illness and Genetics

There is no scientific proof that Mental illness is caused by
genetic deficiencies in DNA.
- Chemical
psychiatry has only two causes (etiologies) of mental illness:
chemical imbalances and bad DNA. Their cure is always drugs.
- The chemical psychiatry industry and all mental health
officials will tell you that mental illnesses can be traced down to the
DNA level. They make it sound like they have seen the mental illness gene
under a microscope! What they don't tell you, is that this is a theory and
a guess!
- The reason they believe mental illness is caused by
genetics is because they reject the spiritual side of man. They view man
as a pile of chemicals and nothing more. This is called chemical
psychiatry and it represents the 99.9% of all mental health theory.
- They theorize mental illness is caused by bad DNA because
they have done social studies and noticed that mental illness runs in
families. The problem with this is that many things unrelated to DNA run
in families, like tastes in food, religion, they way you celebrate
- Reginald Bibby, a sociologist with the university
Lethbridge, Alberta, has long documented that the most significant factor
in determining religious denominational affiliation, is the church the
parents attended. Religion runs in families. But so does mental illness,
anxiety, depression, alcoholism, poverty, divorce and high school drop
outs. We understand why we would never look for a genetic cause for
denominational affiliation, poverty, divorce or why entire ghettos have
90% drop out rates. So why would we look for a genetic cause for anxiety
and depression? Genetic studies that are supposed to "prove" a
genetic cause for mental illnesses are done by a verbal sociology survey,
not an electron microscope in a scientific laboratory. The
"science" and "proof" of a genetic cause for mental
illness is when psychiatrists ask: "is there a family history of
depression or anxiety in your family? The problem with this, is that
anxiety and depression are learned responses to how to deal with life's
everyday ups and downs.
- "Medicine is becoming an increasingly molecular
discipline, and in none of its specialities is this change causing more of
a stir than in psychiatry. This is because
psychiatry has been dominated, for many years, by subjective approaches to
mental illness that are as far as one can get from quantitative science.
No wonder psychiatrists have been unsettled by the realization that the
next major advances in their field are bound to
come [ie still in the future] from genetics and molecular
biology." (The
Biological Approach to Psychiatry, Samuel H. Barondes, The Journal of
Neuroscience, June 1990)
- "I am constantly amazed by how many patients who come
to see me believe or want to believe that their difficulties
are biologic and can be relieved by a pill. This is despite the
fact that modern psychiatry has yet to
convincingly prove the genetic/biologic cause of any single mental illness.
However, this does not stop psychiatry from making essentially unproven claims that depression, bipolar illness, anxiety
disorders, alcoholism and a host of other disorders are in fact primarily
biologic and probably genetic in origin, and that it is only a
matter of time until all this is proven. This kind of faith in science and
progress is staggering, not to mention naive and perhaps delusional. (Against
Biologic Psychiatry, Dr. David Kaiser, Psychologist, Psychiatric
Times, December, Dec. 1996, Vol. XIII, Issue 12)
- In 1621 AD, Robert Burton
wrote a book called The Anatomy Of Melancholy which described mental
illness as caused by the mind which then in turn affects the brain, heart
and other organs. He notes that different people handle common everyday
life events in vastly different ways. The melancholy are unable to deal
with these common life events without anxiety and loss of sleep. Burton
further states that mental illness happens in family groups and is
hereditary. He notes that it is not the physical body that transmits the
disease, but the manner, personality, temperament of the mind. It is clear
that through all ages mental illness runs in families. But so does
religion. Just as religion can be learned so too mental illness: "it being an hereditary disease : for as he
justices . . . Such as the temperature of the father is, such is the sons;
and look what disease the father had when he begot him, such his son will
have after him . . . Now this doth not so much appear in the composition
of the Body . . . but in manners and conditions of the Mind".
Burton shows that the etiology of mental illness is upbringing. It is easy
to see why Burton's book was a standard text that was widely distributed
over two centuries. (The Anatomy Of
Melancholy, Robert Burton, 1621 AD)
A. The myth that "bad genetics" cause mental illness:

- "Biologic psychiatrists often use the standards of empiricism to answer their critics,
in effect saying that their claims are scientifically
"proven" and thus unassailable, clearly a tautological
argument. I would further add that in my view many of the claims of biologic psychiatry do not even hold up to
their own standards of empirical science, for example their claims
about the biologic and genetic basis of many mental illnesses." (Against
Biologic Psychiatry, Dr. David Kaiser, Psychologist, Psychiatric
Times, December, Dec. 1996, Vol. XIII, Issue 12)
- "biological
determinist claims that bad behavior (usually about sex or violence)
is genetically caused can be guaranteed
generous and uncritical media attention, even by science journalists whose
knowledge of contemporary genomics ought to have made them more alert to
its problems." (Hilary Rose, "Spot the Infidelity Gene,"
Guardian Unlimited, December 1, 2004.)
- "Although the initially
reported chromosomal localizations of genes responsible for
manic-depressive disorder (Egeland et al., 1987) and schizophrenia (Sherrington et al., 1988) have been questioned (Byerley, 1989; Kelsoe et
al., 1989), the genetic approach is bound to succeed ultimately." (The
Biological Approach to Psychiatry, Samuel H. Barondes, The Journal of
Neuroscience, June 1990)
- "Scientifically, the only conclusion that can be
reached from studying the pattern of occurrence of a disorder in a
pedigree [in a family] is an inversion of biological psychiatry's logical
error: If there is no familial pattern, one can rule out an inherited
cause. If there is a pattern of family transmission, on the other hand,
there may be a purely inherited cause, a purely environmental cause, or a
mixture of the two" (Pseudoscience
in Biological Psychiatry, Colin A. Ross, M.D., & Alvin Pam, Ph.D.,
1995, p. 89).
- "This doctrine [alcoholism is a disease] has been
adopted throughout the chemical dependency field including Alcoholics
Anonymous (AA). despite the fact that it has no scientific foundation and
is logically incorrect. ... The idea that alcoholism
is genetic is the leading example of the effective marketing of
pseudoscience by biological psychiatry. ... There cannot be a gene for
alcoholism, and alcoholism cannot be a biomedical illness, for logical
reasons... American researchers typically ignore the work of Robin Murray,
the leading British expert in the genetics of alcoholism; Murray found no
difference in rates of alcoholism for MZ [mono-zygotic, or identical] and
DZ [di-zygotic, or non-identical] twins, effectively
ruling out a genetic hypothesis if these results are replicated by
other researchers" (Pseudoscience
in Biological Psychiatry, Colin A. Ross, M.D., & Alvin Pam, Ph.D.,
1995, p. 96.)
- "The belief that schizophrenia is a specific organic
disease or a group of organic brain diseases has
never been confirmed. We have been on the verge of confirming it
since the dawn of modern psychiatry, and we are still on the verge" (Pseudoscience
in Biological Psychiatry, Colin A. Ross, M.D., & Alvin Pam, Ph.D.,
1995, pp. 193-194).
- "Unfortunately what I also see these days are the
casualties of this new biologic psychiatry, as patients often come to me
with many years of past treatment. Patients having
been diagnosed with "chemical imbalances" despite the fact that
no test exists to support such a claim, and that there is no real
conception of what a correct chemical balance would look like.
Patients with years of medication trials which have done nothing except
reify in them an identity as a chronic patient with a bad brain. This
identification as a biologically-impaired patient
is one of the most destructive effects of biologic psychiatry."
Biologic Psychiatry, Dr. David Kaiser, Psychologist, Psychiatric
Times, December, Dec. 1996, Vol. XIII, Issue 12)
B. Psychiatrists theorize that "bad genetics" cause mental illness:
- "But recently, materialistic explanations of religion
and spirituality have gotten out of hand. Influenced by this materialistic
prejudice, popular media jump at stories about the violence gene, the fat
gene, the monogamy gene, the infidelity gene, and now, even a God gene!
The argument goes like this: evolutionary
psychologists attempt to explain human spirituality and belief in God
by insisting that cave dwellers in the remote past who believed in a
supernatural reality were more likely to pass on their genes than cave
dwellers who didn't. Progress in genetics and neuroscience has encouraged
some to look, quite seriously, for such a God gene, or else a God spot,
module, factor, or switch in the human brain. By the time the amazing
"God helmet" (a snowmobile helmet modified with solenoids that
purportedly could stimulate subjects to experience God) in Sudbury,
Canada, became a magnet for science journalists in the 1990s (the Decade
of the Brain), materialism was just about passing beyond parody.
Nonetheless, materialists continue to search for a God switch. Such comic
diversions aside, there is no escaping the nonmaterialism of the human
mind." (The
Spiritual Brain, Mario Beauregard Ph.D., Neuroscientist, 2007, p xiv)
- Notice that they are saying that it is still theoretical
and that in the future they expect to be able to "pin-point" DNA
that causes mental illness: "Consider that, up until the present,
psychiatric genomics has been limited to studies of chromosomal link-age
wherein a putative gene for a disorder could be roughly localized to a
given region of a chromosome. The burgeoning understanding of the human
genome taking place will lead to a complete
identification of the "correct" sequence, as well as to an
understanding of genetic variation among humans. In many humans, a single
base or single nucleotide is modified, and it is a combination of knowing
the entire genetic code and determining aberrations in individuals with
disease that will allow the pin-pointing of
specific genes associated with psychiatric disorders." (Textbook
of Psychopharmacology, Schatzberg, Nemeroff, 2002 AD, p 53)
- "The latest deadweight dragging us closer to phrenology
is "evolutionary psychology," or the science formerly known as
sociobiology, which studies the evolutionary roots of human behavior.
There is nothing inherently wrong with this enterprise, and it has
proposed some intriguing theories, particularly about the evolution of
language. The problem is that evolutionary psychology suffers from the
scientific equivalent of megalomania. Most of its
adherents are convinced that virtually every human action or feeling,
including depression, deviant sex, religion, and consciousness, was put
directly into our brains by natural selection. In this view,
evolution becomes the key--the only key--that can unlock our
humanity." Jerry A. Coyne, Evolutionary biologist, "The Fairy
Tales of Evolutionary Psychology," New Republic, March 4, 2000)
- There is no scientific proof you can see in a microscope
that mental illness is caused by bad DNA. This is a myth.
- The only reason the Chemical
psychiatry industry hypothesizes a link between DNA and mental illness
is because of social studies of identical twins and families. The problem
with this, is that many things not related to DNA run in families like
Steve Rudd: Contact the author for
comments, input or corrections.
Send us your story about your
experience with modern Psychiatry