Occult Dictionary:
The Donning International Encyclopedic Psychic Dictionary
June G. Beltzer, Ph.D.
Definitions of Occult phenomena |
Occult definition applied to Pentecostal churches
This check mark indicates the definition fits modern Pentecostalism
A PRESENCE - 1. Any invisible energy field that is psychically sensed and felt to be a life-form (as man knows life) as opposed to an inert energy field (such as an aura, a thought-form, or colored energies); e.g., a dead bird in one hand and a live bird in the other hand give two distinct feelings; 2. used as an umbrella word if one is unable to discern whether the soul-mind from the etheric world is a ghost, a poltergeist, a UFO intelligence, a personal guide, or a deceased friend; etheric world soul-mind can be perceived by clairvoyance, a cold chill in the atmosphere, a fragrance not relative to anything in the vicinity, a touch on the shoulder, a surge of warmth flooding the body, etc. Usage: "I feel 'a presence' around me making me feel safe." ["Etheric intelligences," "etheric world entities" and other New Age terms in Christianity would mean, literally, "demons."] |
Feel the presence of God or the Holy Spirit.

ABULIA - the level of consciousness in hypnosis in which the conscious mind becomes passive and one then relinquishes their will. |

ACTIVE RITUAL - (psi tasks) involvement of direct discharge of energy from agent to target; to psychically discharge concentrated energy to the target. |
Members holding hands out toward others being prayed for, TV healers who hold their hands out to "send" the Spirit to heal those watching. TV preachers telling placing their hands on their TV sets as "a point of contact."
ANOINTED ONES - ones who have accomplished self-control and mastery over their thinking, actions, talents, and psychic energies; qualifies them to work for the better evolution of civilization; the rank is earned through toil and strife through many incarnations; works toward the progress of the planet in a physical incarnation or from the etheric world; the fifth initiation toward Godhead. |

ANXIETY ATTACK - (possession) a tremendous feeling of apprehension and psychic tension that occurs in one who has possessional attacks; can only be relieved by allowing the etheric world entity of low quality to enter the body, possess it, and have the hysterical fit. |

AP THMOP - (Cambodia) a psychic who specializes in auric clairvoyance and predicts the future of nations and countries by tuning into the aura of sections of civilization. |

ARTIFICIAL GROUP ELEMENTAL - a large energy field hovering over the heads of individuals in a gathering which has a strong influence on each individual; 1. Energy field is composed of thought energy coming from individuals; field is formed and sustained because of the unity of thoughts and emotions; all minds are focused on one subject, one goal, one concept, or one attitude brought about telepathically by the tone and pitch of the words of the leader or music; elemental becomes recharged as the meeting progresses if the group keeps this unity of emotion and thought; 2. Elemental has an independent existence outside the consciousness of the thinkers and is capable of influencing each person individually to react emotionally in a manner one could not or would not be capable of individually away from the group; 3. Elemental disperses as rapidly as it is formed when the group is dismissed as the crowd no longer has continuity of existence; 4. e.g., individuals at a concert frequently weep because the oneness, joy and awe become overwhelming; young adults at a rock festival scream and tear off clothing because the music is choreographed to tune into these levels of the brain and the massness of feelings thrust them into this: soldiers attend military drills frequently in the sameness of uniform; this, along with the saluting and music reinforces their patriotism; destructive-brainwashing cult members meet daily or bi-daily to engage in repetitious verbiage and phrase shouting to keep the cult-programming" at an emotional peak. |

ARTIKA CEREMONY - a ritual performed in one of the destructive-brainwashing cults to induce a "snapping" state of mind; consists of offering a candle to the deity, jumping up and down,, singing, dancing, chanting repetitiously for a prolonged time, and then concentrating immediately on six statues of deities; overindulgence in the above activities forces one's psychic doors to be open in an unnatural way; one may see visions, pleasant or fierce, but believed (or told) to be spiritual because the individual has never experienced an altered state of consciousness before; the mind has snapped and from that time on the individual floats in and out of the altered state which makes him easier to be controlled by the organization. |
Take away the candle and the six statues and put "Jesus" in their place and this definition pretty much matches the current revival meetings: "jumping up and down,, singing, dancing, chanting repetitiously for a prolonged time."

BANTERING SPIRIT - (possession) the etheric world entity capable of taking control, or influencing an earthling for evil intent, by seizures of distorted and abnormal behavior. |

BAPTISM BY FIRE - (esoteric) the moment of arousal and raising of kundalini power, felt by the person as a surge of energy enters the chakra |

BIOELECTRIC PHENOMENA - (esoteric) to release from one's body an abnormal quantity of electricity causing unpleasant psychic events at random; performed unconsciously and unavoidably; psychic reacts like a high voltage wire to any person or object that touches him or her; this body chemistry is inborn and sometimes cannot be altered to alleviate this effect; a rarity |
Most of the major restored prophets and healers have manifested this phenomena after becoming "anointed."
BLANK AWARENESS - to feel that nothing is going on and yet one is awake; a state of consciousness in which one is not aware of anything in particular, and yet one is not asleep |

BLANK MOOD - a state in which the mind is active, yet neutral or devoid of opinion; necessary for psychic and radiesthetic work. |

CALL DOWN - (ceremonial magic) to petition or invoke an etheric world intelligence to possess one's body, in part or in whole, in order to perform psychic acts to help persons who are in trouble or are ill. |

CALLED PERSON - an individual given psychic abilities (from the etheric world) to prophecy, heal, counsel, and guide. |

CASTING OUT AN EVIL SPIRIT - to remove an etheric world entity who enters an earthling's body intermittently with evil intent, causing spasmodic seizures; magic rituals force the inferior spirit out of the body and dissipate them |
What the New Age calls demon possession, the "revival" calls "the anointing."
CATALEPSY - a state of suspension of vital functions in which it is impossible to move; sometimes spontaneous brought on by hypnosis, and dissipated by same; do not confuse with the normal hypnotic state; feeling of loss of contact with the environment; a temporary loss of consciousness; vitality is suppressed and body is in a fixed position |

CATALEPSY PHENOMENA - physical phenomena in which the psychic feat is conducted by the etheric world intelligence while he or she is using the medium's body |

CELESTIAL PHEONOMENA - ancient name given to any type of psychic events believed to have come from the atmosphere and without invitation; it comes as a guide, protection, or informative assistance for the earth being. |

CHARISMATIC HYMM - a chant or song composed in a special vibrational frequency so that its tone and rhythm stir the emotions of each member of the gathering; music is played extremely loud and the words are repetitious; puts congregation in an altered-state-of-consciousness and encourages one to talk-in-tongues and to rise up and give prophecy. |

CHERUBIM AND SERAPHIM MOVEMENT - (West Africa) a ceremony of hymms, drums, and dancing to raise the vibrations in a church service until psychics in the congregation go into an altered state of consciousness and bring forth information from etheric world intelligences to inspire, teach and protect their people. |

CHRIST - (Greek Kristos, "anointed") (Hebrew Messiah) the word Christ per se does not refer to any particular person; every person earning the right to become anointed is christed; after being anointed, Christ is used as his or her title; the Logos of Infinities (cf. Christed). |
Ken Copeland actually teaches to remove the word "Christ" and put "Anointed" in his place. Thus we receive "the anointing" because we receive Christ. In other words, we, like New Agers, are "christed."
CONVULSIONARY - (possession) one who is possessed by a low-grade entity which frequently shows itself in seizures; individual goes into an involuntary cataleptic trance without the power to stop it; body does contortions, and voice says words the individual would not normally say |

CONVULSIVE MEDIUM - one who trembles and becomes feverish when the etheric and overexcited when the etheric world entities are intervening for communications. |

COSMIC FIRE - 1. The primal source in its unorganized state emanating as the divine light before it became the universe. 2. The potential energy lying dormant in the base of the kundalini that has the potential to become ignited and help the human race evolve on its path to TOTALITY. |

CREATIVE QUIET - a level of consciousness in which psychic information can be perceived with accuracy; level is reached after one has been meditating long enough and the psychic recognizes the sensation of this level; the more one reaches his or her creative level of consciousness the less meditation time it takes beforehand; the listening mode. |

DEMONICAL SOMNABULISM - (possession) the seizure of a physical body by an inferior etheric world entity with evil intent; occurs with such rapidity and force that the victim loses consciousness and the body takes on the personality of the entity; facial features become twisted, language is obscene and vulgar, even though the person is well-bred; body performs physical contortions normally impossible to human beings; sometimes behaves like an animal; body becomes so strong that it takes many to subdue it; not willed consciously. |

DEMONOMANIA - an individual behaving as if in a convulsive seizure; believed to have an inferior or evil etheric world entity in his or her body, which uses it for its benefit; see POSSESSION |

DERVISH - A Mohammedan holy man (and psychic) following an order of the Sufi philosophy and culture; noted for raising his state of consciousness by special group dancing in which one whirls and twirls while chanting until he experiences a state of bliss, ecstasy, or psychic help and guidance for his daily life; dance, chants, and circle formation work in harmony with a polarity energy that keeps the dancer from becoming tired or dizzy. |

DHIKR - (Sufi) a dance or method of worship to produce a state of ritual ecstasy to accelerate the contact of one's mind with the world mind or to put oneself in a state ready for trancing; a series of exercises repeated in unison; bodily movements linked to a thought and a sound, or a series of sounds, in relation to musical rhythm. |

DIVINE IDEA - information, knowledge, suggestions and concepts that come psychically to an individual using the skill of inspirational thought. |

DIVINE INTOXICATION - (ancient) to receive a mass enfolding psychic experiences within a short time, resulting in spiritual upliftment; brought on deliberately or occurs without a consciously known reason, e.g., to be flooded with vivid dreams each night; to become entranced with the awe and the beauty and accuracy of the psychic experiences. |

ELECTRIFIED - (esoteric) 1. to become suddenly charged with an exuberant amount of psychic energy while going through an exhilarating psychic experience; shows evidence in the physical condition, such as the heart racing, mind activity accelerating. physical body feelings of light, heat, cold, tingling sensations along the spine, and other unusual physical sensations; comes from the sixth dimension where the atmosphere is very energizing, and lasts only a short time; 2. a state of super-consciousness, wherein all internal organs remain in a state of suspended animation, charged with cosmic energy; an individual can dispense with sleep while in this state; 3. an intense vibration; the difference between the power which exists as reality in the sixth plane and the use to which it has been put in life in the physical plane; life energy that permeates every form on earth extending from the sixth plane to physical things, animate or inanimate; makes it possible for discarnates to project thoughts of the higher etheric world intelligences into the minds of incarnates, and vice versa. |

EMOTIONAL HIGH - (esoteric) a beautiful, estatic self-hypnotic state of joyful joy; a concentrated exhileration of happiness; a feeling of detachment from the body and a oneness with Totality; usually accompanied by an outpouring of psychic energy, resulting in a very pleasurable experience; brought on by effort, or occurs spontaneously from a good meditation session, a long fervent prayer, a period of chanting, or specially designed music such as concerts, loud , continuous charismatic hymms, or from gatherings for religious metaphysical, philosophical, or consciousness awareness purposes. |

ENCHANTER - a male psychic who specializes in the skill of influencing people for good or evil by creating a thought atmosphere around his subject by a technique using songs, chants or rhythmic sounds. |

ENTRANCEMENT - 1. a hypnotic trance state of consciousness to be used for performing physical phenomena; 2. a transfixed, hypnotic stupor that one psychically acquires unknowingly from a person, without his or her consent or knowledge of it happening; in this state of consciousness one can be manipulated for the benefit of the psychic |

ENTRANCER - a psychic who specializes in techniques for manipulating other persons; builds a thought atmosphere around the victim, creating a dazed state of consciousness; skill used for evil intent or revenge. |

ETHERIC ACTIVITY - to engage in rhythmic body movement continuously until one alters his state of consciousness, which induces psychic experiences; basis for a consciousness change is rhythm and repetition; disciplines use dancing, twirling, running, chanting, clapping of hands, and jumping; without need of conscious mind decisions, the conscious mind becomes passive and the subconscious mind takes charge. |

EXPLOITATION OF INSTINCT - to utilize one's inner feelings, hunches, and intuitive knowledge without questioning, due to belief that psychic information is from Totality and that Totality is above human reasoning and logic; to be divinely guided, to realize it, and to use the guidance. |
Pentecostals would substitute the "Holy Spirit" for the New Age "Totality"
FLICK - (psychic healing) to jerk or snap the fingers or hands to shake off the diseased vibrations when performing |
Benny Hinn, Mike Perky, Rod Parsley jerk or snap their hand, while Tim Story snaps his fingers.
FLOW FREE - pertains to how the mind should function to receive psychic information; psychic begins with a neutral or empty mind, without any preconceptions of what should or will transpire, or what the message will be; this makes the mind flow without garbling. |

FOCUS ATTENTION - a psychic term: to tune out all worldly vibrations that could cloud accurate psychic information; to free one's self of the environment and personal thoughts, making the flow of psychism more fluent. |

FORTUNE TELLER - one whose psychic messages are all about the future of the recipient; type of psychic skill varies with fortune teller. |

FRENZIED HYSTERICAL POSSESSION TRANCE - (ancient Greece) the possession of one's body by an etheric world intelligence for use in psychic phenomena or to bring forth psychic knowledge; accompanied by emotional arousal such as prolonged dancing, twirling, chanting, snake handling, etc. which puts the subject in a state of hypnotic trance. |

FROZEN - pertains to places in the body where the flow of energy current is blocked by repressed memories of a traumatic experience that went unresolved when it occurred. |

GHOST DANCE - (Native American, late 1800s) the central ritual of a messianic religion began by WOVOKA, a Paiute, circa 1870 which quickly spread to most western tribes; performed by all members of the tribe to induce the opening of psychic skills; dancing is done in a circle to the rhythmic beat of a drum until tribal members achieve an ALTERED STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS and can communicate with etheric world intelligences (called ancestors); some are: 1. shown clairvoyant visions; 2. hypnotized for preparation for the medicine ma's healing energy; 3., put into a trance state to receive direct guidance, and counsel, through direct voice. |

GIDDINESS - (Old English gidig, "possessed by a god") a state of ecstasy; an emotional high; a feeling of being in paradise; usually influenced by a very advanced soul-mind or religious experience. |

GLAMOUR - (Scotland) to put an individual under a spell;
GLAMOURIE - an abnormal feeling of "being fixed and unable to move." even when the conscious mind is being manipulated by a GLAMOURIZER: begins when the eyes of the psychic penetrate a person's mind intensely with a state of fear or of extreme pleasure; victim stays in this state of glamourie consciousness until the psychic lets up on his or her constant concentration to manipulate the subject; distance no barrier
GLAMOURIZER - a psychic who specializes in casting of spells |
Browne has demonstrated his power to make one section of an audience laugh and then stop at the wave of his arm.
GREAT-GIFT WAVES - (Tibet) psychic energy sent telepathically from gurus, in the etheric and physical worlds, which stimulates the spiritual development of the aspirant who acknowledges and desires to follow the esoteric doctrines. |

GROUP ELEMENTAL - a thought-form hovering over the heads of a gathering or an assembly; 1. thought-form is charged with a stimulus that causes mutual emotion between members and leader pulling them into unity of purpose; thought form intensifies in strength as the meeting lengthens if the "theme" is constantly being dwelled upon and directed toward one's emotional needs; everyone becomes emotionally linked into the vortex of the thought-form; . . . [definition shortened because of its great length] 4. formed by: (a) loud, rhythmical music; (b) monotone, tranquil, or concert music; (c) hand clapping, singing, chanting, shouting, body twisting, and; (d) cleverly planned ploy using repetitious statements to reinforce the theme; used advantageously or with evil intent; 5. e.g. mass healing gatherings, mass screaming at rock festivals, mass hypnotism in the destructive-brainwashing cults, unity of patriotism by army drills, the following of The Pied Piper of Hamlin. |

GROUP ENERGY - an energy field of strong psychic energy which flows fluently among a group whether willed or unwilled; 1. concentration of a group on particular activity accomplishes this activity more quickly than single concentration; 2. developing of psychic skills is easier in a group than by oneself; the question under investigation is whether this abundant psychic energy is dependent upon PSYCHIC ABILITY of the members or whether the strength depends upon the HARMONY of the members. |

GROUP HYPNOSIS - to induce a light, hypnotic state of consciousness in the majority of participants of a gathering wherein participants are not aware they are being hypnotized. 1. when a number of persons are gathered in unity of purpose, they can easily become hypnotized by an intense consistent concentration on the leader and what he or she is saying; the intense concentration quiets the conscious mind and allows the subconscious mind to absorb the material as it is presented without first sifting it out in the conscious mind; 2. induced by a leader with CHARISMA; the verbiage is carefully planned, and structured to touch one's emotional needs, and the pronoun you is emphasized and used repeatedly with a pointed finger at the group; music and chanting frequently aid in the inducement of the hypnotic stage; 3. almost all lectures and sermons, whether for good or evil intent, have a hypnotic effect; the larger the group and the longer the lecture with no break, the more easily the hypnotic state is accomplished without one realizing he or she is being hypnotized; if one can trust their leader and there is no need for decision-making regarding its contents, it is a good method to more easily remember what one heard. |

HEAT UP - (Kalahari Desert) describes the necessary reaction of the N/UM energy in the spine before it can be used for healing the sick; n/um energy begins at the base of the spine, reaches a boiling point through ritual dancing, vaporizes and rises up the spine to the head, tingling as it goes, and is then to be transferred to the sick |

HLAMBULULU EMADLOTI - (Africa) to hiss, spit and growl like an animal while in an altered state of consciousness; this releases inner turmoils of the tribe as interpreted by the ancestral spirits; performed to the wishes of the ancestral spirits and accomplished by prolonged tribal dancing. |

HOLY FIRE - 1. (Greece) inspiration from God; to "breath out" psychic information when in an altered state of consciousness; theory: God is a globe of fire, and to approach fire is to receive light from God; the baptism of fire; 2. the fire that burns but doesn't consume; necessary to the alchemical formula. |

HYPNOTIC ECSTASY - to use rhythmic dancing, chanting, loud music, or singing to induce an ALTERED STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS leaving the individual feeling elated and on an emotional high; the rhythmic beat and prolonged span of movement subdues the conscious mind and brings the subject to an alfa state in which he or she may perceive visions have other psychic experiences; done in religious ceremonies or traditional gatherings. |

HYPNOTIC TOUCH - to reach a relaxed state of consciousness with only a touch of the hypnotist's hand, after being conditioned in many hypnotic sessions to respond to this. |

HYSTERICAL ABSENCES - a sudden loss of full consciousness, resulting in hysterical movements of the body and voice, air being sucked in involuntarily into the stomach, abdominal swelling, convulsive fits, insensitivity in regions of the skin, muscular spasms, and a sudden recovery that is unexplainable. |

JUMPING MAGICIANS - a special kind of jumping for a long period of time which induces an emotional state of ECSTASY, TRANCE, or other psychic experiences. |

!KIA - (!Kung tribesmen) a trance-like state of emotional ECSTASY wherein the SHAMAN has enhanced awareness; psychically sees over great distances, and inside other people's bodies; shaman can connect to the gods and be used for a healing channel; brought about by tribal singing, chanting, and dancing around a fire until the !kia fire boils up the spine. |

!KIA FIRE - (!Kung, Kalahari Desert) an energy in the body that can be activated and used for healing illnesses, performing psychic feats, and for SEEING PROPERLY; brought on by tribal dancing and singing; begins at the pit of the stomach and base of the spine; heats up to a boiling point by repetitious dancing, and then rises up the spine until thoughts are "nothing in the head." |

!KIA HEALING - (!Kung, Kalahari Dessert) tribal primitive healing performed in steps: 1. SEEING PROPERLY which allows the healer to locate and diagnosis the sickness; 2. Pulling out the sickness by LAYING-ON-OF-HANDS 3, arguing with the ghosts to free the patient. |

KUNDALINI - (Sanskrit kund, "to burn"; kunda, "to coil or to spiral") a concentrated field of intelligent, cosmic invisible energy absolutely vital to life; beginning in the base of the spine as a man or woman begins to evolve in their first incarnation; fed by the chakras along the spine and by the cosmic energy entering through the feet from the earth; as wisdom is earned in each incarnation, this electromagnetic, ultrapotent energy moves slowly upward through the spine; it is directed by the speed of the soul mind as the soul-mind meets the requirements of each chakra, according to the needs and thinking of the individual; eventually this energy is unspiralled through the medulla oblongata, pituary gland, pineal gland and through the crown chakra to unite with the silver cord; one will ascend to the higher realms to finish evolutionary cycle; kundalini is feminine polarity in nature. |

KUNG HEALER - (Kalahari Desert) an accomplished PSYCHIC who cures disease by treating the patient's lifestyle, attitudes and their resulting physical effects, through the knowledge of N/UM energy; the healer forces the n/um energy at the base of his spine to boil up and travel up the spine to the head, by constant excited tribal dancing; when he reaches a state of transcendence or painful ecstasy, his psychic powers are accelerated, so he can diagnose the conditions causing the disease, and then channel healing energies to the patient. |

LUCID POSSESSION - a possession seizure, wherein the victim is aware of an evil ETHERIC WORLD ENTITY within her or himself, but cannot do anything about it; sometimes the two personalities make conversation with each other; two distinct levels of thought in the seizure; one theory: this evil entity is a second self within the victim. |

MAGNETIC DISTANT HEALING - to transfer the MAGNETISM from one's self to a patient who is in another locale, with the intent of healing the patient's body; healing practitioner holds their right hand over the patient's photograph or a PETITION (a slip of paper in which the patient has written their name); their left palm is open to the magnetism flowing in through the atmosphere; the magnetism flows through the body and out the right hand to the petition or photograph and keeps traveling to the patient's nervous system by thought-direction of the PRACTITIONER; practitioner decrees the magnetism to possess healing qualities; patient does not need to know when the process is taking place; (do not confuse with MENTAL DISTANT HEALING) |

MANA SURCHARGE - (Huna) an abundance of vital energy (SPIRIT) taken into the body and STORED [these caps mine]; capable of being used as a whole unit at one time, to unlock a block in the body. |
Marilyn Hickey poured oil on healing cloths, laid her hand on them and explained how the "anointing" IS "STORED IN THE CLOTHS."
MASS HYPNOSIS - 11. to hypnotize he majority of people at a lecture without them realizing that their level of awareness is altered; occurs, unconsciously or deliberately, if a leader is very impressive and charismatic; (a) deliberate techniques; (1) leader commands undivided attention to his or her speech; (2) rhythmic pacing and hand flinging movements are used; (3) ploy is preplanned to reach one's basic emotional needs (personal acceptance, self-preservation, patriotism, service to others, and cultural acceptance) through fear, guilt, or excessive .love; (4) to overly repeat the pronoun you and continually point the finger at the audience; (b) all this narrows one's concentration to the theme of the lecture which automatically relinquishes the conscious mind from its role and allows the uncritical subconscious mind to surface and accept the material as presented, and the leader makes her or his point; the more clever the leader is with the above tactics, the more hypnotized each member becomes, and the more unlikely to question the material of the lecture; (c) most ministers and lecturers capture their audience's attention by using some of the above methods of delivery; this is a good way for the audience to grasp the meaning of the speech; it is absolutely necessary in a healing program as one is more receptive to healing energies when in an alpha (hypnotic) state of consciousness; e.g., slaying-in-the-spirit-meetings; 2. to hypnotize the majority of people at a gathering by playing loud, rhythmic music; music has been composed in a special key that will have a hypnotic effect on the audience; chanting special chants also put members in an alpha state of consciousness; (a) music is deliberately played at meetings designed for brainwashing the audience; 3. dangers: one should know how to shield one's self from this during the first encounter with the speaker so one can keep from being put into a hypnotic state and be able to make a clear-cut decision regarding the speaker's intelligence, integrity and intent; (this all is a form of brainwashing but do not confuse it with destructive-brainwashing) |
Rodney Howard Browne! He has actually told his audience to, "Look at me!" Rhythmic pacing is absolutely a Browne classic.
PALMED POWER - (1860-1920) to store PSYCHIC ENERGY in an object by holding it in one's hands and concentrating on energy coming from the hands for a while; proven by over six instruments that there is a nervous (psychic) force that can be exteriorized and STORED in wood, water, linen and cardboard. |
Marilyn Hickey poured oil on healing cloths, laid her hand on them and explained how the "anointing" IS "STORED IN THE CLOTHS."
POSSESSION - 1. (esoteric) (to hold occupancy either with or without rights of ownership); a compulsive INVASION by a low-grade ETHERIC WORLD ENTITY into a living earthling; whose organs he or she then exercises according to their own personality and according to their own will: (a) the evil-intentioned entity acts from within the borrowed body, substituting his or her own SOUL-MIND for the length of the seizure; (b) a new personality unfolds quickly which is incoherent and incalulable; facial features change and are sometimes grotesque voice uses language uncommon to victim; body performs mannerisms and body gestures that are impossible to do in normal consciousness; (c) entity triggers strong irresistible impulses to perform acts contrary to the victim's personality; (d) if seizure is not caused by a brain tumor, is usually is a PSYCHIC EXPERIENCE; (do not confuse it with TRANCE IMPERSONATION which is executed to benefit mankind); 2. (Allan Kardec) state of absolute subjection to which a soul-mind in the flesh may be reduced by the imperfect spirits under whose domination he or she has fallen; 3. (clinical) a pathologically-altered state of consciousness, SPLIT PERSONALITY structure, hysterical MENTAL DISSOCIATION; an invasion of personality for evil intent; types of POSSESSION |

PRANAYAMA BREATH - 1. (Hinduism, Yoga) a special breathing exercise that stimulates the KUNDALINI and helps it rise; gives proper oxygenation, circulation and relaxation of nerves, revitalizes one; 2. (Vedas) a method of controlling the PRANA, the breath and vital organs contributing to the awakening of the SHAKTI, by rhythmically breathing; produces DETACHMENT and LIBERATION from bondage. |
Healers are having people breathe in and then out any number of times until they receive the anointing
QI - (China) air or breath; a vital energy in the air necessary for all life; taken into the body by BREATHNG and then broken down intoi the Yin and, negative/feminine and Yang, positive/masculine |
breathing exercise used in the "revival" to minister "the anointing."
RAISE THE VIBRATIONS - to accelerate the vibrations in an area by fast, loud, jolly songs, by clapping and stamping in rhythm, or by playing loud fast music; frequently done to give energy to the etheric world intelligences to perform physical phenomena in a seance; used in charismatic meetings to put the sitters onto a spiritual high and to give energy to the healing forces working within the leader. |
consciousness altering music and such associated with the "revival."