only what happened but
also what she felt," states Herman; "the recitation of
facts without the accompanying emotions is a sterile exercise, without
therapeutic effect." (Manufacturing Victims,
Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 77)
- The Psychiatry industry encourages you to seek revenge as
the way to right the wrong and make you feel better. This is not only
false, but it contradicts the Bible that tells us not to seek revenge when
we suffer wrong. Romans 12:18-21
- The Psychiatry industry is money motivated in a number of
complex interwoven ways when it comes to Repressed memory therapy. First,
there is the $80 per 45 minutes session. This often brings in revenues of
several thousand dollars. Once a forgotten childhood sexual abuse case is
uncovered, next comes the litigation stage where the therapist gains even
more money at up to $500 per hour testifying in court.
- So the Psychiatry industry's motivation for you to
remember, is not to help you feel better, but to give them a jackpot
windfall through a long court case where he is the key paid witness!
- The Psychiatry industry is totally hypocritical because
they correctly teach that malice, hatred, anger, anxiety are problems
themselves, but then they go on to council people who are not anger, to
become angry as a way of curing the repressed memory syndrome.
- "Psychiatrists warn that malice and hatred cause all
kinds of physical and emotional problems. In fact, one specialist has
entitled his book Love or Perish!" (W. W. Wiersbe, The Bible
exposition commentary, 1989, 1 Jn 3:18)
F. Repression therapy is rooted in Freud:
- "In discussing the possibility that the diagnosis and
stories of Sybil, the celebrated case of
Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) that gained public attention from the
book and subsequent film of the same name, were the product of the
therapist, Herbert Spiegel says: ...that is one of the biggest
difficulties with working with the concept of causation in psychotherapy.
It is the grand illusion that we have
inherited from Freud. Freud's concept was that you
had to get to the truth, and unless you get the truth no therapeutic
effect can take place. So, in the pursuit of the truth we become
engaged in story telling and we impose our
hypothesis on the patient by the way we ask our questions. Highly
suggestible (psychologically-prone) people will of course respond in a way
that can please the doctors, especially if there is a good rapport between
them. (Manufacturing
Victims, Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 204)
- False remembering is a very common result of Repression
- It has been well documented that certain personality types
are very prone to inventing past events that never happened at the
suggestion of the therapist. This parallels the reason why some people are
easily hypnotized and others are not.
G. Psychiatrists encourage anger and litigation:
- The Bible forbids seeking revenge for wrongs suffered. If
a crime has been committed against you, then call the police.
- Even Peter Breggin, who opposes drugs, shocks and
committal as treatments, promotes the unbiblical concept of remembering
the past and getting angry, as a cure to present unhappiness and problems:
"Revisiting our childhood can bring pent-up
emotions out of the darkness of amnesia, allowing us to handle them
in the light of adult reason. The rage and hurt
that we felt, when re-experienced and understood, will have less
control over us during our adult lives. ... The most painful, destructive
attitudes we have toward ourselves are usually traceable in an unbroken
line back to childhood. At the time there was probably no one available to
shed a more loving light on our suffering. Now, as adults, we can revisit those painful experiences with a
respectful, loving attitude toward ourselves. The sources of
self-hate can be cleansed at their roots. ... In the early stages of
understanding our childhood experiences, anger is
more beneficial than forgiveness. Anger can help us to feel more esteem
for ourselves. It can encourage us to learn more about what was
done to hurt us. It can motivate whatever actions may be necessary to protect ourselves in the future." (The Heart of
Being Helpful, Peter Breggin, 1997 AD. p 151, 163)
- Although the Bible forbids all lawsuits between Christians
(1 Corinthians 6), there are times when a Christian should sue.
- However, when the Psychiatry industry tells to sue for
revenge, it is a violation of the Bible. Romans 12:18-21
- Going to court may make you rich, but it will make you
feel worse, not better. You will need to make a choice.
- "Clients are instructed "to move... toward anger" for "anger is the backbone of healing." They are
encouraged by psychologists to cultivate their
rage: "A little like priming the pump, you can do things that
will get your anger started. Then, once you get the hang of it, it'll
begin to flow on its own... wanting revenge is a natural impulse, a sane
response. Let yourself imagine it to your heart's content. Suing your abuser and turning him in to the authorities
are just two of the avenues open ... Visualize
punching and kicking the abuser when you do aerobics... You can be
creative with your anger... You can heal with anger." Anger and rage lead to "empowerment,"
achieved through public recognition and retribution. According to Herman,
"the remedy for injustice also requires action" - confrontation, litigation and social action."
(Manufacturing Victims,
Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 224)
- "A lawsuit offers a survivor
an opportunity to speak the truth about what happened, to break the
silence. She is able to confront the person who abused her in a public
forum, to seek monetary compensation for therapy
expenses, lost income, and emotional distress, and to ensure that
the abuser is confronted, in some way, with the effects of what he or she
did." Although psychologists claim that knowledge is power, what they
actually mean is that accusations render others powerless, entangled in a
web of legal process and psychological absurdities. ... Although Bass and
Davis admit that "what lawsuits are best able
to do is to get money," they do not point out that the major
recipients of these funds are the lawyers and psychologists who build
their career on victim-making. (Manufacturing Victims,
Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 225)
- When the Psychiatry industry rejects God, the Bible and
believes in evolution and humanism, it is not surprising that they promote
therapy methods that are harmful and hurtful to individuals.
- Repression therapy is rooted in junk pop-science of Freud.
- The Psychiatry industry wrongly believes that if you are a
victim of genuine childhood sexual abuse, that the solution is to revisit
the abuse and bring it to full remembrance. Of course, this plunges any
normal person into "profound grief" and sadness. The solution is
to forgive and forget.
- The Psychiatry industry wrongly believes that once you
have fully remembered this childhood sexual abuse, and the emotions you
felt when it happened, that it is best for you to get real angry as a
victim, confront the perpetrator and sue his butt off. The real solution
is to not get angry and say, "He sinned against me in the most
horrible way. He will have to answer to God for that. I am not going to
let my mind dwell on this event any more. I am moving on. I am not going
to talk about it with anyone any more. I am not going to view myself as a
victim any more. I am not going to sue him in court.
- People do not forget major trauma like begin abused as a
child by their father at age 6. If it happened, you will clearly remember
it. If you can't remember it, it either never happened or it is not
bothering you and you will need to look elsewhere for the cause of your
present unhappiness. We are not bothered by things we cannot remember. If
it really did happen, and you really have forgotten it, remembering will
make your mental condition worse not better and make you sad.
- The idea of remembering injuries suffered as children is
the bread the butter of modern psychotherapy. Hundreds of hours and years
of probing bring in huge amounts of cash to the industry. The
justification is that getting angry is the cure to our present
unhappiness. However the fatal flaw in this concept is that most of the
memories are faded and forgotten, and are therefore not the cause of our
present unhappiness.
- The Bible tells us to forget the past, not spend hundred
of hours remembering them. The bible says to forgive and forget, not
remember and get angry.
Steve Rudd: Contact the author for
comments, input or corrections.
Send us your story about your
experience with modern Psychiatry