"Sorry! You have a broken brain!"
Thousands are labeled "biologically-impaired" for the rest of their
life because psychiatrists claim they have a genetic error in their DNA and a
biological/chemical imbalance in their brain that cannot be fixed!

Psychiatry damages society and individuals
The mental health system causes harm to both individuals and
society as a whole.
- The vast majority of psychiatrists today hold to the biologic/chemical
view of man. They reject the Christian view that man has a spirit. The
do not believe that man's thoughts and memories consciously survive the
physical destruction of the brain. (physical death).
- Their anti-Biblical view leads them to the faith that all
mental illnesses are caused by chemical imbalances, genetics and therefore
a broken, malfunctioning brain.
- These chemical
imbalances are a myth, with no science to prove they exist, only
- Neuroleptic and anti-psychotic drugs do not fix this
imagined "chemical imbalance" but merely tranquilize and
- They are societies way of "drugging you into
submission" when you are unable to behave yourself.
- In 1806 AD, Pinel rejected that insanity was caused by
brain diseases. He correctly noted that the doctors of his day viewed the
insane as incurable because they incorrectly viewed the problem as
physical. He notes that the insane were mistreated because the doctors of
the day had the etiology wrong about the causes of insanity. He notes that
his kinder, gentler moral treatments worked much better! "Derangement
of the understanding is generally considered as an effect of an organic lesion of the brain, consequently as incurable;
a supposition that is, in a great number of instances, contrary to anatomical fact. Public asylums for
maniacs have been regarded as places of confinement for such of its
members as are become dangerous to the peace of society. The managers of
those institutions, who are frequently men of little knowledge and less
humanity, have been permitted to exercise towards their innocent prisoners a most arbitrary system of cruelty
and violence; while experience affords ample and daily proofs of
the happier effects of a mild, conciliating treatment, rendered effective
by steady and dispassionate firmness." (A Treatise on
Insanity, Philippe Pinel, 1806 AD)
- (A
Treatise on Insanity, Philippe Pinel, 1806 AD)
A. The label of a "genetic misfit" and "broken
- This label actually causes depression, anxiety,
hopelessness and suicide!
- "Attributing a medical diagnosis to a healthy person
does not transform him into a bodily-medically ill person, whereas
attributing a psychiatric diagnosis to him does indeed transform him into
a mentally-psychiatrically ill person. A
nephrologist may declare Smith to be suffering from uremia. But if Smith
does not, in fact, have kidney failure, then the diagnosis will not make
him sick. It will make the diagnosis erroneous. In contrast, a
psychiatrist may declare Smith to be suffering from schizophrenia.
Regardless of Smith's behavior or mental state, the diagnosis will transform him into a "schizophrenic,"
or at the very least into a "schizophrenic in remission.""
The Science of Lies, Thomas Szasz, 2008 AD, p 15)
- It causes huge problems when people are told they have a
chemical problem in their brain or a genetic disorder. It is like breaking
your neck and becoming a quadriplegic because there is no fix or solution.
Drugs to not help correct the imbalance and nothing can fix the genetics!
- There are several cases were marriages have ended in
divorce because the one diagnosed with the mental illness was told the
cause was "bad genes". The person then refused to have children
with their spouse. This became a deal breaker for the marriage. This is an
example of how modern psychiatry destroys society and harms individuals.
- Sometimes it is the person diagnosed with "bad
genes" that initiates the divorce. Sometimes it is the
"normal" spouse who fears conceiving "genetically tainted
offspring" who initiates the divorce, who fear their future children
will end up in a mental hospital and be mentally ill.
- Being labeled as a "biologic misfit" with no
cure, is like being diagnosed with aids. There is no cure and you become a
huge risk to either marry or continue to be married to. Marriages are
called off! Divorces result!
- The deviant sex practitioner promotion community (LGBT: lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender) have a long history of grossly misleading
themselves and the general public into believing that their problems have their
origin in genetics. There is no scientific evidence that deviant sex practitioners are
made that way by genetics. You are not born gay, you are made gay by a
combination of your social environment and personal choices you have made
for yourself. There are many cases of deviant sex practitioners learning the truth that
they were not born that way and have entered therapy and become
heterosexual, married and lived happily ever after. The psychiatric
community labeled deviant sex as a "mental disorder" in the
DSM-III. Of course, that was wrong because deviant sex practitioners are not mentally
ill. Today psychiatrists have simply avoided the controversy for political
reasons. Christians are the only ones left on the planet who will openly
speak the truth that you are born heterosexual and learn to be deviant sex practitioner
from the environment within which you were raised.
B. Experts say the label is more harmful than the disease!
- "biologically-impaired"
Unfortunately what I also see these days are the casualties of this new
biologic psychiatry, as patients often come to me with many years of past
treatment. Patients having been diagnosed with
"chemical imbalances" despite the fact that no test exists to
support such a claim, and that there is no real conception of what a
correct chemical balance would look like. Patients with years of
medication trials which have done nothing except reify in them an identity
as a chronic patient with a bad brain. This identification as a biologically-impaired patient is one of the most
destructive effects of biologic psychiatry. (Against
Biologic Psychiatry, Dr. David Kaiser, Psychologist, Psychiatric
Times, December, Dec. 1996, Vol. XIII, Issue 12)
- "medically deviant"
"Psychiatry redefines a great deal of normal human behavior as medically deviant by pathologizing people who are
socially marginal in any way" (Pseudoscience
in Biological Psychiatry, Colin A. Ross, M.D., & Alvin Pam, Ph.D.,
1995, p. 228).
- "Because there are no objective methods for detecting
the presence or establishing the absence of mental diseases, and because
psychiatric diagnoses are stigmatizing labels with the potential for
causing far-reaching personal injury to the stigmatized
person, the "mental patient's" inability to prove his
"psychiatric innocence" makes psychiatry one of the greatest
dangers to liberty and responsibility in the modern world." (Psychiatry:
The Science of Lies, Thomas Szasz, 2008 AD, p 3)
- The damage done by the psychiatry industry in mislabeling
"mentally ill people" "biologically-impaired"
is huge.
- This label actually causes depression, anxiety,
hopelessness, divorce and suicide!
- Science cannot identify what the genetic problem is in
mental illness. It is purely theoretical!
- Science cannot prove there is a chemical imbalance in the
brain. It is entirely speculative!
- It is time to stop the damage that the psychiatry industry
is causing when they label someone a misfit for life based entirely upon
and every changing theoretical and speculative social science. Its time
for people to wake up!
- Psychiatry damages society and individuals by making Myth
into science when they tell you: "Sorry! You have a broken
- There is nothing wrong with the body of mentally ill
people. They are suffering from a spiritual, emotional problem: "The
only evidence that makes mental illness a disease "are the symptoms
used by professionals to label someone mentally ill. But the symptoms used
to diagnose someone as mentally ill (despair, hopelessness, sadness,
anger, shame, guilt ...) are not biological
markers. There is no evidence that these
expressions are physical in nature. They all point to a hurting soul."
(Ty C. Colbert, Rape of the Soul, Hour the Chemical Imbalance Model of
Modern Psychiatry has Faded Its Patients, 2001, p. 237-238)
- Christians have the Bible that serves as a blueprint to
spiritual happiness. One reason so many people are mentally ill today is
because they believe they are the result of an evolutionary process with
no purpose or meaning in life. Christians have a specific set of rules how
to live and avoid mental illnesses with both hope and purpose. When
Christians become mentally ill, they are possibly being disobedient to the
pattern of lifestyle found in the Bible.
Steve Rudd: Contact the author for
comments, input or corrections.
Send us your story about your
experience with modern Psychiatry