Schizophrenia (Schizoaffective Disorder, insanity) is pure "classic" Junk science.
known as: Insanity, Delusion and Paranoia
Psychiatry is Junk
Snapshot: |
A. Snapshot summary:
1. See the DSM-5 Biopsychiatric labels for the various Schizophrenia and delusion disorders.
2. Schizophrenia (Schizoaffective Disorder) is a behaviour choice not a disease.
3. Schizophrenic have normal brains, except when taking psychiatric drugs:
4. Schizophrenia is generally a meaningless general word for delusion and paranoia.
5. People become Schizophrenic for many reasons from which they derive some personal benefit.
6. Treating Schizophrenia with drugs is like smashing a computer because of a software virus.
7. While people may condition and train themselves to experience sudden panic fits for an infinite number of specific things, it is not a disease.
8. Jesus commands us not be deluded. Delusion and paranoia are sinful behaviour choices which is "cured" through repentance and self-control not drugs.
B. What is Schizophrenia:
1. Schizophrenia, insanity, madness are synonymous terms that describe an individual who has chosen to allow themselves to form the habit of engaging in sinful behaviours that annoy, bother, offend, threaten others and create their own false reality of self-delusion for the purpose of escaping some personal life problem which they achieve through the control of others for personal gain through lies, manipulation, and sympathy through outward displays of self-created suffering, hardship and victimhood.
2. Historically, Schizophrenia is known as "dementia praecox", insanity or madness (from the root word for out of control anger: madness) and is always associated with delusion and paranoia.
3. First and second Laws of Psychiatry:
a. Psychiatric theorem #1: Behaviour is a choice. Checklist behaviors. Determine the benefit.
b. Psychiatric theorem #2: Psychotic behaviour is a solution. Determine the problem.
4. Schizophrenia is the solution of how the mind rationalizes the irrational. Schizophrenia is a behaviour choice that creates an escape from reality in order to achieve a goal or gain a personal benefit. Schizophrenia can be a behaviour choice to escape unpleasant persecution or isolation at the hands of others. Schizophrenia can be a behaviour choice to escape the unpleasant life situation they have created for themselves. Schizophrenia is always an escape when all other rational doors are closed.
a. "Psychosis is loosely defined as loss of contact with reality. But what reality? Usually it is a loss of human reality—of any sense of safe or secure connection or bonding with other people or other meaningful aspects of life. The deluded person who believes that he or she is controlled by an FBI computer is symbolically expressing a sense of being controlled by threatening human forces. To get into such a dreadful state, he or she must have first felt manipulated and controlled by other people. The reality of this suffering in regard to other people is so crushing that it is transformed into a metaphor of being oppressed by physical forces, such as government computers. From sheer imagination, people find endless ways of creating or recreating missing human connections. These efforts often produce the "symptoms" of mental disorder. A man is obsessed with "love" for a woman whom he has never met. Despite the fact she's never heard of him, he finds imaginary signs that she secretly returns his love. Who else would be calling and hanging up? Who else would have thrown his newspaper from the sidewalk onto the porch? Who else would have given him that soothing touch in his dream? In real life, he is withdrawn from everyone. He creates a world of unreal connections where no real ones exist." (The Heart of Being Helpful, Peter Breggin, 1997 AD. p 77)
b. "People who are very disturbed and injured, including those who carry the diagnosis of schizophrenia, often can benefit most from family therapy. Like everyone else, their way of being has been influenced by significant people during their formative years. In the case of especially impaired people, some of whom continue to live at home in a dependent fashion, ongoing family relationships can be critical to their healing. By helping families to develop less conflicted, more loving communication and relationships, we go to the heart of the problem of "schizophrenia"—alienation from other human beings and withdrawal into a private world of humiliation and anger." (The Heart of Being Helpful, Peter Breggin, 1997 AD. p 101)
5. Schizophrenia is not a disease but a behaviour choice:
a. "Of course, if illness is a matter of lumps, lesions and germs, most schizophrenics are perfectly healthy." (Schizophrenia and the theories of Thomas Szasz, British Journal of Psychiatry, 129: 317-326, 1976 AD)
b. "Schizophrenia remains the paradigmatic metaphoric illness of modernity: a non-illness—generated by our bafflement by what the Other qua Madman says, authoritatively declared to be a disease (justifying his involuntary hospitalization and treatment). So important has schizophrenia become—not only in psychiatry but in modern society as a whole—that perhaps never before in history have so many educated people wasted so much time and money as have diverse professionals squandered on studying this nonexistent illness." (The Meaning of the Mind, Thomas Szasz, 1996 AD, p 121)
c. "However, asking why a schizophrenic speaker produces aberrant discourse, or why a schizovisic painter produces aberrant pictures, is asking the wrong questions. People have reasons for what they do, not theories of "producing" what others deem aberrant." (The Meaning of the Mind, Thomas Szasz, 1996 AD, p 123)
d. "The fact that not a single textbook of pathology recognizes depression and schizophrenia as diseases has not in the least dampened popular and political enthusiasm for their diagnosis and treatment." (The Medicalization Of Everyday Life, Thomas Szasz, 2007 AD, p 24)
e. "At the present time, there is no proof that biology causes schizophrenia, bipolar mood disorder, or any other functional mental disorder" (Pseudoscience in Biological Psychiatry, Colin A. Ross, M.D., & Alvin Pam, Ph.D., 1995, p. 90).
f. "The same principles apply to all psychiatric disorders, from "panic disorder" to "schizophrenia." At the root of each lies a personal story about heroism or failed heroism in dealing with the challenge of life, about spiritual capacity and incapacity, about ethical confusion and contradiction, and ultimately about the struggle to create a life of satisfaction and meaning. The same principles also apply to lesser intensities of emotional overwhelm. More subtle degrees of anxiety or depression, for example, are likely rooted in hidden trauma and misunderstood or conflicted principles of living." (The Heart of Being Helpful, Peter Breggin, 1997 AD. p 68)
6. Isolation can be cause insanity when a person chooses to escape the unpleasant situation they find themselves in. Insanity is a solution, isolation is the problem. "In my experience, this is the root of most overwhelming helplessness—that we feel hopelessly cut off from human support at a moment when we cannot handle life alone. Almost any human being can become "crazy" if placed in solitary confinement with no hope of human contact, if isolated too long on a life raft, or subjected to very extreme sensory deprivation. Successful techniques for demoralizing prisoners always rely on isolating them emotionally from each other. We need input from the world, but most importantly we need connectedness to other people or to some other aspect of life, from a treasured pet to nature or to ethical or religious ideals." (The Heart of Being Helpful, Peter Breggin, 1997 AD. p 76)
C. What biopsychiatrists, drug companies and governments say:
Notice they admit they have no idea what causes it: "Research to define causes of social anxiety is ongoing"
Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective Disorder
1. "The belief that schizophrenia is a specific organic disease or a group of organic brain diseases has never been confirmed. We have been on the verge of confirming it since the dawn of modern psychiatry, and we are still on the verge" (Pseudoscience in Biological Psychiatry, Colin A. Ross, M.D., & Alvin Pam, Ph.D., 1995, pp. 193-194).
2. "What are the causes of schizophrenia? Scientists still do not know the specific causes of schizophrenia, but research has shown that the brains of people with schizophrenia are different, as a group, from the brains of people without the illness. Like many other medical illnesses such as cancer or diabetes, schizophrenia seems to be caused by a combination of problems including genetic vulnerability and environmental factors that occur during a person's development. Recent research has identified the first genes that appear to increase risk for schizophrenia. Like cancer and diabetes, the genes only increase the chances of becoming ill, and do not cause the illness all by themselves. How is schizophrenia treated? While there is no cure for schizophrenia, it is a highly treatable and manageable illness. However, people may stop treatment because of medication side effects, disorganized thinking, or because they feel the medication is no longer working. People with schizophrenia who stop taking prescribed medication are at a high risk of relapse into an acute psychotic episode." (Schizophrenia, NAMI, National Alliance on Mental Illness, Daniel Weinberger, M.D., October 2003)
3. "What is the nature of the predisposition to schizophrenia? ... The results of these 80 years of research are clear and indisputable: nothing has come of it to date except utter confusion" (Pseudoscience in Biological Psychiatry, Colin A. Ross, M.D., & Alvin Pam, Ph.D., 1995, p. 199-200).
4. "schizophrenia: Although there are no specific electroencephalographic findings in schizophrenia, most studies do show that these patients have more abnormalities than are found in healthy control subjects. Abnormal electroencephalograms have been described in up to 80% of schizophrenic patients." (Textbook of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, Yudofsky, Hales, 2002 AD, p 206)
5. "The development of multiple competing theories about the cause of schizophrenia parallels its history. Early theories were shaped by limited knowledge about the nature of mental illness and inadequate research methods. There is still disagreement about the relative contribution of genetic and nongenetic factors to the development of schizophrenia, despite advances in psychiatric nosology, epidemiology, and genetics. Recent work, how-ever, has emphasized the importance of the interaction of both genetic and nongenetic factors in disease expression. Consensus now exists among many investigators that schizophrenia is best conceptualized as a "multiple-hit" illness similar to cancer. Individuals may carry a genetic predisposition, but this vulnerabilty is not "released" unless other factors also intervene." (Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry, Hales, Yudofsky, 2003 AD, p 403)
6. "Evidence for a hereditary contribution to schizophrenia is based on family studies, twin studies, and studies of adoptees." (Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry, Hales, Yudofsky, 2003 AD, p 403)
7. "The cause of delusional disorder is unknown, although it is unlikely that delusional disorders are related to schizophrenia or the mood disorders. The relatives of probands with delusional disorder show increased rates of jealously, suspiciousness, paranoid personality, and delusional disorder over control relatives, but the families have no increase in schizophrenia or mood disorders. ... Other potentially relevant risk factors for delusional disorder include social isolation and immigration. Prison psychosis has been described in which persons placed in solitary confinement have developed a paranoid psychosis." (Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry, Hales, Yudofsky, 2003 AD, p 425)
8. "Although the initially reported chromosomal localizations of genes responsible for manic-depressive disorder (Egeland et al., 1987) and schizophrenia (Sherrington et al., 1988) have been questioned (Byerley, 1989; Kelsoe et al., 1989), the genetic approach is bound to succeed ultimately." (The Biological Approach to Psychiatry, Samuel H. Barondes, The Journal of Neuroscience, June 1990)
9. "The development of brain-imaging techniques such as CT, MRI, SPECT, and PET have enhanced our understanding of schizophrenia. This technology is allowing us to explore the nature and pattern of brain deficits and examine the possibility of symptom localization in schizophrenia." (Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry, Hales, Yudofsky, 2003 AD, p 426)
10. "The ideology of bioreductionist psychiatry is that depression, schizophrenia, and other illnesses are biomedically distinct and genetically driven. Decades of fishing for supporting data have yielded nothing of substance, however" (Pseudoscience in Biological Psychiatry, Colin A. Ross, M.D., & Alvin Pam, Ph.D., 1995, p. 140).
11. "Learn to recognize the symptoms of MENTAL ILLNESS. Schizophrenia, Manic Depression and Severe Depression are BRAIN DISEASES. (Hawaii State Alliance for the Mentally Ill, 1991 AD)
12. "Schizophrenia, with its pervasive life impairments and the woeful lack of knowledge regarding its molecular pathophysiology, is a distressing mental illness. Its treatments have been empiric and serendipitously discovered, not rationally understood. Moreover, the treatments are partial, in that psychosis is the treatment-responsive symptom domain, whereas cognition and negative symptoms respond minimally. ... The hope that other new antipsychotics with fewer metabolic side effects might offer a similar effect was not fulfilled. Some have pointed out that older drugs like perphenazine, with their lower costs, may now once again become rational first-line therapies. The memory of patients with tardive dyskinesia still haunts many clinicians, however. ... This study strongly confirms what we have seen before, that clozapine is our most effective drug for schizophrenic psychosis. ... It is only clozapine that is superior, although its side effects are clearly challenging." (Practical Treatment Information for Schizophrenia, Carol A. Tamminga, American Journal of Psychiatry 163:4, April 2006)
13. "More commonly in psychiatry, a laboratory test result is informative but is not sufficiently sensitive and specific to be considered diagnostic of the disorder. Instead of informing diagnosis, the test results may be better considered as confirming the construct of the disorder and telling us something about its pathogenesis. For example, numerous studies have confirmed that, on average, groups of individuals with Schizophrenia have an increased ventricular size observable with brain imaging studies. However, because the range of values for individuals with Schizophrenia greatly over-laps with both normal values and values seen in other conditions, brain imaging cannot be used as a diagnostic test to indicate the presence of Schizophrenia for a given patient. Nonetheless, the findings of brain imaging do support the neuropsychiatric hypothesis for the etiology of Schizophrenia." (DSM-IV-TR Guidebook, 2004 AD, p 20)
14. "What causes schizophrenia? Like many other illnesses, schizophrenia is believed to result from a combination of environmental and genetic factors. ... Scientists have long known that schizophrenia runs in families. ... Do people with schizophrenia have faulty brain chemistry? It is likely that an imbalance in the complex, interrelated chemical reactions of the brain involving the neurotransmitters dopamine and glutamate (and possibly others) plays a role in schizophrenia. Neurotransmitters are substances that allow brain cells to communicate with one another. Basic knowledge about brain chemistry and its link to schizophrenia is expanding rapidly and is a promising area of research. Do the brains of people with schizophrenia look different? The brains of people with schizophrenia look a little different than the brains of healthy people, but the differences are small. Sometimes the fluid-filled cavities at the center of the brain, called ventricles, are larger in people with schizophrenia; overall gray matter volume is lower; and some areas of the brain have less or more metabolic activity. ... The only way to answer these questions is to conduct more research. Scientists in the United States and around the world are studying schizophrenia and trying to develop new ways to prevent and treat the disorder." (Schizophrenia, National Institute of Mental Health, NIMH, 2006)
15. "Schizoaffective Disorder: Differentiating schizoaffective disorder from schizophrenia and from mood disorder can be difficult. ... The most effective treatment for schizoaffective disorder is a combination of drug treatment and psychosocial interventions. ... Most people with schizoaffective disorder require long-term therapy with a combination of medications and psychosocial interventions in order to avoid relapses, and maintain an appropriate level of functioning and quality of life." (Schizoaffective Disorder, NAMI, National Alliance on Mental Illness, Dilip Jeste, MD November 2003)
16. "What is schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is a treatable brain disorder that drastically affects the behaviour of its sufferers. Research indicates two neurotransmitters, dopamine and serotonin in particular, play significant roles in schizophrenia. Evidence suggests that people with schizophrenia have too much dopamine in certain areas of the brain. Also, abnormalities in serotonin activity play an important role in the disease. Genetic predisposition is also a key factor." (Schizophrenia, Eli Lilly inc. drug company, 2007)
17. "I am constantly amazed by how many patients who come to see me believe or want to believe that their difficulties are biologic and can be relieved by a pill. This is despite the fact that modern psychiatry has yet to convincingly prove the genetic/biologic cause of any single mental illness. However, this does not stop psychiatry from making essentially unproven claims that depression, bipolar illness, anxiety disorders, alcoholism and a host of other disorders are in fact primarily biologic and probably genetic in origin, and that it is only a matter of time until all this is proven. This kind of faith in science and progress is staggering, not to mention naive and perhaps delusional. (Against Biologic Psychiatry, Dr. David Kaiser, Psychologist, Psychiatric Times, December, Dec. 1996, Vol. XIII, Issue 12)
D. Hearing voices: Simple "Self talking". Duhhh!
When someone tell you they hear voices. Just laugh at them. Otherwise they will think you stupid and gullible for falling for their lies. |
1. "Like the psychiatrist, the psychotic too has the power to abuse language. As I already suggested, the schizophrenic patient who "hallucinates" has "delusions" is profoundly dishonest with himself. He denies that the voices he hears are his own thoughts and that his delusions are metaphors he interprets literally. It is neither possible nor necessary to answer the question of whether the person who deceives himself is lying or not. It is possible, however, to construct an accurate account of such a person's behavior, both verbal and nonverbal, especially his communications with himself and others. We ought to question the schizophrenic's sincerity. Why does a hallucinating person never ask himself why "the voices" command him to perform acts of cruelty rather than acts of kindness; why does the deluded person—who claims, for example, that he is Jesus—never asks himself why his mother's name is not Mary, or how Jesus learned to speak English? ... I believe viewing the schizophrenic as a liar would advance our understanding of schizophrenia. What does he lie about? Principally about his own anxieties, bewilderments, confusions, deficiencies, and self-deceptions. He pretends that he is not confused, impotent, and insignificant; he is confident, powerful, and supremely significant." (The Meaning of the Mind, Thomas Szasz, 1996 AD, p 129)
2. "The hallucinating person's claim that his hallucinations are "very disturbing" cannot be accepted at face value. After all, it is the hallucinating person who produces the voices he hears. If, on balance, the voices would perturb him more than they please him, he would stop producing them. Similarly, if hallucinations were as disturbing for patients as psychiatrists say they are, patients would be eager to take the drugs that silence their "voices." However, many hallucinating persons refuse to take antipsychotic drugs voluntarily, preferring the company of their "voices" to the human voices available to them or to silence." (The Meaning of the Mind, Thomas Szasz, 1996 AD, p 130)
3. "Some observations obtained in the course of recent neuroimaging studies of schizophrenics support the interpretations I am suggesting. Let us recall that Julian Jaynes claimed that the experience of hearing voices (auditory hallucination) is "just like hearing actual sound." (The Origin of Consciousness, Julian Jaynes, chapter 4) If that were so, the cerebral-physiological processes accompanying the hallucinating person's experience would be similar to those accompanying normal hearing; which is exactly what researchers using neuroimaging technics to study brain activation in hallucinating patients expected to find. Instead, they found changes in the region of the brain activated during speaking. "Broca's area is a surprise," commented Jerome Engel, a neurologist at the University of California at Los Angeles, "since that's where you make sounds, not where you hear them. I would have expected more activity in Wernicke's area, which is where you hear." (Scientists trace voices in schizophrenia, D. Goleman quoting J. Engel, New York Times, Sept 22, 1993 p C2) ... This suggestion is supported not only by the neuroimaging evidence cited, but also by the familiar clinical observation that when a (hearing) person who has auditory hallucinations is engaged in oral activity, such as eating or speaking, his imaginary voices become less noticeable or stop altogether." (The Meaning of the Mind, Thomas Szasz, 1996 AD, p 126, 127)
4. "The person who complains of hearing voices, or acts as if he were listening to an absent person while someone is speaking to him, is violating social convention. An adult who blames his own bad thoughts on "voices" resembles a young child who blames his misconduct on an innocent sibling or imaginary stranger. The adult world easily sees through the child's naive stratagem, perhaps because children are not subject to the same legal punishments as adults. In contrast, the adult world, represented by the combined prestige of law, psychiatry, and the media, feels compelled to accept the "psychotic" adult's similar stratagem—that he actually hears voices which he is powerless to resist—to avoid having to treat the offending person as a responsible moral agent. The collusion between the psychotic and the psychiatrist is necessary for the protection of their respective constructions of reality." (The Meaning of the Mind, Thomas Szasz, 1996 AD, p 131)
E. Contradictory conclusions published in 1978: There is no Blood test for Schizophrenia.
F. Schizophrenic and Biopsychiatrists are equally delusional:
1. Delusions come in many forms. It is delusional to imagine that you are part of a secret astronaut program, or a covert spy as in the movie "A Beautiful Mind". It is delusional to see lights shining on your house when nobody else can see them at the same time. Even paranoia is mere delusion. Paranoia is thinking that you are being watched, followed, studied, protected, trained when you are in fact not. This too is delusion.
2. There are four kinds of delusion:
a. Perception Delusions
b. Hallucination Delusions
c. Paranoia Delusions
d. Auditory Delusions
3. Since sinful actions create a contradiction and distress in the mind changing the "spiritual chemistry" of the spirit. Seared consciences are the result of sinful behaviour, but until the full searing is reached, it causes considerable cognitive dissonance in the mind. This in part, is the etiology of some mental illnesses. The cure is to reset the conscience by repentance of the sinful conduct. The searing of a conscious is how the human spirit resolves the painful contradictions surrounding cognitive dissonance. The etiology of a seared conscious is when a person repeatedly engages in behaviours believed to be sinful and wrong. Last state if worse than the first.
4. Biopsychiatrists and atheists are as delusional as schizophrenics: Delusion is delusion.
a. Atheists who do not believe in Christ are delusional by very definition. We do not believe either are "mentally ill" or need treatment. Shocking the brain or prescribing a drug to "cure" a schizophrenic of his delusion and modify his behaviour, is no more effective than it would be in converting an atheist into a church attending, Bible reading Christian.
b. Atheists are under the delusion that there is no God when in fact they will bow their knee to the God that created them. They are under the delusion that there is no place call hell. They are under the delusion that they are not under constant observation of both God and Angels. They are under the delusion that there is no person called the Devil who is delighted that He has deceived them into rejecting God.
c. Biopsychiatrists believe the delusion that behaviours are driven by brain chemicals, when in fact the etiology of all human choice and mood is the spirit which they do not believe exists.
5. We can't tell the difference can you?
a. If in the presence of a psychiatrist, a person claims that UFO's drove their flying saucers (shaped like airplanes to trick us), into the world trade centers on 911 because they are tying to take over the worlds in a secret conspiracy, the person will be diagnosed with schizophrenia. Yet most Muslims in North America believe that Jews were flying the air planes that hit the world trade centers on 911 and that it was a Jewish plot sponsored by Israel and funded by the CIA. Further, Muslims are indeed trying to take over the world! Both views are equally delusional and "schizophrenic". Why does one end up in a locked room of a mental hospital and forced to take neuroleptic drugs and the other is encourage to use the Human Rights Tribunals to defend their freedom of expressions at taxpayers expense? Why the difference?
b. An overweight, out of shape and diabetic middle aged bored housewife knocks on all her neighbors' doors and tells them she is the hero of secret CIA spy program and is under constant surveillance by the Russians, is diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic by psychiatrists. Yet your boss has told everyone he knows, that aliens crashed their UFO in Roswell New Mexico whose remains are currently stored in area 51 military base in Nevada. Why does one end up in a mental asylum and the other does not. But why the difference?
c. If Shirley Maclaine announces on national TV "I am god", nobody views her as in need of a psychiatrist. Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses even go door to door telling everyone that they are a god, "And you can be too, if you will only read the inspired little magazines we write!!!". But if you walk into a mental hospital and tell the psychiatrist that you believe you are Jesus Christ, one of the two witnesses of Revelation or perhaps "Elijah who is to come", they drug you and put you in a locked room and label you as "schizophrenic". Why is one diagnosed as insane and the other not? Keep in mind that many religious leaders living today (like Ronald Weinland) claim to be Elijah and one of the two witnesses of Revelation. (The other witness is conveniently his Weinland's wife.) Yet this false teacher is the head of a Herbert W. Armstrong splinter group today and not in an asylum drugged against his will for delusional thinking! Why is Weinland not in a mental hospital since they are full of people who claim the exact same thing? Why is the guy in the asylum viewed as mad, but Weinland and Shirley Maclaine are not? Why the difference?
d. If you repeatedly tell others that God talks to you and you are seen actually carrying on a two way conversation with God, you are diagnosed as "schizophrenic". Yet every pentecostal, charismatic preacher for the "Pentecostal Assemblies of God" in Canada and "Church of God" in the USA, brings a message "God spoke in my ear this morning". One ends up on a mental hospital and the other does not. Why the difference?
e. If you wear matching red shoes and a red cowboy hat and stand on the busy down town street corner every lunch hour and talk gibberish nonsense (salad talk) to everyone who walks by, you will eventually get arrested and dragged off to the mental asylum for a psychiatric examination. Yet every Sunday, hundreds of Pentecostals, speak in "tongues" (gibberish, salad talk) at the same time in church, some while wearing matching red shoes and hats. Both will argue they are actually speaking a message in a secret language. Linguistic experts have definitively concluded that the modern practice of tongue speaking is not any language, but instead is music. But no fact can dissuade tongue speakers out of the false belief that the Holy Spirit is guiding them. You will find it equally difficult to convince both the tongue speaking pentecostal and the the guy wearing the red cowboy that they are "salad talking". Both are equally self deluded, doing exactly the same thing, yet one ends up in the mental ward, and the other does not.
6. Why the difference for the same behaviours? It is impossible to get committed to a mental hospital if you are financially self-sufficient and don't bother anyone else. Even though a pentecostal has a constitutional protection to knock on your door and try to get you to speak in tongues once, if he continues day after day to knock on your door, even after you have told him to read 1 Cor 13:8-10 and leave you alone, he will get arrested and end up in the mental asylum. Bugging, annoying and causing other people trouble or forcing others to provide for your basic personal needs, is the only reason you can get thrown into an asylum. Specifically how you bug them is not important. What you believe is irrelevant. If you work a job, maintain a house, do your own cooking and laundry and don't annoy, trouble or concern the neighbors, it is impossible to ever get committed to a mental hospital, even if you tell them you are God and Jews flew the UFO built planes into the Trade Towers and that all the evidence is being hidden from the public by the US government in Area 51! Everyone will allow you to believe anything you like, but stop paying your bills, start annoying people, neglect your personal appearance and you end up in the loonie bin!
7. There are many highly delusional people who lead otherwise normal productive lives. But as soon as such persons begin to annoy others, interfere with their peace or just cause others problems, this is when the label of insanity gets applied. What is important to note, is that it is not the delusional believes that get the person labeled as insane, it is only when they are unable to care for themselves or start causing problems for others. Which is more delusional, a housewife who suddenly believes she has been chosen to be an astronaut for NASA or an Imam who preaches in his mosque that Jews were driving the airplanes in 911? Who is more delusional, the atheist who believes there is no God or Shirley Maclaine who believes she IS god? Which is more delusional, a humanist who believes we evolved from blobs in the sea by random chance processes or the alienist, who believes extra terrestrials seeded life on earth from their home planet? Which is more delusional, the atheistic chemical psychiatrists who deny man has freewill because man is nothing more than a pile of evolved chemicals or the Calvinist who denies freewill because God is so all knowing and all powerful, that he predetermined everything we do before the foundation of the world? Which is more delusional, a Pentecostal pastor who preaches to his church the special message God gave to him for them, or the guy pleading with the nurses to let him out of the asylum because he must preach the special message God gave him for the world to hear before its too late?
8. Therefore, someone is only called insane, when they become a problem for others, but for the insane, these behaviours are a solution.
G. Schizophrenia Cases:
1. Schizophrenia is a behaviour choice whose origin is the human spirit.
2. You cannot diagnose someone with schizophrenia unless he talks because it is not a medical condition but behaviour.
3. Schizophrenia is neither a disease nor a medical condition. There is no scientific evidence that any mental illness is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain.
4. Schizophrenia is a solution to a problem. It is important to ask, "What benefit is this individual deriving from engaging in this behaviour?"
a. Schizophrenia always brings some personal gain in solving some problem.
b. Schizophrenia is a language that says, "I cannot get what I need from conventional methods of communication, like asking, so I will fabricate psychotic behaviours to do the asking for me".
c. "The point is that when some persons in some situations cannot make themselves heard by means of ordinary language—for example, speech or writing—they may try to make themselves heard by means of protolanguage, for example, weeping or "symptoms." Others in other situations may try to overcome this obstacle in exactly the opposite way, that is, by shifting from ordinary language spoken in a normal tone of voice to ordinary language spoken in a shout or in a threatening tone. Obviously, the weak tend to use the former strategy, and the strong the latter. When a child cannot get his mother to listen, or a wife her husband, each might try tears; but when a mother cannot get her child to listen, or a husband his wife, each is likely to shout. This, then, is the essential communicational dilemma in which many weak or oppressed persons find themselves vis-à- vis those who are stronger or who oppress them: if they speak softly, they will not receive a hearing; if they raise their voices literally, they will be considered impertinent; and if they raise their voices metaphorically, they will be diagnosed as insane." (The Myth of Mental Illness, Thomas Szasz, 1961 AD, p118)
5. See the DSM-5 Biopsychiatric labels for the various Schizophrenia and delusion disorders.
By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections.
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