Extra-Biblical Oral Tradition Arguments Refuted:

"Jews being sawn in two in Hebrews 11:37 came from tradition not scripture." |
False arguments that Catholics and Orthodox use to prove oral extra-scriptural church tradition are refuted.
"Jews being sawn in two in Hebrews 11:37 came from tradition not scripture."
"They were stoned, they were sawn in two, they were tempted, they were put to death with the sword; they went about in sheepskins, in goatskins, being destitute, afflicted, ill-treated." Hebrews 11:37
"the author of Hebrews relies on the oral tradition of the martyrs being sawed in two. This is not recorded in the Old Testament. It was recorded in "The Ascension of Isaiah".
"And many in Jerusalem and in Judea he will cause to abandon the true faith, and Beliar will dwell in Manasseh, and by his hands I shall be sawn asunder." (The Ascension of Isaiah 1:9)
"And when Isaiah was being sawn in sunder, Belchira stood up, accusing him, and all the false prophets stood up, laughing and rejoicing because of Isaiah." (The Ascension of Isaiah 5:2)
"And when Isaiah was being sawn in sunder, he neither cried aloud nor wept, but his lips spake with the Holy Spirit until he was sawn in twain." (The Ascension of Isaiah 5:14)

Refutation of the false Catholic & Orthodox tradition argument:
"Jews being sawn in two in Hebrews 11:37 came from tradition not scripture." |
The Hebrew writer got the story directly from the Holy Spirit. Inspiration means that the prophecy did not come by an act of human will. We are offended that anyone would suggest the authors of the Bible rely upon human records and not the Holy Spirit. "no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God. (2 Pet 1:20-21)
Interesting that we have a reference to King David killing his enemies by sawing them in two: "He also brought out the people who were in it, and set them under saws, sharp iron instruments, and iron axes, and made them pass through the brickkiln. And thus he did to all the cities of the sons of Ammon. Then David and all the people returned to Jerusalem." 2 Samuel 12:31
There is no known tradition or writing in existence that pre-dates the New Testament that says Isaiah was sawn in two.
The Ascension of Isaiah was composed well after the New Testament was written. There are many examples of New Testament doctrines and ideas throughout the book.
The Ascension of Isaiah is not oral tradition, but a written tradition.
Roman Catholic and Orthodox defenders should be spanked for even suggesting that Hebrews 11:37 borrowed from "The Ascension of Isaiah".
We want to draw the readers attention to the fact that Hebrews 11:37 does not name who it was who was sawn in two. Such information came as new revelation directly from the Holy Spirit!
Even if there was an actual oral tradition about Isaiah being sawn in two, only through the Holy Spirit stating such in the scriptures, could modern traditionalists know which parts of the tradition are valid and which parts are fables.
The Ascension of Isaiah written by Christians after 150 AD:
We call this the "Which came first Hebrews 11:37 or The Ascension of Isaiah argument. The Ascension of Isaiah was so clearly composed and edited by Christians after Hebrews 11:37 was written that only the blind and self deluded would even consider suggesting that Hebrews 11:37 used the Ascension of Isaiah as the source of information that Isaiah was sawn in two.
Notice the following quotes from the Ascension of Isaiah and prove to yourself it is worthless as oral tradition that pre-dates the New Testament:
- Crucifixion and the twelve apostles
: "the children of Israel should torture Him, and the coming of His twelve disciples, and the teaching, and that He should before the sabbath be crucified upon the tree, and should be crucified together with wicked men, and that He should be buried in the sepulchre" (The Ascension of Isaiah 3:13)
- An obvious reference to Nero as the Anti-Christ
: "After it is consummated, Beliar the great ruler, the king of this world, will descend, who hath ruled it since it came into being; yea, he will descent from his firmament in the likeness of a man, a lawless king, the slayer of his mother: who himself (even) this king. Will persecute the plant which the Twelve Apostles of the Beloved have planted. Of the Twelve one will be delivered into his hands. This ruler in the form of that king will come and there will come and there will come with him all the powers of this world, and they will hearken unto him in all that he desires. And at his word the sun will rise at night and he will make the moon to appear at the sixth hour. And all that he hath desired he will do in the world: he will do and speak like the Beloved and he will say: "I am God and before me there has been none."" (The Ascension of Isaiah 4:2-6)
- Trinity
: "And I saw when He ascended into the sixth heaven, and they worshipped and glorified Him. But in all the heavens the praise increased (in volume). And I saw how He ascended into the seventh heaven, and all the righteous and all the angels praised Him. And then I saw Him sit down on the right hand of that Great Glory whose glory I told you that I could not behold. And also the angel of the Holy Spirit I saw sitting on the left hand." (The Ascension of Isaiah 11:30-32)
- Isaiah speaking by the Holy Spirit is clearly a New Testament theology and look, it is at the very time Isaiah was sawn in two:
"And when Isaiah was being sawn in sunder, he neither cried aloud nor wept, but his lips spake with the Holy Spirit until he was sawn in twain." (The Ascension of Isaiah 5:14)
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