Prophet |
Quotes, history and information |
Dollar, Creflo: World Changers Ministry |
coming |
Dortch, Richard |
Former Jim Bakker associate, Word of Faith movement, Endorses the "Holy Laughter Movement" of Rodney Howard Browne |
Promise Keepers |
coming |
Hagee, John Cornerstone church |
A Statement of our Doctrine:
The Lord Jesus Christ
- We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of God.
- We believe in His substitutionary death for all men, His resurrection, and His eventual return to judge the world.
- We believe all men are born with a sinful nature and that the work of the Cross was to redeem man from the power of sin.
- We believe that this salvation is available to all who will receive it.
The Holy Spirit
- We believe in the existence of the Holy Spirit as the third person of the Trinity and in His interaction with man.
- We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit as manifested by the fruit and the gifts of the Spirit.
The Sacred Scripture
- We believe in the scripture as the inspired Word of God and that it is the complete revelation of God's will for mankind.
- We believe in the absolute authority of the scripture to govern the affairs of man.
- We believe that every man is the steward of his life and resources which ultimately belong to God.
- We believe that tithing is a measure of obedience to the scriptural principles of stewardship.
The Church
- We believe in the Church as the eternal and universal Body of Christ consisting of all those who have accepted the work of the atonement.
- We believe in the need for a local assembly of believers for the purposes of evangelization and edification.
Home Ministry
- Our Church is divided into small groups that meet in individual homes throughout the week for ministry and fellowship.
- We believe that maximum spiritual growth and development come through membership in these groups.
Prayer and Praise
- We believe in the worship of the Lord through singing, clapping, and the lifting of hands.
- We believe in the authority of the believer to as freely of the Lord for his needs.
Body Ministry
- We believe in the ministry of the Holy Spirit to the Church body through the anointing of oil by the elders of the church.
- We make this ministry available to all at each worship service.
- We believe that evangelism is the obligation of every follower of Jesus Christ.
- The Lord commands us to go out and make disciples in all of the Earth.
- We believe that each person is first responsible to evangelism in their own family as the Holy Spirit leads them and gives them the ability.
Water Baptism
- We believe in the ordinance of water baptism by immersion in obedience to the word of God.
- All those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior should be baptized in water as a public profession of their faith in Christ and to experience what the Bible calls the "circumcision of the Spirit."
- Baptisms are conducted each Sunday in the evening service.
Our Commitment to Israel
- We believe in the promise of Genesis 12:3 regarding the Jewish people and the nation of Israel.
- We believe that this is an eternal covenant between God and the seed of Abraham to which God is faithful.
- Our Church sponsors non-conversionary activities to express our love and support for the descendants of Abraham.
The Priesthood of the Believer
- We believe that every believer has a unique relationship to the Lord.
- As His children, every Christian has immediate access to the throne of Grace and the ability to manifest the power of the Lord Jesus Christ in ministry.
- Members of the Cornerstone Church are encouraged to fing a place of ministry in the Body of Christ and utilize the gifts the Holy Spirit has placed within them.
Holy Communion
- All believers are encouraged to participate in the Holy Communion which is held the first Sunday of each month.
Lea's, Larry |
Larry Lea's most embarrassing moment may have been when ABC ran videotape of the televangelist persuading viewers that when his house burned to the ground he was left virtually homeless, losing everything he and his family had but the clothes on their backs. When Prime Time cut to Lea's other, unmentioned home - a mansion filled with furniture and other valuables - his fate was sealed. Donations dropped off, churches canceled his appearances, and for many Lea became persona non grata. His ministry crippled and floundering in up to $800,000 in debt, Lea left Tulsa and in February assumed the pastorate of friend Jerry Barnard's Christian Faith Centre in La Mesa, California. According to staffers at Barnard's office, Lea's organization -- now called "The Prayer Ministry" -- is on the rebound and looking like "the old Larry Lea."(Christian Research Institute) |
Strang, Stephen, Charisma Magazine |
Charisma magazine/New Man magazine, Word of Faith movement, Endorses the "Holy Laughter Movement" of Howard Rodney Browne |
Swaggart, Jimmy |
Jimmy Swaggart, who once assailed the Bakkers and their gospel resort with gusto, continues to pay dearly for his sexual scandals of 1988 and 1991. At its peak, his Baton Rouge, Louisiana-based ministry reportedly brought in $150 million per year and reached eight million viewers a week in the U.S. alone, its programs translated into 13 languages and aired in 145 countries. But by 1991 his ministry was already $4.5 million in the red, and in April of this year Swaggart's insurance companies paid $1.85 million to settle his six-year lawsuit with rival minister Marvin Gorman, who originally released the photos of Swaggart with a prostitute. Also in April, a state court ordered Swaggart's ministry to pay more than $1.4 million to Heritage Worldwide, Inc. of Dallas for Bibles and other materials that were delivered and not paid for, along with court costs and other expenses. A computer firm has sued Swaggart for payment of more than $80,000 in software and services. Enrollment at the Bible college on Swaggart's $100 million complex has hit bottom, and last year the Washington Times described an unfinished dormitory there as "abandoned, its windows void of glass, weeds crowding its entryway." While Swaggart maintains a comparatively tiny presence in the U.S., he is quietly expanding his influence in television markets as far away as Africa and the former Soviet Union. And, unlike Jim Bakker and Robert Tilton, Swaggart's marriage has survived his tragic fall. (Christian Research Institute) |
Bright, Bill |
Campus Crusade for Christ, Word of Faith movement, Endorses the "Holy Laughter Movement" of Rodney Howard Browne |
Campus Crusade for Christ |
coming |
Mainse, David, 100 Huntley St. |
Anchor of TV show "100 Huntley Street", Word of Faith movement, Endorses the "Holy Laughter Movement" of Rodney Howard Browne |
Strader, Karl |
Carpenter's Home Church, Word of Faith movement, Endorses the "Holy Laughter Movement" of Rodney Howard Browne |
Meyer, Joyce

TV preacher, Word of Faith movement, Endorses the "Holy Laughter Movement" of Rodney Howard Browne
Rejects the Bible verse that forbids any woman from teaching or exercising authority over a man in church: 1 Tim 2:12 |
Grace Ministries |
Grace Ministries
Grace ministries is a separate organization set up under the auspices of the Kansas City fellowship. When the KCF was integrated into the Vineyard, Grace ministries became a separate organization from the KCF, within the Vineyard.
The theology of Grace ministries is based upon the manifest sons of God/New Breed theology, as described under the Kansas City Fellowship.
Shiloh Ministries - this is a term used to designate the prophetic ministry that GM is offering to the church at large. "Ultimately, Shiloh will include a piece of property where a number of prophetically gifted ministries will live together as they share revelation with one another releasing a 'roundtable of the prophets' effect. This will release a greater prophetic understanding of God's purposes as they submit one to another."
City churches - There shall be one single church in each city. Churches other than the KCF are to join the KCF, then be shut down, and membership integrated into the KCF.
The list of those associated with Grace Ministries and Kansas City Fellowship is continually growing. Bickel is the team leader. Others that hold leadership positions are: David Parker, Noel Alexander, Michael Sullivant, and Don Steadman.
Other teaching and prophetic ministers who travel extensively are: Francis Frangipane, John Paul Jackson, Kevin Porsche, Reuven Doron, Charles Lynn, Larry Randolph, David Ravenhill, Jim Goll and Harry Schroeder. Rick Joyner, a minister with Morning Star Ministries in North Carolina is also heavily involved.
Grant, Jr., W. V. |
A Prime Time expose was done on W. V. Grant, Jr., a second-generation revival preacher. Grant gained fame and fortune in the 1970s and 1980s as one of America's leading faith healers, commanding packed auditoriums and a ministry worth millions. His standard miracles included the lengthening of "short" legs and calling out the names, addresses, and ailments of those attending his old-time revival meetings -- often with "word of knowledge" revelations of how much the individual was to give to his ministry. ABC's hidden cameras, however, caught Grant and his staff informally circulating among audience members before services, virtually hand-picking those who were to be called forth that night and asking them questions about their personal lives, their finances, their illnesses, and their hopes -- all along making careful note of what Grant would later claim was revealed to him by the anointing of God's Holy Spirit. After Prime Time, attendance at both Grant's revival rallies and his Eagle's Nest Family Church in southwest Dallas plummeted. The Dawn of a New Day TV ministry, which had brought in at least enough money to buy him such trappings of wealth as a fleet of expensive autos and a million-dollar mansion in southwest Dallas, disappeared for several months as his support evaporated. Thanks to direct mail, Grant's fortunes are improving. His appeal letters now include "disaster-grams" featuring simulated certified mail stickers. A recent letter offers recipients "one of my neckties that I have worn while the anointing of the Holy Ghost was on me" for a $91 donation. Grant claims that one such tie healed a Dallas man who was in intensive care, and that another man landed the greatest job of his life after wearing a Grant tie.(Christian Research Institute) |
Scotland, John

John Scotland is a pastor in England who spoke at the Toronto Blessing (TACF). He claims to have the "gift of offending people" with his "spiritual drunkenness". He reads the Bible, crows like rooster, then announces, "this is a wake up call from God" You can see the full documentation in video by clicking here. |
Seymour, William |
- In the early 1900's William Seymour had been taught about receiving the baptism with the Holy Ghost, (i.e. the gift of speaking in other tongues) by
Charles Fox Parham in Kansas.
- Seymour received the baptism at some point while at Bible school under Parham.
- Seymour went to Los Angeles and began to preach about the Holy Spirit baptism in a barn/warehouse on
- April 4, 1906 a revival began and 1,000's of people came to 312 Azusa to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit. This revival lasted from 1906 to 1913 and during these nine years 1,000's of Pentecostal missionaries went forth establishing ministries around the world.
Bakker, Jim & Tammy |
Jim Bakker said nothing of his moral failings until Jessica Haan spilled the beans.
Bakker was convicted on federal fraud charges after bilking 116,000 followers of his PTL ministries out of $158 million in the 1980s. He resigned in 1987 amid a sex and financial scandal, and the PTL empire Bakker and his wife, Tammy Faye, built was turned over to Virginia evangelist Jerry Falwell. Bakker was released from prison in 1994 after serving a total of about five years. |
Ryle, James |
Prophet, Boulder Valley Vineyard; Board of Directors of Promise Keepers, Prophetic movement , Endorses the "Holy Laughter Movement" of Rodney Howard Browne |
Chevreau, Guy |
Minister, Toronto Vineyard, Prophetic movement, Endorses the "Holy Laughter Movement" of Rodney Howard Browne |
Kinchlow, Ben |
700 Club, Prophetic movement, Endorses the "Holy Laughter Movement" of Rodney Howard Browne |
White, John |
Psychiatrist/Author, Word of Faith movement, Endorses the "Holy Laughter Movement" of Rodney Howard Browne |
Dupont, Marc |
Current associate pastor at the Toronto Airport Vineyard church, Prophetic movement, Endorses the "Holy Laughter Movement" of Rodney Howard Browne
Marc Dupont is most well known for his prophecies, in particular one which claims to have predicted the current "laughter movement". The prophecy says that the movement will be known by its great street ministry, consisting of people using music and arts to promote the gospel and to bring thousands of unsaved into the church. It also is very specific about how the movement would spread geographically.
The prophecy claimed that the "revival" would begin in late 1993 or early 1994. In actual fact, the "holy laughter" movement and manifestations can be traced back into the early eighties, and even most of the main leaders of the vineyard say that what is happening now is not a revival, but rather a renewal or refreshing.
The prophecy has proven to be wrong on these, and other accounts. |
Falwell, Jerry |
coming |
I nternational Charismatic Bible Ministries |
I nternational Charismatic Bible Ministries:
Oral Roberts; Chairman of ICBM; Prophet
Kenneth Copeland; Secretary of ICBM; Prophet, Teacher, televangelist
Charles Green; Exec. Dir of ICBM;
Billy Daugerty; Vice Chairman of ICBM;
Carlton Pearson; Member-at-Large of ICBM; Bishop, megachurch pastor, vacillates bet. WOF & Prophetic Movements
John Hagee; Member of ICBM; megachurch pastor, televangelist, TBN regular
Thomas F Reid; Member of ICBM; Latter Rain Proponent, WOF
Marilyn Hickey; Member at Large; Teacher, televangelist, WOF, has her own Bible school
John Avanzini; Trustee of ICBM; Prosperity teacher, WOF, TBN regular
Dick Bernal; Trustee of ICBM; Spiritual Warfare teacher, WOF
Morris Cerullo; Trustee of ICBM; Owns on television network, WOF, televangelist
Happy Caldwell; Trustee of ICBM; pastor of megachurch, WOF
Paul Crouch; Trustee of ICBM; Owns TBN, WOF
Benny Hinn; Trustee of ICBM; Healing Ministry, megachurch pastor, WOF, TBN regular
Howard-Browne, Rodney; Trustee of ICBM; Started Holy Laughter Movement, WOF, pastor
John Mears; Trustee of ICBM; Bishop, Prophetic Movement, pastor
Earl Paulk; Trustee of ICBM; Bishop, Prophetic Movement, megachurch pastor
Myles Munroe; Trustee of ICBM; Apostle, Prophetic Movement, teaches black dominance gospel
Benson Idahosa; Trustee of ICBM; Archbishop, Prophetic Movement |
Toronto Blessing |
Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship (TACF)
- To see video of antics
clicking here.
Formerly, the Toronto Airport Vineyard (Until Jan. 1996). The TAV was expelled from the Vineyard denomination primarily for not being in line with what John Wimber saw as the focus of his ministry, and for failing to recognize his authority. Our perception is that it was primarily a matter or control, and that Wimber was concerned because of the media focus on the TAV and John Arnott, rather than John Wimber and the Vineyard. John Wimber has reiterated his belief that the holy laughter movement is a move from God, and has not condemned or spoken against the movement, nor has he taken any action against any elements of the movement that continue to remain strong within the Vineyard, such as Randy Clark.
Brownsville Blessing |
More recently, another movement that is said by some to be a separate movement, has originated in the Brownsville Assembly of God Church in Brownsville, near Pensacola Florida.
- To see video of antics
clicking here.
This movement started after a visiting evangelist, Steve Hill, spoke at the church on June 18, 1995 and the manifestations that we have described as being part of the Toronto Blessing experiences began. Steve Hill had come in contact with the manifestations during a trip to the Holy Trinity Brompton church in the UK, and the last we heard remains at the Brownsville AOG church. The effects of this movement are now being felt within not only the Assemblies of God churches, but also Methodist and Southern Baptist churches. The nearby Pine Forest United Methodist church in Pensacola works with the Brownsville AOG in promoting this movement. Because this movement is originating within the AOG and Methodist churches, it has been able to take ground in these and other churches that "Toronto" version of the movement couldn't. Current information suggests that there is little or no difference between the Brownsville "experiences" and the "Toronto" experiences, and indeed the Brownsville and HTB experiences are both propagated from the Toronto experiences.

Pensacola Blessing |
same as Brownsville blessing
To see video of antics clicking here. |
Rex Humbard |
TV miracle healer
Notorious for wild gimmicks for faith healing like prayer cloths etc! |
Montanus, Montanism |
Montanism was a second century heresy started by Montanus a former pagan priest.
- See
detailed documents on Montanus
He reintroduced alleged charismata back to the Church. He called himself a prophet and two women with him were viewed as prophetesses. They were very ascetic and held that the end of the age was upon them and that the New Jerusalem would descend upon Phrygia. Please go to my section on Montanism and Neo-Montanism. Today's Charismatic and Pentecostal are Montanists in almost every respect.
Parham, Charles Fox |
- In the early 1900's Charles Fox Parham had a small Bible school in which he taught the need for a restoration of New Testament Christianity based on the model shown in the book of Acts.
- William Seymour received the baptism at some point while at Bible school under Parham.
- In 1907, Parham was arrested and charged with sodomy in Texas and lost all credibility with the neo-Pentecostal movement he started!
Azusa St. Mission |
Birthplace of Modern Pentecostalism
William Seymour went to Los Angeles and began to preach about the Holy Spirit baptism in a barn/warehouse on Azusa.
April 4, 1906 a revival began and 1,000's of people came to 312 Azusa to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit. This revival lasted from 1906 to 1913 and during these nine years 1,000's of Pentecostal missionaries went forth establishing ministries around the world.
Among most Pentecostal and Charismatic Christians, Azusa is revered as a genuine move of the God in restoring the Church to true power and authority.
However, it is also true the Azusa street meetings were also filled with spiritualist mediums, hypnotists, and others who had a deep interest in the occult.
In 1907, Parham was arrested and charged with sodomy in Texas and lost all credibility with the neo-Pentecostal movement he started!
For Pentecostals the events of Azusa Street mark the watershed event in modern Pentecostalism, Yet look at what contemporary, orthodox, theologians said about it:
- G. Campbell Morgan
described the Azusa Street activities as "the last vomit of Satan." (Holy Laughter to Holy Fire" by Michael L. Brown, pages 197&198)
- R.A. Torrey
declared that this new Pentecostal movement was "emphatically not of God, and founded by a Sodomite." (Holy Laughter to Holy Fire" by Michael L. Brown, pages 197&198)
- H. A. Ironside
said both the holiness and Pentecostal movements were "disgusting ... delusions and insanities." In 1912 he said of their meetings "pandemonium's where exhibitions worthy of a madhouse or a collection of howling dervishes," were causing a "heavy toll of lunacy and infidelity." (Holy Laughter to Holy Fire" by Michael L. Brown, pages 197&198)
- W.B. Godbey
said of the Azusa Street participants "Satan's preachers, jugglers, necromancers, enchanters, magicians, and all sorts or mendicants," and he claimed the movement was the result of spiritualism.(Holy Laughter to Holy Fire" by Michael L. Brown, pages 197&198)
- Clarence Larkin
"But the conduct of those possessed, in which they fall to the ground and writhe in contortions, causing disarrangement's of the clothing and disgraceful scenes, is more a characteristic of demon possession, than a work of the Holy Spirit. From what has been said we see that we are living in "Perilous Times," and that all about us are "Seducing Spirits," and that they will become more active as the Dispensation draws to its close, and that we must exert the greatest care lest we be led astray." (Holy Laughter to Holy Fire" by Michael L. Brown, pages 197&198)
- It is an indisputable fact that Parham rejected several of the central tenets of the Christian faith and that he was charged with sodomy. It is also a fact according to many eyewitnesses (including Parham) that Azusa was overrun with spiritualist mediums and hypnotists who were attracted to the Azusa manifestations.
- By the end of 1913 there were growing factions within the fledgling movement and in the end several independent Pentecostal organizations were formed due to not being able to resolve their leadership and doctrinal differences. Four of these organizations exist today:
- The Church of God in Christ (black Pentecostal's) formed 1907
- The Assemblies of God (white Pentecostal's) formed 1914
- The United Pentecostal Church (both black and white members) formed 1914
- The Pentecostal Church of God (mostly white members) formed 1919
Sharon Bible school |
Birthplace of Latter Rain Doctrines
- Located in North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada
- In 1948 a woman prophesied a great move of God coming from Sharon.
- At the next Sharon camp meeting
Latter Rain Doctrines were formalized and disseminated. The result was 1,000's of Pentecostal believers left the 4 major Pentecostal denominations and joined independent Pentecostal organizations teaching these restored truths.
- George Hawtin, Percy Hunt and George Warnock took Branham's teachings on Apostolic Restoration of the Church and disseminated these teachings to 1,000's through their Bible School called Sharon in Canada.
Hawtin, George |
George Hawtin took Branham's teachings on Apostolic Restoration of the Church and disseminated these teachings to 1,000's through their Bible School called Sharon in Canada. Sharon was the birthplace of the Latter Rain Doctrines |
Hunt, Percy |
Percy Hunt took Branham's teachings on Apostolic Restoration of the Church and disseminated these teachings to 1,000's through their Bible School called Sharon in Canada. Sharon was the birthplace of the Latter Rain Doctrines |
Warnock, George |
George Warnock took Branham's teachings on Apostolic Restoration of the Church and disseminated these teachings to 1,000's through their Bible School called Sharon in Canada. Sharon was the birthplace of the Latter Rain Doctrines |
Latter Rain Doctrines |
Doctrinal set that is the foundation of modern Pentecostalism
George Hawtin, Percy Hunt and George Warnock took Branham's teachings on Apostolic Restoration of the Church and disseminated these teachings to 1,000's through their Bible School called Sharon in North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada
In 1948 a woman prophesied a great move of God coming from Sharon. At the next Sharon camp meeting Latter Rain Doctrines were formalized and disseminated. The result was 1,000's of Pentecostal believers left the 4 major Pentecostal denominations and joined independent Pentecostal organizations teaching these restored truths.
Latter Rain teachings are denounced by the Assemblies of God in 1950, but resurface in the charismatic movement of the early 1960's.
Latter Rain Doctrines include:
- The restoration of the office of the Apostle and Prophet to head the Church. The Pastor, Teacher and Evangelist all function under them.
- Restoration of all the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit - with an emphasis on prophets and prophecy. Prophecy meaning a direct revealed word from the heart of God through the mouth of His prophet or prophetess
- Women given equal roles in authority in the Church
- Casting out demons from Christians
- Rebuilding the physical Tabernacle of David, i.e. continual prophetic praise before the Lord
- The dominion of the world by The Church
- The defeat of physical death by ascended believers called Manifest Sons of God
- Unity of the Body, i.e. all churches submitting the Apostolic and Prophetic authority
Allen, A. A. |
- Allen "scammed" his followers by asserting that he could command God to "
turn dollar bills into twenties." (A. A. Allen, The Secret to Scriptural Financial Success (Miracle Valley, AZ: A. A. Allen Publications, 1953); quoted in Harrell, 75)
- Allen was also known to have urged his followers to send for his "
prayer cloths anointed with the Miracle Oil" (A. A. Allen, "Miracle Oil Flows at Camp Meeting," Miracle Magazine, June 1967, 6-7; quoted in Harrell, 200)
- Allen offered "
Miracle tent shavings" as points of contact for personal miracles. (Reported in "New Revival Tent Dedicated in Philadelphia," Miracle Magazine, September 1967, 15; quoted in Harrell, 200)
- A.A. Allen dogmatically claimed that he could raise people from the dead.
He actually launched a "raise the dead" campaign in the mid-sixties. Thankfully it died when his disciples refused to bury their departed, and their departed refused to come back from the dead. (Hank Hanegraaff, Counterfeit Revival, 1997 citing Michale Moriarity, "The New Charismatics" (grand Rapids, MIC: Zondervan, 1992), 2 and David Edwin Harrell, Jr., "All Things Are Possible: The Healing and Charismatic Revivals in Modern America" (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1975, p199)
- Allen told adherents that God had given him "
a new anointing and a new power to lay hands on the believers who gave $100.00 towards the support of our missionary outreach and bestow upon each of them power to get wealth." (Hank Hanegraaff, Counterfeit Revival, 1997 citing David Edwin Harrell, Jr., "All Things Are Possible: The Healing and Charismatic Revivals in Modern America" (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1975, p200)
- "Of course some of you do not believe this. Listen, you old skeptic, you don't have to believe it, because it doesn't have to happen to you. But it had to happen to me. I'll tell you why. I decreed a thing ... God said "Thou shall decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee ... " I believe I can command God to perform a miracle for you financially. When you do, God can
turn dollar bills into twenties." (David Edwin Harrell, Jr., "All Things Are Possible: The Healing and Charismatic Revivals in Modern America" (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1975), 75)
- What A.A. Allen was doing bothered authorities of the Assemblies of God and were embarrassed by such outlandish claims and outrageous conduct. Thus, when Allen, who is extolled today by
Benny Hinn as a "great man of God", was arrested for drunk driving during a Tennessee revival in 1955, the first of many alcohol-related experiences for Allen, the leadership of the Assemblies of God had reached its limit. (Hank Hanegraaff, Counterfeit Revival, 1997 citing Michale Moriarity, "The New Charismatics" (grand Rapids, MIC: Zondervan, 1992), 35)
- At the entrance to Miracle Valley (A. A. Allen's 1,280 acre community) was a huge sign that made it plain just what was going on in that neck of the desert. In red and gold, it proclaimed:
A.A. Allen Revivals, Inc., Miracle Valley, Arizona. The Blind to See. The Deaf to Hear. The Lame To Walk. Signs. Gifts. Wonders. ... (A.A. Allen's) Miracle Magazine, a monthly publication with a circulation of 350,000 was produced at Miracle Valley. Allen was very careful to publish a disclaimer concerning the wild claims of healing that appeared in that periodical, sent in by enthusiastic "healees". ... "Utmost care has been taken to assure the accuracy of all testimonies before publication and A.A. Allen Revivals, Inc. and "Miracle Magazine" assume no legal responsibility for the veracity of any such report, nor do they accept responsibility as to the degree or permanence of reported healings, deliverances or miracles ..." (James Randi, The Faith Healers, 1989, p.83-85)
- A physician from the nearby town of Sierra Vista, Dr. Kenneth A Dregseth, told an interviewer:
"I have seen no miracles. In fact, I've had to run diabetics to the hospital when they've stopped taking their insulin, believing they had been cured in Miracle Valley." (James Randi, The Faith Healers, 1989, p.87)
- Allen was eventually kicked out (Actually he resigned before they got a chance to give him the boot) of the Assemblies of God denomination when
he jumped bail after being arrested for drunk driving. (Reported in "New Revival Tent Dedicated in Philadelphia," Miracle Magazine, September 1967, 15; quoted in Harrell, 70-71)
- On June 14, 1970, listeners in the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Philippines were hearing a recorded message from A. A. Allen on his radio program saying:
"This is Brother Allen in person. Numbers of friends of mine have been inquiring about reports they have heard concerning me that are not true. People as well as some preachers from pulpits are announcing that I am dead. Do I sound like a dead man? My friends, I am not even sick! Only a moment ago I made a reservation to fly into our current campaign. I'll see you there and make the devil a liar." At that moment, at the Jack Tar Hotel in San Francisco, police were removing A. A. Allen's body from a room strewn with pills and empty liquor bottles. (Actually, Don Stewart was the first person in the room and he removed all of the bottles and threw them in the dumpster and then called the police.) The man who had once said that "the beer bottle and gin bucket" should have been on his family coat of arms was dead at 59 from what was said to be a heart attack but was in reality liver failure brought about by acute alcoholism. (James Randi, The Faith Healers, 1989, p.88)
- In 1970 Allen died from what "news accounts report [as]
sclerosis of the liver." (Reported in "New Revival Tent Dedicated in Philadelphia," Miracle Magazine, September 1967, 15; quoted in Harrell, 202) One writer describes Allen's cause of death as "cirrhosis" of the liver (see Gary L. Ward, "Allen, Asa Alonzo," in J. Gordon Melton, Religious Leaders of America [Detroit: Gale Research, 1991], 9)
Arnott, John

Head pastor of the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship where the "Toronto Blessing" originated. Prophetic movement, Proponent of the "Holy Laughter Movement" of Rodney Howard Browne
- "What happens is, there's a
transference of His anointing where, not only do you see it, not only do you experience it for yourself, but you're going to take it home to your people." (John Arnott, Pastor of the Toronto Airport Fellowship, pastor's Meeting, October 19, 1994)
- "Another thing that hinders (receiving the Holy Spirit or anointing) is people pray all the time." (John Arnott, at Holy Trinity Brompton, England, February 14, 1995)
- "Yes, Lord, we're going to go for it, we're gonna try to do our part to bring the kingdom of God here...and wouldn't it be wonderful if the Lord would start to move in power and
restore the church to its proper place and make us the head and not the tail?" (John Arnott, TACF, 10/19/94)
- John Arnott and his wife gave approval to a woman's report of a
divine message from Jesus that she should leave her husband because he was like a stone around her neck. (A Memoir Of "The Vineyard" Cheryl Thomson, 1994)
- Don't "even entertain the thought that (you)
might get a counterfeit." (John Arnott, TACF, 12/16/94, audiotape)
- Controlling emotions does not facilitate the "anointing
". This dilemma is solved, Arnott says, if he and the other leaders "break those controls off of people and boom, they'll take it just like that." (John Arnott, Discovery Church, Orlando, FL, 1/29/95, audio tape, commentary from Counterfeit Revival, Hank Hanegraaff, 1997)
- Jesus said "Go pray for Sarah, your friend, I'm going to heal her." To enthusiastic applause, Arnott continues, "
that girl, totally incapacitated, paralyzed and blind, after two and a half hours of soaking prayer, got up seeing." Sadly, however, Arnott's story plays fast and loose with the truth ... Sarah was not totally incapacitated, paralyzed and blind; Sarah Lilliman's doctors had diagnosed significant psychosomatic emotional problems underlying the physical problems; Jesus did not heal Lilliman as He supposedly promised her friend He would do, and when Arnott's associate (who allegedly documented the case) was interviewed, he confessed that he have not done any investigation .. Today, despite the broad circulation of this story by Arnott and his associates as evidence of God's power in the Toronto "Blessing", Sarah Lilliman is still, as before, legally blind. (John Arnott, "Valuing the Anointing", TACF, 10/15/94, audio tape, commentary from Counterfeit Revival, Hank Hanegraaff, 1997)
- Of the frightening manifestations in evidence in the Toronto "Blessing" John Arnott says the problem is that we have been conditioned to believe "
that the Holy Spirit's a gentleman" who would never do anything "rough or impolite". That, says Arnott, is simply "not true!" (John Arnott, Discovery Church, Orlando, FL, 1/29/95, audio tape, commentary from Counterfeit Revival, Hank Hanegraaff, 1997)
- "If you're going to be concerned about deception, then please be concerned about the greatest deception that there is, and the greatest deception of all, in my opinion, is not to fall for teachings of a false prophet ... in my opinion the greatest deception of all is to have a move of God come through and you not recognize it." (John Arnott, "Catch The Fire," Midland and Wales, UK, 2/2/96, audio tape)
- "It's always revealing, the attitudes people have about critical thinking. A common problem with leadership today is their refusal to criticize or judge the false. This is a tragedy for we need that kind of leadership more now than ever! A prime example is
John Hinckle's prophecy that on Thursday, June 9th, the Lord would rip all evil off the face of the earth. That "prophecy" was later spiritualized and revised to say that the "spiritual veil of darkness would be torn, allowing people to see the light!" said Arnott. The Kansas City Prophets and others allegedly had received "words from God" to the effect that for New Testament times, the standard for prophets was different than Deut 18. According to them, a "prophet" can be 40% inaccurate and still be considered valid! Unfortunately, thanks to people like John Wimber, their teachings have been widely accepted. You can see this lax view of prophetic standards in this Arnott observation! This quote may well have been said before June 9th. [Arnott] "People get funny when things like this happen...June 9th, there was a prophecy given by a reputable man,...that the Lord would tear open the veil, the shroud of darkness that is over the earth, that is blinding the earth, and as He tore the veil of the temple when Jesus arose, now He's going to tear open the heavens and allow the glory of God to come down...I really hope it comes true...I know that He's up to something...Don't get too excited about dates, sometimes prophetic people are right about the event, but wrong about the date." (Toronto Leaders Speak for Themselves, Bob Hunter, 1997)
- "We have had word after word about "get ready, cause you're just on the hors d'oeuvres right now," but, the power is coming. We've had a word that said, you know, "I'm just going easy on you now with this kind of stuff so you can kind of get used to me and acclimatize, because with the real power shows up I don't want you to be terrified!" (John Arnott, Receiving the Spirit's Power)
- "I finally start to ask Carol, "Honey, what do you feel?" (Carol), "Oh, it's just wonderful." (Arnott), 'Well, help me," you know, and so she says, "Now, just tune in," and so I'd be tuned in and I'm there, going like this,...and maybe I'd even start weaving a little bit, and I'm thinking "Lord, do I feel something on my hands or am I just making this up? Is there something here or am I so wanting this?"...And Carol would say, "No, no, I can feel Him going in, I can feel Him going in, Just keep focused!" You know and then...she'd say, "Oops, where did you go?" I'd say, "What do you mean?" She'd say, "I feel it coming back on me, where did you go?"
And I would realize my mind had drifted off again someplace." (John Arnott, Receiving the Spirit's Power)
- Arnott says about manifestation expectations:
"People ask us all the time, "What do you feel?" and that's a valid question. At first, it's almost imperceptible, but you think your hands are feeling a little heavier, this is my experience, and as you love Him, and stay tuned to that and say, "Oh, Lord, more of your presence," and it gets heavier and they begin to tingle, kind of, sort of like electricity and it can flow all up and down your arms and all over your face and up and down your legs and when it really increases, it's like you're being electrocuted, almost." (Toronto Leaders Speak for Themselves, Bob Hunter, 1997)
- "I spoke Sunday night on the topic A Second Wave is Coming.
I gave a call for any who were under the fear of deception by critics, etc., and about 100 responded, repenting for allowing their child-like trust in God to be stolen." (Letter, 2/26/97 from Christchurch, TACF, Road Warriors Archive)
- I attended a "revival" meeting last night at Lake Boren Christian Center A/G near Renton, WA (near Seattle) where John Arnott was the featured speaker. At this meeting Arnott introduced a "new anointing" he calls the "Sword of the Lord." With this "anointing" comes a new boldness, a "new power". He also called it the "Warrior Anointing." It promises "to bring deliverance from your enemies." The visible effects of receiving this "
anointing" include roaring, shouting and grasping the hands above the head, then swinging them up and down as if one was actually holding a sword and attacking an enemy. Arnott cautioned the crowd not to "take the sword if you have any secret sin because that sword may turn on you." After explaining all this, most of the 600+ people attending lined up to receive this new "anointing" from John Arnott as he grabbed upraised hands and said, "Receive the sword." With this "anointed" touch most of the people fell down and began moving their arms back and forth (as described earlier) while on the floor. Some stood and repeated this same movement. One man I observed actually hit a woman in the side with his "sword." (John Arnott, Lake Boren Christian Center A/G, D.V.H. in an e-mail on 07/24/97 11:42 AM)
Avanzini, John |
Host of TBN Today "Behind The Scenes".
"Jesus had an expensive ministry. "Jesus was handling big money." (John Avanzini, Praise the Lord (TBN), 9/15/88)
"[The Spirit of God]...declared in the earth today what the eternal purpose of God has been through the ages...that He is duplicating Himself in the earth" (John Avanzini, "The End Time Manifestation of the Sons of God," Morris Cerullo World Evangelism tape).
"Jesus had a nice big house", "Jesus wore designer clothes" "Paul had the kind of money that could stop up justice." (John Avanzini, "Believer's Voice of Victory" broadcast on TBN, recorded 1/20/91)
Bickel, Mike |
Mike Bickel, pastor ,of the Kansas City Fellowship appears to have been a key spark, along with Paul Cain in the formation of the Kansas City Fellowship/Kansas City Prophets.
Mike Bickel has indicated belief in the following doctrines:
- A New Form and Standard for Christianity is emerging. It will change our entire understanding of what Christianity is. In 20 years it will be entirely different.
- City Churches: One church per city. Other churches are to join the KCF, transfer membership to them (or associated churches in other cities), and close down their churches).
- Joel's Army/Kingdom Now/Dominion theology: the church is to conquer and subdue the earth in order to bring in the millennium.
- New Breed/manifest Son's of God: We will be perfected into our glorified bodies prior to Christ's return. This will allow us to subdue the earth.
- Christians become "gods".
Branham, William |
Faith healer and stated mentor for many leading Pentecostals today. (deceased)
After World War II, (1945) another healing revival broke out all over America and the world. The original initiator of the revival was William Branham.
Branham considered himself to be a prophet sent from God to the last Church age who was given 7 visions regarding the end times.
Branham's Latter Rain teachings were foundational for the formalization of Neo-Montanism as a dynamic movement within the Church beginning in 1947 in Sharon Bible school in North Battleford, Canada.
Branham taught that gifts of the Holy Spirit could be transmitted through the laying on of hands via a man who possessed such gifts.
He believed in further revelation given by angels, dreams, visions, and prophecy.
He strongly taught that Jesus was returning very soon and would severely judge America
Even though William Branham denied the Trinity and taught it was a demonic doctrine believed only by those of the whore Babylon false church - he was still revered as a true prophet by almost every major Pentecostal and Charismatic ministry (who are Trinitarian). Even though he believed in numerology and taught that God had made the Great Pyramid - he is still accepted as a true prophet. Even though many of his prophecies regarding future events did not come to pass - he is still regarded as a true prophet. Even though the majority of his teachings are totally in error and diametrically opposed to the plain teaching of Scripture, he is still held up as God's true prophet.
Branham was a modalist, anti-trinitarian and believed exactly what the United Pentecostal churches today teach. For refutation of this view see:
William Branham said the doctrine of the Trinity is "a doctrine of demons" (The Toronto Blessing, Stephen Sizer, 1990)
William Branham said that Eve's sin involved sexual relations with the serpent, but the "seed of God" were Branham's followers, otherwise known as "the Bride" or "the New Breed" (The Toronto Blessing, Stephen Sizer, 1990)
"Now my precious brothers - I know this is a tape also. Now don't get excited. Let me say this with Godly love. The hours approached where I can't hold still on these things no more... Trinitarianism is of the devil. I tell you that - Thus saith the Lord." (William Branham, Footprints on the Sands of Time: The autobiography of William Marrion Branham, Part Two (Jeffersonville, IN: Spoken Word Publications, 1975, p606-7)
"Why don't you examine your baptism of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and that false 'trinity' it's so-called..." (William Braham, "Revelation Chapter Four #3 (Throne of Mercy and Judgment)" (Voice of God Recordings, Inc., 1961, audio tape #61-0108, side 2)
The angel spoke to William Branham saying: "Fear not. I am sent from the presence of Almighty God to tell you that your particular life and your misunderstood ways have been to indicate that God has sent you to take a gift of divine healing to the people of the world. If you will be sincere, and can get the people to believe you, nothing shall stand before your prayer, not even cancer." (Harrell, All Things Are Possible, 28) (The angel Mornoni appeared to Joseph Smith who founded Mormonism)
William Branham falsely prophesied: "that by 1977 all denominations would be consumed by the World Council of Churches under the control of the Roman Catholics, that the rapture would take place, and that the world would be destroyed." (Burgess and McGee, Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements, 96)
William Branham insisted that "believers baptized by a Trinitarian formula must be rebaptized in the name of Jesus only." (Burgess and McGee, Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements, 95-96)
Branham explained, "...not one place in the Bible is trinity ever mentioned...It's Catholic error and you Protestants bow to it" (William Branham, Conduct, Order, Doctrine Q and A, p. 182)
"Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is offices of one God. He was the Father; He was the Son; He is the Holy Ghost. It's three offices or three dispensations,..." (William Branham, Conduct, Order, Doctrine Q and A, p. 392). (This view of the Godhead is called Modalism and has been held to be heretical by both Catholic and Protestant churches. For refutation of this view see:
"Here is what actually happened in the Garden of Eden. The Word says that Eve was beguiled by the serpent. She was actually seduced by the serpent. He was as close to being a human that his seed could, and did mingle with that of the woman and cause her to conceive" (William Branham, The Original Sin, pp. 2, 3)
"Now, I'm just your brother, by the grace of God. But when the Angel of the Lord moves down, it becomes then a Voice of God to you...But I am God's Voice to you... Now, see, I can say nothing in myself. But what He shows me" (William Branham, Footprints On The Sands Of Time, p. 214)
When Branham was baptizing 130 converts in the Ohio River, (allegedly) a heavenly light, like a blazing star, appeared above him just as he was about to baptize the seventeenth person ... it has also been reported that a voice spoke from within the light, saying, "As John the Baptist was sent to forerun the first coming of the Lord, so you are sent to forerun His second coming..." (The Enigma Of William Branham, Andrew Strom)
It was (later in his ministry) that Branham began to gradually withdraw into his own little circle, where he had an adoring and loyal following. (Essentially this circle was made up of "Oneness" or 'Jesus-Only' Pentecostals). And instead of his previous unwillingness to speak about contentious or divisive 'minor' issues, he now gradually began to emphasize such things more and more in his preaching. Slowly, these teachings became ever-more alarming and extreme. (The Enigma Of William Branham, Andrew Strom)
Branham taught that the Word of God was given in three forms, the zodiac, the Egyptian pyramids, and the written scripture. (Al Dager, Vengeance is Ours, Sword, Page 59)
Years ago (William Branham) told his interpreter, Pastor Ruff, "If my angel does not give the sign, I cannot heal." Ruff noticed several features of spiritism in the work of Branham, and therefore stopped working with him. These "angels" of whom (Harry) Edwards and Branham spoke are evil spirits masquerading as angels of light. As in many areas of the occult, we are here reminded again that the devil appears as an angel of light (2 Cor. 11:14) Another evidence is the fact that neither Edwards nor Branham were able to perform cures when faced with born-again Christians who had committed themselves to the protection of Christ. In the case of Branham, I have experienced this myself. When he spoke in Karlsruhe and Lausanne, there were several believers among the audience -- including myself -- who prayed along these lines: "Lord, if this man's powers are from You, then bless and use him, but if the healing gifts are not from You, then hinder him." The result? On both occasions Branham said from the platform, "There are disturbing powers here. I can do nothing." (Kurt Koch, Occult ABC, 1978, p. 235)
"The most remarkable "messiah" at (the time of the writing of this book) ... is to be found at camp Manujothi Ashram in the desert in South India. It is the extreme American evangelist, William Branham, whom Christians have to thank for this false messiah. His name is Paluser Lawrie Mathukrishna. When Branham was on (a) tour of India, Brother Lawrie became a disciple of his, and Branham described him as the "Son of God" and "Christ returned". This is a very curious situation. Why would the "Son of God" and "Christ returned" be the disciple of a man like Branham? Shouldn't it have been the other way around? Or maybe it was. Perhaps this is an important connection between Hinduism and Kundalini Pentecostalism. Perhaps this is where Branham, one of the fathers of the Third Wave movement, picked up the ability to pass along Kundalini-type manifestations. Perhaps this is where he picked up a demonic spirit, because it is "reported that towards the end, some of his teachings almost bordered on the occult." (Kurt Koch, Occult ABC, 1978, p. 66; comments by Sandy Simpson, 1997; The Enigma Of William Branham, Andrew Strom)
William Branham's heretical theology:
God's Word consists of the zodiac, Egyptian pyramids and scripture.
Doctrine of trinity is considered demonic
The claim that he was Elijah the prophet
Millennium to begin in 1977.
That he was the seventh angelic messenger to the Laodicean Church Age (Footprints, pg. 620).(Using the dispenational theory that each of the churches in Revelations represents an age of the church, the current one being the Laodicean Church Age).
That anyone belonging to any denomination had taken "the mark of the beast" (Footprints, pp. 627, 629, 643, 648).
That he received divinely inspired revelations (The Revelation of the Seven Seals, Branham; Spoken Word Publications, Tucson, Ariz., n.d.; pg.19; Questions and Answers, Book 1, Branham; Spoken Word Publications, Tucson, 1964; pg. 60.)
The fall of man happened when Eve had sexual relations with Satan, that his sexual union produced Cain.(Branham said that "every sin that ever was on the Earth was caused by a woman....the very lowest creature on the Earth" The Spoken Word, Vol. III Nos. 12, 13, 14;, Branham; Spoken Word Publications, Jeffersonville, Ind. 1976; pp. 81-82. Quoted in The Man and His Message, pg. 41).
Branham denied the biblical triune Godhead. He pronounced it a "gross error" (The Spoken Word, pg. 79) and as a prophet with the authority of a "Thus saith the Lord," revealed that "trinitarianism is of the devil" (Footprints, pg. 606).
Unsaved descended from the serpent.
Cain, Paul |
Faith healer and prophet, Latter Rain teacher, Prophetic movement, Endorses the "Holy Laughter Movement" of Rodney Howard Browne
Paul Cain started out as part of the Latter Rain movement, following the teachings of William Branham. Paul Cain still tends to follow Branham theology, with the possible exception of acceptance of doctrine of the trinity. Paul Cain is well known for his creation of the term "New Breed", which is a new term describing the Manifest Sons of God theology taught by Branham.
"For quite a while I have been embarrassed to say anything about the latter rain, because you are associated and identified with something that people don't seem to appreciate in certain evangelical circles. So I have played it cool and haven't said much about it. But I don't care what they think any more... I believe we are going to have the latter rain and I am looking forward to it." (Paul Cain, Toronto church on May 28, 1995)
"Though Branham denied the historic, orthodox view of the Trinity, William Branham was the greatest prophet in the 20th century. This was due not to Branham's doctrines but to "his gifting in the word of knowledge." (Paul Cain, Armstrong in Michael Horton ed. Power Religion, 1992, p.67)
Paul Cain even advised his audience to wait until they get to heaven to examine his exposition of the 'Manchild Company,' which would never stand the test of Scripture: "...I know some of you are going to disagree with this. Don't you even stop to disagree. Revelation 12:5. If you disagree, just file it in 'miscellaneous' and check it out. And don't bother with it; when we get to heaven we'll check it out and you'll find out I'm right..." (Paul Cain, Prophetic Power and Passion Conference, Christ Chapel, Florence, Alabama, August, 1995.)
Paul Cain promises credulous Christians that in the fullness of end time restorationism "all the sick are gonna be healed, the dead are gonna be raised and nations are gonna turn to God in a day." (Bob Jones and Paul Cain, "Selections from the Kansas City Prophets," audiotape)
"No prophet or apostle who ever lived equaled the power of these individuals in this great army of the Lord in these last days. No one ever had it, not even Elijah or Peter or Paul, or anyone else enjoyed the power that is gong to rest on this great army." (Bob Jones and Paul Cain. "Selections from the Kansas City Prophets," audiotape (tape: 155C)
"God's raising up a new standard, a new banner, if you will, that's going to radically change the expression, the understanding of Christianity in our generation...God has invited us to have a role in establishing a new order of Christianity...God is offering to this generation something He has never offered to any other generation...beware lest old order brethren rob you and steal this hope from you." Whatever happened to remaining in the truths that we were taught? Tit 1:9 "He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it." (Paul Cain, "You Can Become the Word!", 1989, Vineyard Prophetic Conference, with comment from Sandy Simpson, 1997)
Campbell, Miss Ivey |
Held meetings in Ohio is 1906 after her Azusa experience. Part of Azusa Street mission. |
Capps, Charles |
Ordained as a minister in the International Convention of Faith Churches and Ministers by Kenneth Copeland.
Capps has gone so far as to teach that Jesus was the product of God's positive confession: "This is the key to understanding the virgin birth. God's Word is full of faith and spirit power. God spoke it. God transmitted that image to Mary. She received the image inside of her....The embryo that was in Mary's womb was nothing more than the Word of God....She conceived the Word of God." (Charles Capps, Dynamics of Faith and Confession (Tulsa, OK: Harrison House, 1987), 86-87; cf. Charles Capps, Authority in Three Worlds (Tulsa, OK: Harrison House, 1982, p76-85) (Note: this is the Arian view of the Godhead taught by Christadelphians: see
Capps claims that if someone says, "I'm just dying to do that" or "That just tickled me to death," their statements may literally come true (i.e., they may die). According to Capps, this is precisely why the human race now lives only about seventy years instead of 900 years, as was the case with Adam. (Charles Capps, The Tongue -- A Creative Force (Tulsa, OK: Harrison House, 1976), 91)
Cardale, Mrs. |
She was a member of Edward Irving's congregation in England and on April 30, 1831 she began to speak in other tongues and prophesy.
Irving was impressed and did not exercise any restraint towards this member's activity.
Soon Mrs. Cardale's sister Emily also began to speak in tongues and prophesy, and others followed them.
The end result was that Rev. Irving was eventually excommunicated from the Presbyterian Church and he formed his own organization. He was defrocked not so much for the charismatic extremism but for his heterodox view of the nature of Christ, his Christology was aberrant. Irving's organization later began to promote to concept of restored prophets and apostles. Irving also believed that tongues and prophecy had divine origin and were truly revelatory in nature. As with Montanus (Montanism heresy , the role of the two women prophetesses became pronounced and set a pattern destined to be repeated over the coming years. |
Irving, Edward |
18th century Father of Modern Pentecostalism
In the western world Pentecostalism generally traces its roots back to the teachings and experiences of Edward Irving, a Presbyterian Minister in Scotland in the early 1800's. After studying the Book of Acts he began to teach that what the early church experienced was to be normative for the church in his day. He was excommunicated from the Presbyterian Church over his heretical Christological doctrines.
On March 28th 1830, a Miss Mary Campbell began to speak in other tongues and claimed she was divinely healed. The following year on October 30th 1831 her sister, Mrs. Cardale also began to speak in tongues and to prophesy.
Edward Irving formed his own church called the Catholic Apostolic Church and he soon ordained its first twelve apostles on November 7th, 1832. "He also expounded a detailed teaching on the gifts of the Holy Spirit and gave the whole of his theology an immediacy by his expectation of the immanent second coming of the Lord. He died shortly thereafter, but the movement he started, became known as "Irvingites."
Edward Irving is to be considered among the first true Neo-Montanists due to his beliefs in:
- In the restoration of the charismatic gifts, including prophecy
- His unwillingness to submit to recognized Church authority regarding his beliefs
- His approval of women in ministry (coincidentally, women were the first to prophesy in his movement)
- His belief in the also immediate return of Christ, i.e. a strong eschatological emphasis.
Dowie, John Alexander |
- Like
Irving, Dowie was a minister from the same area. He was originally a Congregational Pastor, who subsequently left his denomination and formed his own called the "Christian Catholic Church."
- In 1901 he began to build a city of righteousness outside of Chicago which he named Zion.
- He believed that
he was the first restored apostle to The Church, and later came to believe he was the prophet Elijah, the restorer, sent to pave the way for the return of Christ which he too believed was imminent.
- He taught that the Church would be fully restored to apostolic authority and power.
- His beliefs coupled with those of Edward Irving formed the initial platform for the rapid spread of Neo-
Montanist beliefs which were to soon be launched globally.
Cerullo, Morris |
Television evangelist on TBN.
bought PTL, a Latter Rain proponent and speaks as a prophet
"Did you know that from the beginning of time the whole purpose of God was to reproduce Himself?...And when we stand up here, brother, you're not looking at Morris Cerullo; you're looking at God. You're looking at Jesus" (Morris Cerullo, "The End Time Manifestation of the Sons of God," Morris Cerullo World Evangelism tape 1).
Morris Cerullo said "You represent all that God is and all that God has...Jesus was the visible expression of God. Jesus was the Son of the Living God. Now, who are you? Sons of God...everyone say it. What is working inside of us is the manifestation. When you look at me, you are looking at Jesus...To see Jesus was to see God. To see me is to see Jesus. Jesus knew who He was. Don't you think it is about time we know who we are?" ("Joel's Army," Jewel van der Merwe, Discernment Ministries)
Morris Cerullo claims he was led out of a Jewish orphanage by two angelic beings; transported to heaven for a face-to-face meeting with God; and told he would be capable of revealing the future. (Cerullo, The Miracle Book, ix; and 7 Point Outreach -- World Evangelism and You (pamphlet), 4.; Cerullo, The Miracle Book, xi.; "God's Faithful, Anointed Servant, Morris Cerullo.")
Claiming that God was directly speaking through him, Cerullo uttered, "Would you surrender your pocketbooks unto Me, saith God, and let me be the Lord of your pocketbooks....Yea, so be thou obedient unto my voice." (Morris Cerullo, "A Word from God at the Deeper Life World Conference," Deeper Life, March 1982, 15.)
Morris Cerullo is now offering through his television show and web site "God's Victorious Army Financial Breakthrough Spiritual Warfare Bible". Here is the description of how to attain financial freedom and wealth as Cerullo contends Christians should: "This Bible is the definitive word on finances, with special icons designed to lead you throughout God's Word, teaching you about Biblical finances. This beautiful, genuine bonded-leather Bible has more than 2,000 pages, chock full of financial breakthrough principles and spiritual commentaries honed from Morris Cerullo's fifty years of experience serving the Savior ... THIS INCREDIBLE BIBLE CAN BE YOURS FOR A LOVE GIFT OF ONLY $89 OR MORE."
Cho, Paul Yonggi (David Cho) |
Pastor of the world's largest church, located in Seoul, South Korea
Cho claims to have received his call to preach from Jesus Christ Himself, who supposedly appeared to him dressed like a fireman. (Dwight J. Wilson, "Cho, Paul Yonggi," Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements, 161)
Cho is well aware of his link to occultism, arguing that if Buddhists and Yoga practitioners can accomplish their objectives through fourth dimensional powers, then Christians should be able to accomplish much more by using the same means. (Paul Yonggi Cho, The Fourth Dimension, vol. 1 (South Plainfield, NJ: Bridge Publishing, 1979), 37, 41)
As Cho tells the story of his name change, God showed him that Paul Cho had to die and David Cho was to be resurrected in his place. According to Cho, God Himself came up with his new name. (Paul Yonggi Cho interviewed by C. Peter Wagner, "Yonggi Cho Changes His Name," Charisma & Christian Life, November 1992, 80)
"In 1993, Dr. Cho, pastor of the world's largest church in Seoul, Korea was conducting a meeting in Seattle, Washington. He was praying for revival in America. "God are you going to send revival to America, or is she destined for judgment?" While he was praying the Lord told him to get a map of America. He did so and the Holy Spirit told him to point his finger at the map. As he did, he felt his finger drawn to the Florida panhandle and to the city of Pensacola. "I am going to send revival to the seaside city of Pensacola and it will spread like a fire until all of America has been consumed by it," said the Lord to Dr. Cho. Dr. Cho shared his experience with others and the word predictably spread to many of the pastors in the Pensacola area." Since this prophesy came true, in a certain sense, Cho is not a false prophet. However, if this revival is not of God, then Cho must be receiving messages from another source.
"You create the presence of Jesus with your mouth ... He is bound by your lips and by your words ... Remember that Christ is depending upon you and your spoken word to release His presence." (Paul Yonggi Cho, The Fourth Dimension, Volume One (So. Plainfield, NJ: Bridge Publishing, 1979), 83)
Cho's concept of fourth-dimensional thinking is nothing short of occultism. In his bestselling book "The Fourth Dimension", Cho unveils his departure from historic Christian theology and his entry into the world of the occult. Cho lists four steps in his incubation formula: 1) Visualize a clear-cut goal or idea in your mind; 2) have a burning desire for your objective; 3) pray until you get the guarantee or assurance from God that what you desire is already yours; 4) speak or confess the end result into existence. ((Hank Hanegraaff, Christianity in Crisis, 1993 citing Paul Yonggi Cho, The Fourth Dimension, Volume One (So. Plainfield, NJ: Bridge Publishing, 1979), 9-35; vol. 2, 18-33)
Clark, Randy |
Prophet, Revivalist, St. Louis Vineyard, Prophetic movement, Endorses the "Holy Laughter Movement" of Rodney Howard Browne
- Randy Clark is a pastor of a Vineyard church in St. Louis Missouri. In 1993, he was quite depressed and his ministry seemed to be stagnated. He was looking for something to reinvigorate his ministry, and attended a meeting of Rodney Howard-Browne's at Kenneth Hagin's Rhema Bible Church in Tulsa. He received the "laughter", took it back to his church. When word got out, people began coming to the church because of the phenomena. He was later invited by John Arnott, Pastor of the Toronto Airport Vineyard, to come and speak at his church. The same manifestations followed Randy Clark, and the rest is history.
- Clark now says that in the midst of his spiritual disillusionment, God rebuked him, saying,
"You have a ... denominational spirit if you think you can only drink of the well of your own group." God then asked Clark a very pertinent question: "How badly do you want me?" (Randy Clark, Catch The Fire '94, Test Me Now ... I will Back You Up, TACF, 10/13/94, audiotape)
- Randy Clark claims that the "greatest revival of all times" is now a reality.
He tells credulous Christians that "people are being raised from the dead and temples are being hit by lightening or fireballs and knocked off their things. It's all over. Germany and Africa. It's everywhere. God's doing it." Of course all these things are UTTERLY FALSE! (Randy Clark, "Catch The Fire: Questions and Answers", TACF, 10/14/94, audiotape, commentary from Counterfiet Revival, Hank Hanegraaff, 1997)
- "The theme of this conference is "Equipping Church Leadership With Power". Each Pastor and Worship Leader will participate in three workshops. The workshops are: 1) 5-step Healing Prayer Model, 2) Worship, 3) Small Groups. The workshops have a three-fold purpose. There will be teaching, impartation and practice. The workshops are designed to be interactive and involve the participation of the attendees. We believe this is the most effective way of impartation." This was from a letter to set up the "Catch The Fire" conference in Russia for church leaders. Several things are askew in the above scenario. (1) Only God can equip church leadership to do what He wants done, whether in power or in humble persecution. The "with power" statement is egotistic and false advertising. (2) If the desire was to "equip church leadership" then wouldn't subjects like "authority under Christ", "leadership through humility", and "servant hood" serve this purpose much better than supposedly teaching people a model of how to heal (ie. "the emphasis will be on understanding and using the 1 Cor 12 spiritual gifts in praying for the sick and unsaved. Pastors and Worship Leaders will have the opportunity to practice what they learned both in the workshop and the evening session ministry time"), a legalistic plan of worship to get people ready for the "impartation" (ie."the emphasis will be on understanding the power and presence of God to move on His people during intimate worship"), and how use small groups to get people indoctrinated into techniques of "intercession" and "impartation" (ie."the emphasis will be on imparting the life and the ministry of the Holy Spirit in home group settings. A secondary emphasis will be on identifying, recruiting, training, mentoring, observing and deploying home group leaders"), etc.? (3) Teaching people how to receive the "impartation" (let's get to the bottom line here, folks), giving the "impartation" and practicing by passing it on to others is not a Scriptural model of how to be a leader in church or do evangelism. We are not to preach and spread some sort of "impartation", no matter how holy it makes people feel. We are to preach the gospel and to remain in sound doctrine. (Randy Clark, "Letter Of Invitation" to churches in the former Soviet Union inviting them to the "Catch The Fire" conference in Moscow, 25-27 March 1996, 1/18/96; with commentary by Sandy Simpson)
- During the meeting itself on Monday night, we were told by people who "braved it" that David Carr wore
black trousers, an open black shirt and a medallion! Later they danced the conga and had an erotic dancer on stage. And David Carr did his "John Travolta" impression. Randy Clark told people "in order to receive the blessing" all they had to do was "not pray", as it "hinders the blessing". (J & Y J. Wallsall, UK, June 1995 in an e-mail from: Tricia Tillin, 21-Aug-1995)
Coe, Jack |
Assemblies of God minister and faith healer. (deceased)
Jack Coe on occasion would actually "pick people up out of the wheelchairs. If they fell, he'd say you didn't have faith." (Hank Hanegraaff, Counterfeit Revival, 1997, pg. 137 citing Harrell, All Things Are Possible, 59)
Like modern faith healers, (Coe) suggested that those who opposed him were in danger of being "struck dead by God." (Hank Hanegraaff, Counterfeit Revival, 1997, pg. 137 citing Harrell, All Things Are Possible, 59)
The Assemblies of God were so embarrassed by Coe's exaggerated (healing) claims that they finally expelled him in 1953 on the grounds the he was "misleading the public". (Hank Hanegraaff, Counterfeit Revival, 1997, pg. 137 citing Harrell, All Things Are Possible, 111)
(Coe) warned followers "that the day would come when those who consulted physicians would have to take the mark of the beast." Coe (subsequently) became critically ill with bulbar polio ... (and) took the "mark of the beast" and was admitted to the hospital. (Hank Hanegraaff, Counterfeit Revival, 1997, pg. 137 citing Harrell, All Things Are Possible, 101)
While Oral Roberts considered Jack Coe "a man of great faith", many other well-known religious leaders considered Coe a master of gimmicks and fabrications. (Hank Hanegraaff, Counterfeit Revival, 1997, pg. 137) Not much wonder! Roberts is a master of gimmicks himself!
Copeland, Kenneth

Self proclaimed Apostle, Prophet, Pastor, Teacher, TV evangelist owner of Kenneth Copeland Ministries seen on Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN). Word of Faith movement, Endorses the "Holy Laughter Movement" of Rodney Howard Browne
Uses detestable tactics like prayer cloths
To see video of antics clicking here.
Nature of God
God is a spirit-being with a body, complete with eyes, and eyelids, ears, nostrils, a mouth, hands and fingers, and feet. (Kenneth Copeland ministry letter, 21 July 1977.)
The Bible said He measured the heavens with a 9 inch span. Now the span is the difference, distance between the end of the thumb and the end of the little Finger. And, and that Bible said, in fact the amplified translation translates the Hebrew text that way. That He measured out the heavens with a 9 inch span. Well, I got a ruler and measured mine, and my span's 8 3/4 inches long. So now God's span is a quarter of an inch, a quarter inch longer than mine. So you see, that faith didn't come billowing out of some giant monster somewhere. It came out of the heart of a being that is very uncanny the way He's very much like you and me. A being that stands somewhere around 6' 2 , 6' 3, that weighs somewhere in the neighbourhood of a couple of hundred pounds, little better, has a span of 8 and, I mean nine inches across - stood up and said Light be [Let it be?], and this universe situated itself and went into motion. Glory to God. (Spirit, Soul, and a Body 1 1985, audio tape #01-0601, side 1)
God and Adam looked exactly alike. (The Authority of the Believer IV; Tape #01-0304)
God could not intervene since He had made Adam the god of the earth. God was left on the outside looking in. (Following the Faith of Abraham; Tape #01-3001)
I was shocked when I found out who the biggest failure in the Bible actually is. Everybody ask you ask Who's the biggest failure? They say Judas, somebody else will say No, I believe it was Adam, well how about the devil. He's the most consistent failure. But he's not the biggest in terms of material failure and so forth. The biggest one in all the Bible is God. What, what, what - don't you turn that set off - you listen to what. I told you - now you sit still a minute. You know me well enough to know I wouldn't, I wouldn't tell something I can't prove from the Bible. (Praise-a-thon program - TBN, April 1988)
Nature of Jesus
Jesus existed only as an image in the heart of God, until such time as the prophets of the Old Testament could positively confess Jesus into existence through their constant prophecies. (Spirit, Soul, and Body; Tape #01-0601) [Note: This is one of the key belief of the false doctrine known as Modalism:]
Jesus has a beginning and an end. (What Happened From the Cross to the Throne, Tape #00-0303) [Note: This is one of the key belief of the false doctrine known as Modalism:]
Jesus has not remained the same, he has changed. (What Happened From the Cross to the Throne, Tape #00-0303)
He [Jesus] allowed the devil to drag Him into the depths of hell....He allowed Himself to come under Satan's control...every demon in hell came down on Him to annihilate Him....They tortured Him beyond anything anybody had ever conceived. For three days He suffered everything there is to suffer. (The Price of It All, p3)
That Word of the living God went down into that pit of destruction and charged the spirit of Jesus with resurrection power! Suddenly His twisted, death-wracked spirit began to fill out and come back to life....Jesus was born again -- the firstborn from the dead the Word calls Him -- and He whipped the devil in his own backyard. (The Price of It All, p4-6.)
Jesus was dragged down into the bowels of Hell where He was beaten and bruised by Satan and his demons until Jesus could finally fight His way out of Hell 3 days later. (Classic Redemption, p.13) and (Believer's Voice of Victory, September 11, 1991)
Jesus was reborn in the pits of hell.(What Happened From the Cross to the Throne, Tape #00-0303) and (Classic Redemption, p.13)
Satan conquered Jesus on the Cross and took His spirit to the dark regions of hell (Kenneth Copeland Reference Edition Bible, 1991, p129)
Jesus took on the nature of Satan when He was on the cross. (Jesus lost His divine nature). (Doctrinal Statement dated March 12, 1979) and (What Happened From the Cross to the Throne, Tape #00-0303)
The day that Jesus was crucified, God's life, that eternal energy that was His from birth, moved out of Him and He accepted the very nature of death itself. (The Price of It All, Believer's Voice of Victory, September 1991, p3)
Jesus had to give up His righteousness (The Incarnation, side 2.)
Jesus had to go through that same spiritual death in order to pay the price. Now it wasn't the physical death on the cross that paid the price for sin, because if it had of been any prophet of God that had died for the last couple of thousand years before that could have paid that price. It wasn't physical death anybody could do that. (What Satan Saw on the Day of Pentecost audio tape #020022)
Nature of man
I say this with all respect so that it don't upset you too bad, but I say it anyway. When I read in the Bible where he [Jesus] says, 'I Am,' I just smile and say, 'Yes, I Am, too!' (Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast on TBN, recorded 7/9/87)
Every Christian is a god. (Substitution and Identification)
You don't have a God in you; you are one, (The Force of Love (Fort Worth: 1987, audiotape #02-0028, side 1)
You are not a spiritual schizophrenic -- half-God and half-Satan -- you are all-God (Now We Are in Christ Jesus, 1980, p16-17)
Adam was God manifested in the flesh. (The Authority of the Believer IV; Tape #01-0304)
When we use the spiritual laws that God has set up, God must obey what we request. (Praise the Lord broadcast, TBN, recorded 2/5/86)
All of God's attributes and abilities were invested in Adam. (The Authority of the Believer IV; Tape #01-0304)
If you stood Adam upside God, they look just exactly alike....If you stood Jesus and Adam side-by-side, they would look and act and sound exactly alike....The image is that they look just alike, but the likeness is that they act alike and they are alike....All of God's attributes, all of God's authority, all of God's faith, all of God's ability was invested in that man. (Authority of the Believer IV, 1987, audiotape #01-0304, side 1)
The Spirit of God spoke to me, and He said Son, realize this Now follow me in this, don't let your tradition trip you up. He said Think this way. A twice-born man whipped Satan in his own domain. And I threw my Bible... I said What? He said A born-again man defeated Satan - the first-born of many brethren defeated him. He said You are the very image, and the very copy of that one. I said Goodness Gracious, saints alive. I began to see what had gone on in there, and I said Well you don? mean - You couldn't dare mean that I could have done the same thing? He said Oh yeah. If you'd had the knowledge of the Word of God that He did you could've done the same thing cause you're a re-born man too. (Substitution and Identification 1989, audio tape #00-0202, side 2)
God's reason for creating Adam was His desire to reproduce Himself. I mean a reproduction of Himself. And in the garden of Eden He did that. He was not a little like God. He was not almost like God. He was not subordinate to God even. And Adam was as much like God as you can get, Just the same as Jesus when He came into the earth, He said If you've seen Me, you've seen the Father. He wasn't a lot like God - He's God manifested in the flesh. And I want you to know something - Adam in the garden of Eden was God manifested in the flesh. (Following the Faith of Abraham 1, 1989, audio tape #01-3001, side 1)
Adam lost the innate ability to create at the fall. (What Happened From the Cross to the Throne, Tape #00-0303)
Don't be disturbed when people accuse you of thinking you're God. The more you get to be like Me, the more they're going to think that way of you. They crucified Me for claiming that I was God. But I didn't claim I was God; I just claimed I walked with Him and that He was in Me. Hallelujah. That's what you're doing. (Voice of Victory Vol. 15, No. 2, 2/87)
You have the same creative faith and ability on the inside of you that God used when he created the heavens and the earth. (Inner Image of the Covenant, side 2.)
Jesus is no longer the only begotten Son of God (Now We Are In Christ Jesus, 1980, p24)
Nature of faith :
Faith is God's source of power (Freedom From Fear, 1983. p12.)
Faith was the raw material substance that the Spirit of God used to form the universe. (Authority of the Believer II (1987, audiotape #01-0302, side 1.)
God did not create the world out of nothing, He used the Force of His Faith. (Spirit, Soul and Body, #01-0601, Tape #1)
Faith is a Force (like Starwars). (Spirit, Soul and Body, #01-0601, Tape #1)
The force of faith was controlling His (Jesus') ministry. (The Force of Faith, p9)
Faith is a power force, he claims. It is a tangible force. It is a conductive force. (The Force of Faith, 1989, p10)
Faith is a spiritual force....It is substance. Faith has the ability to effect natural substance. (Forces of the Recreated Human Spirit, 1982, p8)
The force of gravity...makes the law of gravity work...this force of faith...makes the laws of the spirit world function. (The Laws of Prosperity (Fort Worth: Kenneth Copeland Publications, 1974, 18-19.)
Nature of heaven :
Earth is a copy of the mother planet (Heaven). Heaven has a north and a south and an east and a west. Consequently, it must be a planet. (Spirit, Soul, and a Body 1 1985, audio tape #01-0601, side 1)
It's all a copy. It's a copy of home. It's a copy of the mother planet. Where God lives, He made a little one just like His and put us on it. (Following the Faith of Abraham 1 1989, audio tape #01-3001, side 1)
Anti-intellectual, anti-doctrine :
Believers are not to be led by logic, he writes. We are not even to be led by good sense (The Force of Faith, 7)
I don't preach doctrine, I preach faith. (Following the Faith of Abraham I, side 2)
Crawford, Florence L. |
Spread the Pentecostal message in 1906 around the California area. She became very prominent due to her revival meetings. Part of Azusa Street mission |
Crouch, Paul |
Head of Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), Word of Faith movement, Endorses the "Holy Laughter Movement" of Rodney Howard Browne
- Christians are little gods
. (Praise the Lord (TBN), recorded 7/7/86)
- "Do you know what else that's settled then tonight? This hue and cry and controversy that has been spawned by the devil to try to bring dissension within the body of Christ
that we are gods. I am a little god. I have His name. I am one with Him. I'm in covenant relation. I am a little god. Critics be gone!" (Paul Crouch, "Praise the Lord" program, July 7, 1986).
- Anti-intellectual, anti-doctrine:
"I think God's given up on a lot of that old rotten Sanhedrin religious crowd, twice dead, plucked up by the roots. I think they're damned and on their way to hell and I don't think there's any redemption for them...the heresy hunters that want to find a little mote of illegal doctrine in some Christian's eye and pluck that little mote out of their eye when they've got the whole forest in their own lives and in their own eyes. I say to hell with you! Oh hallelujah. Get out of God's way, quit blocking God's bridges or God's gonna shoot you if I don't! I refuse to argue any longer with any of you out there. Don't even call me. If you want to argue doctrine, if you want to straighten out somebody over here, if you want to criticize Ken Copeland for his preaching on faith, or Dad Hagin. Get out of my life! I don't even want to talk to you or hear you. I don't want to see your ugly face! Get out of my face in Jesus' name." (Paul Crouch, "Praise-a-thon" broadcast on TBN, recorded 4/2/91)
- Paul Crouch said (on the TBN show "Praise The Lord" during their money-raising telethon) "if you have been healed or saved or blessed through TBN and
have not contributed to (the) station, you are robbing God and will lose your reward in heaven." (Witnessed by Ed Tarkowski, e-mail Mon, 04 Aug 1997 20:34:13 -0600)
- "Ah, dear Partners, can you see why God has called this TBN ARMY together in these last days? YOU and I are HIS VOICE to this dying generation! Help Jan and me - all of us - to cry out -HELLO WORLD! There is hope; there is help; there is deliverance; there is SALVATION! ... Please let us hear from you this month! The future of Christian Television, as we have known and loved it, is in the balance!" By "let us hear from your this month" Crouch means "
send in your donations quickly" or "Christian television, as we have known it and loved it" will go down the tubes and people will have no way to hear about "salvation". If TBN and the TBN "Joels Army" is the only way for people to hear about salvation, then God help us all. Salvation by signs and wonders is no salvation at all. This kind of appeal for funds is yet another example of the shameful high pressure tactics of this "anointed" television syndicate. (Paul Crouch, Praise The Lord Newsletter, August 1997, emphasis in the original)
- "The first evidence to many of us was the great stirring of the
Spirit in Toronto, Canada, about two years ago. Then, spontaneous revival broke out in Pensacola, Florida. Hungry souls sometimes wait in line all day just to get into the services at Brownsville Assembly of God Church. Signs, wonders and miracles, just like the Book of Acts, are happening there and many other places at home and abroad!" Here is yet another connection between and endorsement by a Faith Movement guru and the "counterfeit" revivals of Toronto and Pensacola. This should prove yet again that these movements are all connected in one "river". (Paul Crouch, Praise The Lord Newsletter, August 1997)
- "
God, we proclaim death to anything or anyone that will lift a hand against this network and this ministry that belongs to You, God. It is Your work, it is Your idea, it is Your property, it is Your airwaves, it is Your world, and we proclaim death to anything that would stand in the way of God's great voice of proclamation to the whole world. In the Name of Jesus, and all the people said Amen!" (Paul Crouch, TBN, 11/7/97)
Deere, Jack |
Former co-pastor with John Wimber at the Vineyard Church; author of "Surprised by the Voice of God".
Jack Deere was, until recently, the primary theologian in the Vineyard churches. John Wimber depended upon Jack Deere for advice on matters of theology. Jack Deere later left to join the First Presbyterian Church in Whitefish, Montana.
After some problems arose at this church, Jack Deere resigned from the Pastorship on June 20, 1996. On March 11, 1997, his association with the Presbyterian church was ended when he renounced jurisdiction of the Presbytery of Glacier.
Jack Deere is now the director of Grace Training Center and an instructor in Biblical studies at the Metro Christian Fellowship (formally Kansas City Vineyard). One of his goals is to "change the understanding and expression of Christianity in the whole earth in one generation."
- "You see why we're excited about someone like
Paul Cain or Bob Jones coming on the scene? Or others that we've know those two powerful witnesses in Revelation 11:3? You know what they are, first and foremost? They are prophets. He said they will prophesy for 1,260 days. He's going to end the last days just before His Son returns with a prophetic movement that will sweep the entire face of the earth and will eclipse anything we have ever seen before...the significance of these signs and wonders...But they don't just happen on the earth. They come because they are prayed for and they are predicted by God's people." ("Joel's Army," op. cit., Jewel van der Merwe.)
"But you know what? God is in the process of offending our minds in order to reveal our hearts. And I don't know any place where it's going to be 100% right. There's going to be stumbling blocks in every ministry that the Holy Spirit is really responsible for." (Jack Deere, TACF, 11/20/94, audiotape)
Jack Deere says that end time apostles and prophets who would "do greater works than the apostles, than Jesus, or any other Old Testament prophets." (Jack Deere, "Intimacy With God and the End Time Church," Vineyard Christian Fellowship, Denver, 1989, audiotape, session 2A)
Stated that he does not believe that he or the church know what the true gospel really is. Maybe in 5 or 10 years (statement made in 1991).
Scripture not sufficient for Christian living.
Evans, Jennie |
She went on to marry William Seymour, she was one of seven people who received the "Pentecostal blessing" at a home on Asberry Street prior to moving to the Azusa location. |
Farrow, Lucy |
"became a key figure in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Azusa Street. The leader of a black Holiness mission in Houston, she has received the baptism of the Holy Spirit under Parham's ministry... Lucy Farrow had already been quite successful in leading other people into the baptism with the laying on of her hands." (Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements, Stanley Burgess, Zondervan Publishing House, 1995, pg. 894) |
Hagin, Kenneth
Head of Kenneth Hagin Ministries and RHEMA Bible Training Center, Word of Faith movement, Endorses the "Holy Laughter Movement" of Rodney Howard Browne
- Uses detestable tactics like
prayer cloths
- To see video of antics
clicking here.
- We (the church)
are Christ. (Kenneth Hagin, As Christ is -- So are we, Tape #44H06)
- Christ's physical death on the cross was not enough to save us
. (Kenneth Hagin, How Jesus obtained His Name, Tape 44H01)
- "Here is a picture of Christ in awful combat with the hosts of darkness. It gives us a glimpse of the tremendous victory He won before He rose from the dead. The margin of King James reads, "He put off from Himself the principalities and the powers." It is quite obvious and evident that whole demon hosts, when they had Jesus within their power
intended to swamp Him, to overwhelm Him, and to hold Him in fearful bondage. But the cry came forth from the throne of God that Jesus had met the demands of Justice, that that man's redemption was a fact. And when that cry reached the dark regions, Jesus arose and threw back the host of demons and met Satan in awful combat. God has made this investment for He has made this deposit on which the church has a right to draw for. Oh that our eyes would open, that our souls would dare to rise in the realm of the omnipotent where that name would mean to us all that God the Father intended it to mean! In one sense, this is practically unexplored table land in Christian experience." (Kenneth Hagin, "The Name Of Jesus: The More Excellent Name," The Word of Faith [April 1976], pp. 4-6)
- "Man is a spirit who possesses a soul and lives in a body....,
He is in the same class with God. ...We know that God is a Spirit. And yet [He] took upon Himself a man's body....when God took upon Himself human form, He was no less God than when He didn't have a body. Man, at physical death, leaves his as he was when he had his body." (Kenneth Hagin, Man of Three Dimensions [Tulsa: Faith Library, 1973], no page)
- "[Man]
was created on terms of equality with God, and he could stand in God's presence without any consciousness of inferiority...God made us as much like Himself as possible...He made us the same class of being that He is Himself...Man lived in the realm of God. He lived on terms equal with God...[The] believer is called Christ...That's who we are; we're Christ" (Kenneth Hagin, Zoe: The God-Kind of Life, 1989. pp. 35-36, 41)
- "Every man who has been born again is an incarnation and Christianity is a miracle. The
believer is as much an incarnation as was Jesus of Nazareth" (Kenneth Hagin, "The Incarnation," The Word of Faith, December, 1980, p14).
- Despite solid evidence to the contrary, Hagin insists: "
Kenyon's influence on my ministry has been minute. Only his teachings on the name of Jesus have much to do with my theology. I absolutely deny any metaphysical influences from Kenyon. I teach not Christian Science, but Christian sense." (Hank Hanegraaff, Counterfeit Revival, 1997 citing Vinson Synan, "The Faith Of Kenneth Hagin", Charisma & Christian Faith, 15:11 (June 1990), 68)
- Many of the phrases popularized by present-day prosperity preachers, such as "What I confess, I possess," were originally coined by
Kenyon. Kenneth Hagin ... plagiarized much of Kenyon's work, including the statement, "Every man who has been 'born again' is an Incarnation, and Christianity is a miracle. The believer is as much an Incarnation as was Jesus of Nazareth." (E. W. Kenyon, The Father and His Family, 17th ed. (Lynnwood, WA: Kenyon's Gospel Publishing Society, 1964)
Hickey, Marilyn & Wallace |
TBN Televangelist, Marilyn Hickey Ministries, guest speaker at International Charismatic Bible Ministries (ICBM) conferences, Word of Faith movement, Endorses the "Holy Laughter Movement" of Rodney Howard Browne
- Marilyn Hickey, much like
Tilton, employs a broad range of tactics to manipulate followers into sending her money. Among her many ploys are anointed prayer cloths, ceremonial breastplates, and ropes that can be used as points of contact. In one of her appeal letters, Hickey promises she will slip into a ceremonial breastplate, "press your prayer request to my heart," and "place your requests on my shoulders" -- all for a suggested donation.(Marilyn Hickey Ministries, direct-mail piece, on file at CRI)
- For the most part, Hickey's tricks and teachings are recycled from other prosperity peddlers like
Tilton, Hagin, and Copeland. Her message is peppered with such Faith jargon as "the God-kind of faith," "confession brings possession," and "receiving follows giving." (From numerous TBN shows)
- Marilyn Hickey, chairman of the board of regents of
Oral Roberts University and author of "God's Seven Keys To Make You Rich", was mightily touched by Rodney Howard-Browne in Lakeland ... Hickey -- who dispenses miracle prayer cloths ... and demonstrates how Christians can create wealth by speaking to their wallets -- got extraordinarily excited about the laughter in Lakeland (a Rodney Howard-Browne meeting). Hickey's life and that of her daughter Sarah were "dramatically changed" as she "spent the entire time on the floor laughing". (Hank Hanegraaff, Counterfeit Revival, 1997 citing Charles and Frances hunter, "Holy Laughter" (Kingwood, TX: Hunter Books, 1994), 35-36)
- "What do you need? Start creating it. Start speaking about it. Start speaking it into being.
Speak to your billfold. Say, "You big, thick billfold full of money." Speak to your checkbook. Say, "You, checkbook, you. You've never been so prosperous since I owned you. You're just jammed full of money." (Marilyn Hickey, "Claim Your Miracles" (Denver: Marilyn Hickey Ministries, n.d.), audiotape #186, side 2)
Hill, Steve
Head evangelist at " Brownsville Outpouring" Assembly Of God Church in Pensacola, FL
To see video of antics clicking here.
Anti-intellectual, anti-doctrine: Steve Hill said "Don't leave me now ... just hang in there ... we'll get to the good stuff soon" (stopping to speak of the "anointing" every so often while teaching from Scripture.) (Revival ... or Satanic Counterfeit?, Jimmy Robbins, 1996)
Anti-intellectual, anti-doctrine: Steve Hill said "If you must analyze, then look at me, look at the musicians and singers, look at the congregation, look at the person to the left of you and to the right of you, and just analyze, analyze, analyze get it out of your system. Now let yourselves go: don't even think about what you are doing, forget about those around you and what they are doing. Release your mind release your spirit and let the mighty river of the "Holy Ghost" take you wherever He wants you to go." (Revival ... or Satanic Counterfeit?, Jimmy Robbins, 1996)
Anti-intellectual, anti-doctrine: Steve Hill said "Don't analyze this "move of God", and you had better receive it if you don't want a stamp of disapproval from Jesus." (Neal & Darlenn H visit to Brownsville AOG., 2/19/97)
Anti-intellectual, anti-doctrine: Steve Hill said "In these latter days preaching and simply teaching the word is no longer sufficient, the Spirit has to get involved, through signs and wonders due to much sin that abounds." (What We Saw, Robert C. Gray, 12/14/96)
Anti-intellectual, anti-doctrine: Steve Hill was very upset when he came to the pulpit to preach that night. He said that he had to get something said before he could preach. Then he talked about the "FBI," which he defined as the "Fault-finding Brothers International." He spoke so arrogantly about anyone questioning this "move of God". (The End Times and Victorious Living, March/April 1997, Vol. 11 No. 2, page 14.)
"When you ridicule those whose bodies are twitching or shaking under the influence of God's glory, beware! Have you forgotten that God's Word and the annals of Church history are filled with the supernatural dealings of our supernatural God?"(Stephen Hill, The God Mockers, chapter 1, 1997)
"The second mark of a God mocker is a fear of confrontation and change. They are so stuck in religious tradition that they are closed to new revelation. The pastor who mocked God as he left the Brownsville Revival was steeped in religious legalism. He was in bondage and totally closed to the moving of the Holy Ghost. (How anyone can come into a revival meeting in Brownsville and fail to feel Jesus is beyond me! I can't imagine it.)" (The God Mockers, chapter 1, 1997)
"These God mockers are writing "position papers" about external physical manifestations while totally ignoring the deeper work of God that is saving hundreds of thousands of souls and permanently changing lives." (Stephen Hill, The God Mockers, chapter 1, 1997)
"God mockers have disturbed and confused this country. Most unsaved folks are trying their best to find somebody who really lives for God. If they could just find one person who lives holy and practices what they preach, they would have a standard, and they would get on fire for God too! However, all they find is a mockery." (Stephen Hill, The God Mockers, chapter 1, 1997)
John Kilpatrick falsely prophesied and cursed Hank Hanegraaff to death from the Brownsville pulpit while Steve Hill stood by and agreed with everything he was saying, even calling anyone who disagrees with them "devils". (Stephen Hill, The God Mockers, chapter 1, 1997)
Hinn, Benny

TV evangelist for Benny Hinn Ministries on TBN; author of "Good Morning, Holy Spirit" Word of Faith movement, Endorses the "Holy Laughter Movement" of Rodney Howard Browne
- To see video of antics
clicking here.
- In a fund-raising telethon this week (July 1997) for TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network), Benny Hinn said "
Jesus is coming again within the next two years." According to Hinn, "Jesus is coming soon. Rabbi's in Jerusalem have told me they are looking for the coming of the Messiah within the next two years." Hinn said, "of course, they are looking for His first coming, but we are looking for His second coming." In his impassioned plea for supporters of TBN to help the financially troubled network (TBN is presently fighting a legal battle with the FCC over a "policy violation"), Hinn added, "we are now standing at the Jordan River, ready to cross over into the promised land."
- "
Are you ready for some real revelation are god" (Benny Hinn, Our Position In Christ, tape # AO31190-1)
- Benny Hinn claims to actually be a
channel for God--that God enters him and takes over his mind and tongue to the point where he is unaware of what he has said. After his sermon on December 31, 1989, at Orlando Christian Center, during which he gave several future prophecies, Hinn expressed that he was drunk--presumably on the Holy Spirit--and asked someone to tell him what he had just said. (Biblical Discernment Ministries - 5/92)
- Benny Hinn said: (1) Never, ever, ever go to the Lord and say, 'If it be thy will'; (2)
No Christian should ever be sick; (3) We Christians possess 'power in our mouths' to heal or kill just as witches possess it; (4) Job tapped into the negative side of the faith force by a negative confession; (5) Christ 'became one with the nature of Satan' and was 'born again' in hell; (6) Christ would have sinned without the Holy Spirit and would have remained in the grave 'if the Holy Ghost had changed His mind about raising Him from the dead' (7) We are 'little gods' and even part of God with all the power of God; and (8) We are 'little messiahs,' everything that Jesus ever was. (The Berean Call, 1992 Media Spotlight Special Report, Feb 94)
- Benny Hinn says that
Christians confessing they are a sinner saved by grace only insult God with such garbage (The Toronto Blessing, Stephen Sizer, 1990)
- Christians are
Little Messiah's and little gods on the earth. Thus [Encouraging the audience]...say I am a God-man....This spirit-man within me is a God-man... say I'm born of heaven-a God-man. I'm a God man. I am a sample of Jesus. I'm a super being. Say it! Say it! Who's a super being? I walk in the realm of the supernatural. Say it!...You want to prosper? Money will be falling on you from left, right and centre. God will begin to prosper you, for money always follows righteousness....Say after me, everything I ever want is in me already. (Benny Hinn, TBN, 1990)
- Do you know that every unbeliever is filled with a demon spirit
? (Good Morning Holy Spirit, (Benny Hinn, Word, 1991) p.146)
- God has 9 parts
(tri-theistic). A. God has a body, soul and spirit. B. Jesus has a body, soul and spirit. C. Holy Spirit has a body, soul and spirit. (Benny Hinn, Benny Hinn broadcast, recorded 10/13/90)
- Had He (Jesus) not offered Himself through the Holy Ghost,
He would not be accepted in the eyes of God the Father. Nor would He have endured the sufferings of the cross. Had He not presented Himself through the Holy Ghost, His blood would not have remained pure and spotless. And let me add this: Had the Holy Spirit not been with Jesus, He would have sinned. (Benny Hinn, Good Morning Holy Spirit, (Word, 1991, p.135)
- He [Jesus] who is righteous by choice said, 'The only way I can stop sin is by Me becoming it. I can't just stop it by letting it touch Me; I and it must become one.' Hear this! He who is the nature of God became the nature of Satan where He became sin! (Benny Hinn, TBN, 12/1/90).
- He [Jesus] who is righteous by choice said, 'The only way I can stop sin is by Me becoming it. I can't just stop it by letting it touch Me; I and it must become one.' Hear this!
He who is the nature of God became the nature of Satan where He became sin! (Benny Hinn, TBN, 12/1/90).
- Hinn revealed that he periodically visits
(Kathryn) Kuhlman's grave (click here for a photo of her grave site) and that he is one of the few with a key to gain access to it. He also visits Aimee McPherson's grave (click here for photos of her grave site), where he says: "I felt a terrific anointing ... I was shaking all over ... trembling under the power of God ... `Dear God,' I said, `I feel the anointing.' ... I believe the anointing has lingered over Aimee's body. (Benny Hinn, April 7, 1991 sermon)
- I am a 'little messiah
' walking the earth (Benny Hinn, Praise-a-Thon on TBN, November 6, 1990).
- Jesus at His death became one with Satan
. (Benny Hinn, Benny Hinn broadcast, recorded 12/15/90)
- Poverty comes from Hell. Prosperity comes from Heaven
. Adam had complete dominion over the earth and all it contains. A. Adam could fly like a bird. B. Adam could swim underwater and breathe like a fish. Adam went to the moon. Adam walked on water. Adam was a super being, He was the first superman that lived. Adam had dominion over the sun, moon & stars. Christians do not have Christ in their hearts. Sow a big seed, when you confess it, you are activating the supernatural forces of God. (Benny Hinn, Praise-a-thon, TBN, recorded November 1990)
- Poverty is from the devil and that God wants all Christians prosperous
. (Benny Hinn, TBN, 11/6/90)
- the anointing increases. He gives you a little and watches you. Then He gives you more. (Benny Hinn, The Anointing. Nashville: Thomas Nelson. 1992. 81.)
- the anointing is dependent upon my words. God will not move unless I say it
. Why? because He has made us co-workers with Him. He set things up that way. (Benny Hinn, The Anointing. Nashville: Thomas Nelson. 1992. 82.)
- Though we are not Almighty God Himself, nevertheless,
we are now divine (Benny Hinn, 12/1/90, TBN)
- Wants to use
Holy Ghost machine gun to kill Heresy Hunters. (Benny Hinn, Praise-a-thon (TBN), 11/8/90)
- What does God the Father look like
? Although I've never seen Him, I believe - as with the Holy Spirit - He looks like Jesus looked on earth. (Benny Hinn, Good Morning Holy Spirit, Word, 1991, p.87)
- What was the
appearance of God the Father? Like that of a man...God has the likeness of fingers and hands and a face. (Good Morning Holy Spirit, (Benny Hinn, Word, 1991) p. 82)
- When you don't give money, it shows that you have the devil's nature
. (Benny Hinn, Praise-a-thon (TBN), recorded 4/21/91)
- You are a little god on earth running around
. (Benny Hinn, Praise-a-thon broadcast on TBN, November, 1990)
- You have so much today that is pure flesh, yet people have labeled it as the Spirit. It's not the Spirit, because it's not centered on Christ.
It's pure emotionalism. Some of what is happening today, some of these manifestations where people are barking, making sounds of animals - I can tell you, that is not the Holy Spirit. It is purely demonic. The Holy Ghost does not bark. Only a devil barks. If somebody barks in my meeting, I'll cast the devil out of that man." (Benny Hinn Condemns Toronto Blessing/Pensacola Phenomena Praise The Lord July 4, 1997 videotape transcript)
- You watching TBN here. If you're doing such nonsense,
get back to the Bible. And don't you dare experiment with what is not Scriptural, checking out if God is in it. My brother, if it's not in the Bible, He's not in it!! If it's not in the Word of God, He is not in it. (Benny Hinn Condemns Toronto Blessing/Pensacola Phenomena Praise The Lord July 4, 1997 videotape transcript)
- Benny Hinn was not kicked out of the A/G. He had to resign because he was seen, photographed , and filmed with Paul & Jan Crouch sipping wine at a seaside restaurant in CA. In fact, the A/G allowed Him in knowing how he is and were in hopes of providing oversight, help, and accountability to straighten out some of the theological and ethical problems. J. Don George of Calvary Temple A/G in Irving serves on his board along with a lawyer from his church.
- In late 1994, Hinn was introduced into the A/G by Brother George Wood. I received this report from Keith Craft of Strike Force who claimed to be Wood's son-n-law. I was encouraged by Craft to embrace the Hinn experience, that Hinn's acceptance by the A/G would be positive. Hinn was seeking 'cover' after stumbling over his understanding of the number of Persons in the Godhead and the number of the Gifts. The excesses (antics) of his crusades were also brought into question by Charisma editor in August 1993. Hinn needed cover and teaching, yet He continues as always. The excuse for departure I received was that Hinn felt restricted within the A/G, that he wasn't free to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, so he left of his own volition. The current trends promoted by Thomas Trask and John Kilpatrick are more shocking than those of Hinn.. In the Public Health field, the carrier of a disease is called a 'vector'. If anything, Hinn seems to be a vector of the delusion that God is pouring out so that people who refuse to believe the Truth will continue to believe the counter or lie and so condemn themselves (2 Thess. 2).
Dave Hunt's CIB Bulletin for February 1992: Benny Hinn
Give no less than $100, he exhorts an audience, and promises to lay hands on all the envelopes and ask God for financial miracles for the givers. Praying at Kuhlman's grave: The secret to Hinn's power is his peculiar anointing, which he connects with Kathryn Kuhlman and Aimee McPherson, founder of the Foursquare Gospel Church. He first felt the full power of the Holy Spirit on him at a Kuhlman healing service in 1973 -- and her mantle has presumably fallen upon Hinn. He conducts his meetings almost exactly like hers -- though it takes Hinn much longer to get his audience into the expectant mood that seems to generate psychosomatic miracles. In an April 7, 1991 sermon, Hinn revealed that he periodically visits Kuhlman's grave and that he is one of the few with a key to gain access to it. He also visits Aimee's grave, where he says: I felt a terrific anointing ... I was shaking all over ... trembling under the power of God ... `Dear God,' I said, `I feel the anointing.' ... I believe the anointing has lingered over Aimee's body.
Winded catchers try to keep up with the toppling bodies. He rears back and with a pitching motion slays the entire choir with one toss. That's power, yells Benny. POWER! ... Hinn takes off his custom tailored jacket and rubs it briskly on his body. He is rubbing the Power into the jacket. Then he starts swinging it wildly, like the biblical David swinging his sling. He decks his followers left and right. Bam! Bam! Bam! The stage vibrates with their landings. Then he throws it [the anointed jacket]. Another bam. As a catcher moves to pick up a woman, Hinn slays him ... then he slays the catcher who caught the catcher. When Benny Hinn is moved, nobody is safe from the Power ... [H]e blows loudly into the microphone ... Hundreds fall backward ... a woman collapses in the aisle and begins to babble. And then, suddenly, Benny is gone. The power vanishes from the room, and the people stare in stunned silence. This aspect alone of Hinn's meetings is enough to condemn him. He capriciously throws the Holy Spirit around in most irreverent fashion, using the third Person of the Trinity as his servant to attract attention to himself. Hinn acts as though the anointing is some metaphysical power at his disposal, to be rubbed off onto objects. It looks impressive, works largely by the power of suggestion, but has no purpose except to make people stand in awe of Hinn. It's scary, says Bill James, a former church member. The people are mesmerized. ...When he comes out, he's like God. (Mike Thomas reported in Florida Magazine, Nov. 24, 1991)
He looks like a Ralph Lauren advertisement, a true gentleman of leisure. As always, his hair is sprayed solidly in place. I don't know if you'll ever [again] see a reverend without socks, he says proudly. [He's wearing no socks.] That's the way I am. I'm more down to earth than most people. This comes from a man who just turned in his Mercedes for a Jaguar and recently moved from the exclusive Heathrow development to the even more exclusive Alaqua, where he now lives in a $685,000 home. His suits are tailored, his shoes are Italian leather, and his wrists and finger glitter with gold and diamonds ... what he considers a modest lifestyle, as if everyone lives like this. He wears his diamond Rolex, diamond rings, gold bracelet and custom suits for all to see. ...What's the big deal, for goodness sake? he says. What am I supposed to do, drive a Honda? ...That's not in the Bible. ... I'm sick and tired about hearing about streets of gold [in heaven]. I don't need gold in heaven. I got to have it now. (Mike Thomas's impression of a visit with Hinn, Florida Magazine, Nov. 24, 1991)
Benny declares: I have received a new mandate from heaven -- bring the message of the miraculous, healing power of God back to America! Invade our nation with the miracle-working power of God in the '90s! He claims that about 1,000 people are healed at each miracle service. But as Thomas reported, Despite all the thousands of miracles claimed by Hinn, the church seems hard pressed to come up with any that would convince a serious skeptic. ... When pressed for truly convincing miracles, [Hinn spokesperson] Susan Smith cited a woman in Orlando who was cured of blindness caused by diabetes. But she would not give the woman's name. She later admitted that the woman's vision may still be cloudy. `She still has diabetes, strangely ... [and] was just re-hospitalized.
People of God, shouts Benny, we must never speak such faith-destroying words as these: `If it be thy will, Lord.' ... I am Him [Jesus]! The Word has become flesh in Meee! ...You are a little god on earth! His other heresies include the teaching that God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit each has a body, soul and spirit. There's nine of them! he told his congregation by revelation knowledge, but probably got the idea from Dake's Annotated Reference Bible, where this ancient heresy was revived on page 55. Hinn taught the same heresy as Hagin and Copeland, that when Jesus died on the cross He sank into hell and took upon him the nature of Satan and was tortured by Satan for our redemption. Then early in 1991 he repudiated this teaching along with other Word- Faith peculiar doctrines. Yet he had taught it as revelation knowledge. God's revelations don't change.
You know, I've looked for one verse in the Bible -- I just can't seem to find it -- one verse that says, `If you don't like 'em, kill 'em.'' I really wish I could find it! ...Sometimes I wish God would give me a Holy Ghost machine gun. I'd blow your head off! The TBN studio audience loudly applauded those gracious words from the man of God. (directed at his critics) (Dave Hunt, Signs of the Times, CIB Bulletin, Jan. 1992)
Christian Research Institute review:
According to the monthly newsletter Religion Watch (RW), "since 1991 a new generation of televangelist preachers has clearly come into the ascendancy, suggesting where electronic media ministry will be headed....The new generation of televangelists [is] achieving prominence largely through the highly aggressive leadership of Trinity Broadcasting Network." At the top of RW's list: Benny Hinn. To his credit, Hinn has seemingly avoided the seamier temptations of stardom that have brought earlier televangelists to ruin. And despite his wild popularity, there is evidence that Hinn is on a quest for credibility -- one that he himself repeatedly frustrates by his inconsistencies. Again and again, Hinn's speculative, sometimes baffling theology and flamboyant crusade performances have drawn sharp attacks from evangelical leaders; repeatedly, Hinn has recanted, attempted to clarify his views, or sought to justify his actions. At least three times in as many years, Hinn has abandoned some aspect of the Faith doctrine -- once calling it "cultic" and "wrong" -- only to wander back. (Though he sometimes ridicules positive confession with remarks like, "It's faith, faith, faith, and no Jesus anywhere!" Hinn now promotes an aspect of prosperity teaching known as "seed-faith giving" -- a give-to-get doctrine patented by faith-preaching patriarch Oral Roberts.) Such flip-flops and seemingly short-lived attempts to seek the counsel and accountability of high-profile leaders like Campus Crusade's Bill Bright have left many observers of Hinn's ministry skeptical. Christian Research Institute president Hank Hanegraaff concludes that the only persuasive proof of Hinn's repentance would be his withdrawal of such doctrinally problematic books as Good Morning, Holy Spirit and Lord, I Need a Miracle. As of August, however, Hinn's ministry magazine still advertised the books -- including best-selling Spanish-language print and audio versions. Now Hinn is seeking ordination by the Assemblies of God (AG), the largest Pentecostal body in the U.S. and formerly home to both Bakker and Swaggart. In June he was interviewed by the 20-man Peninsular Florida district presbytery, a step required for the application to proceed to AG headquarters. The closed-door session was described in a public talk given on June 15 by Pastor Dan Betzer of Ft. Myers, Florida, a member of the district presbytery and the voice of the Revivaltime radio broadcast. Though apprehensive and skeptical at first, Betzer described being caught off guard when, "to my shock, I heard Benny Hinn say, 'My theology has been miserable.'" After grilling Hinn on his doctrinal views, Betzer concluded that the evangelist had answered the panel's theological queries "brilliantly -- and, I believe, sincerely." Betzer told of Hinn's intention to bring his 7,000-member Orlando Christian Center into the AG, one reason being that "he felt it's the movement that God was going to use in the last days." Even more importantly, said Betzer, Hinn sought AG ordination "to be under godly authority, and to have someone who will love me enough to tell me when I'm off the track." Hinn's application was approved by an overwhelming majority, its ultimate acceptance seeming all but certain. ("It would be a very unusual thing," said Betzer, "for a district presbytery to put their approval on a candidate and not have it approved on the national level.") But the application aroused the concern of a number of AG ministers. According to W.E. Nunnally, a professor at the denomination's Central Bible College in Springfield, Missouri, at least two AG college presidents strenuously objected to Hinn's potential ordination through direct correspondence with headquarters, as did district officials, missionaries, pastors, academics, and lay members. The Assemblies' executive presbytery met on July 26--27. But on the 27th, the syndicated television program Inside Edition ran a follow-up to its March 1993 investigation of Hinn. The new report highlighted apparent contradictions -- including a reversal of Hinn's promises not to preach about money, pronounce crusade-goers healed without full medical verification, or blow on them to make them fall under the Holy Spirit's power. (According to Betzer, Hinn confessed that "God has convicted me of blowing on people, 'cause it's theatrical, and it has no biblical basis whatsoever.") The next day, a spokesman at AG headquarters stated tersely that "Benny Hinn's application for [ministry] credentials has been put on hold." Hinn made headlines in June when, at his Philadelphia crusade, he declared former heavyweight boxing champion Evander Holyfield healed of the heart problems that cost him his title. Holyfield later told the Philadelphia Inquirer that he believed his heart was totally healed and that he would return to the ring to seek an unprecedented third title. According to a volunteer helping Hinn with security on-stage, Hinn asked crusade-goers for $1,000 to help with costs. When Holyfield raised his hand, Hinn reportedly asked him for $100,000 -- and when the boxer agreed, Hinn pressed him further, asking him to underwrite the entire crusade, to the tune of $250,000. Holyfield acquiesced, and Hinn reportedly prayed that God would enable the pugilist to earn $200 million because of his donation. (Christian Research Institute) |
Holy Trinity Brompton (UK) |
The Holy Trinity Brompton church in the UK has been the central source of most of the "Toronto Blessing" activity in the UK . One of the key promoters of the movement in HTB appears to be the Rt. Rev David Pytches. He and his wife were among the first from the church to visit Toronto and now all the familiar manifestations are seen at HTB, and have been spread throughout the UK. |
Howard-Browne, Rodney

Evangelist with Revival Ministries International, the man who laid hands on practically everybody in the laughing revival.
To see video of antics clicking here.
Rodney Howard-Browne said "Stop praying now and let the joy bubble out your belly. Joy. Joy. Joy. Don't pray! Laugh!" (Holy Laughter, Albert James Dager, 1996)
"I remember one service where I just went and sat down for an hour and a half. I just went and sat down. Well, there was nothing else I could do. Total pandemonium--people falling off of their chairs, people crying, people laughing and some were wailing--some were shaking. So, I just said to the people, I said, 'Look, just come up when you're ready and lift your hands and God will touch you.' I was sitting on the platform--just sat there and watched them for about an hour and a half. People came right up, got to the front, lifted their hands--BAM!--on the floor. I just sat there. I didn't even pray. You say, 'What'd you do?' I just sat there and twiddled my thumbs. I thought, 'Lord, I wish every meeting was as easy as this.' Now I had preached the word already and taught the word of God, and then I went and sat down. And they came walking up, got to the front, lifted their hands--BAM!--under the power of God." (Rodney Howard-Browne, TBN video-taped service which was broadcasted on May 1994, p.23-24.)
Rodney Howard-Browne said "Take another drink...the bar is open....Be filled! We loose the power! Have another drink!" (Ed Tarkowski quoting Howard-Browne, 1994)
"You can't have revival without stirring up the flesh....When revival comes you will see manifestations of these three things in meetings: (1) the Holy Spirit; (2) the flesh, and (3) the devil. But, I'd rather be in a church where the devil and the flesh are manifesting than in a church where nothing is happening because people are too afraid to manifest anything...Don't worry about it. And if a devil manifests, don't worry about that, either. Rejoice, because at least something is happening!" (Bill Randles quoting Rodney Howard-Browne, op. cit., p.162.) and (Rodney Howard-Browne, The Coming Revival. 1991, p.6)
"Fill, fill, fill, come to me, fill, fill" (Howard Browne shouts at the Holy Spirit to fill Randy Clark) (Rodney Howard-Browne, Taken from a Toronto Vineyard video and included in "A Plague in the Land" a video recording of a talk by Alan Morrison (1995)
Rodney Howard-Browne said "Drink and get drunk on the "new wine of the Spirit."" (The Toronto Curse, Sydney Allen Hunter, 1996)
"'One night I was preaching on hell,' Howard-Browne says, 'and [laughter] just hit the whole place. The more I told people what hell was like, the more they laughed'" (Rodney Howard-Browne, Charisma, August 1994, pg. 24).
(Rodney Howard-Browne) names numerous people, calling them "great men of God". Among them is William Branham - an anti-Trinitarian. ("The Coming Revival", written by Howard-Browne, page 13)
Rodney Howard-Browne: "I'm telling your right now," he hissed, "you'll drop dead if you prohibit what God is doing!" Dramatically he gestured toward the crowd and warned them that those like me, who would dare to question that what he was doing was of God, had committed the unpardonable sin and would not be forgiven in this world or the next." (Rodeny Boward-Browne, Melodyland Christian Center, Anaheim, CA, 1/17/95 - Comment from Counterfeit Revival, Hank Hanegraaf, 1997, pg. 22)
"It felt like my fingertips came off. I felt a full volume of the anointing flow out of my hand. The only way I can explain it is to liken it to a fireman holding a fire hose with a full volume of water flowing out of it. The anointing went right into her. It looked like someone had hit her in the head with an invisible baseball bat and she fell to the floor." (Rodney Howard-Browne, Touch Of God, 76)
Anti-intellectual, anti-doctrine: "I tell them never to preach salvation, because they're suggesting people get saved," he said. "I'll guarantee anybody, I'll give them a congregation of 1,000 people and tell them to get up and suggest all they want and see what will happen." One of the other pastors cut in on the interview to say he read the story of Ananias and Sapphira to his church the other night and everyone ended up on the floor laughing. "One night I was preaching on hell," Howard-Browne said, continuing, "and it just hit the whole place. The more I told people what hell was like, the more they laughed, and when I gave an altar call, they came forward by the hundreds to get saved." "Then," I replied, "as to what you're preaching on, it's almost irrelevant what you're saying." He nodded. (An Evening with Rodney Howard-Browne, 1995 by the Christian Research Institute, from the Newswatch column of the Christian Research Journal, Winter 1995, page 43) by Julia Duin.)
Anti-intellectual, anti-doctrine: "You really cannot understand what God is doing in these meetings with an analytical mind," he said. "It's not a move of man, it's a move of God. The mind is never going to understand what God's doing....The only way you're going to understand what God's doing is with your heart." ("An Evening with Rodney Howard-Browne" (from the Newswatch column of the Christian Research Journal, Winter 1995, page 43, by Julia Duin) and (Holy Laughter, Albert James Dager, 1996)
"I'm just the Holy Ghost bartender," he informed us. "I just serve the new wine and tell them to come drink." ("An Evening with Rodney Howard-Browne" (from the Newswatch column of the Christian Research Journal, Winter 1995, page 43, by Julia Duin) and (Joel C. Gerlach, "Holy Laughter Is No Laughing Matter," Christian News (April 17, 1994, Vol. 33, No. 16), p.4; Dager, op. cit., p.10.)
Howard-Browne then began pumping us up to do just that. He led us in a song with these words: "I am drunk, I am drunk. Every day of my life I am drunk. I've been drinking down at Joel's place every night and every day. I am drunk on the new wine." Then he asked us all to lift our hands and "let that river of joy come out of your belly." ("An Evening with Rodney Howard-Browne" (from the Newswatch column of the Christian Research Journal, Winter 1995, page 43) by Julia Duin)
Though (A.A. Allen) was excommunicated by Pentecostal leaders in his day, he is extolled by endtime restorationists in ours. Rodney Howard-Browne, for one, urges devotees: "Read the life stories of some of the great men of God, men like A.A. Allen." (Hank Hanegraaff, Counterfeit Revival, 1997 citing Rodney Howard-Browne, "Fresh Oil From Heaven" (Louisville, KY: RHBEA Publications, 1992, 23)
Jones, Bob |
Was one of the main "prophets" of the Kansas City Fellowship (The other being Mike Bickel). Despite being discredited in a sexual misconduct scandal in 1991 (Minister removed after confession of sexual misconduct, Olathe Daily News, 11/31/91), Bob Jones remains a "prophet" within the Vineyard.
His theology appears to consist of:
He claims that God revealed to him that prophets are to be only 66% accurate, and that he would be providing false prophecies so that they would not become more accurate. This was to prevent too many Ananias' and Saphira's.
Manifest Sons of God/Dominion Theology
City Churches. All other churches are to be incorporated into the Kansas City Fellowship, then closed and membership transferred to the the one city church under KCF leadership. Those pastors and elders who resist will be removed.
Shepherd's Rod Revelation: On the day of atonement each year, the prophet (Bob Jones) is to hold out his rod for all congregation to walk under (Note: This was said to be a revelation from God).
When he was in a mental institution, he claims that he was told by God that to regain his sanity, he must either forgive or kill 12 people.
Joel's Army/Kingdom Now/Dominion Theology
Christians are to take control of and dominate the world, in order for the millennium to begin.
Joyner, Rick |
Prophet, Editor of Morning Star Magazine
One East Coast minister who is heavily involved with Grace Ministries (A ministry started under the Kansas City Fellowship) is Rick Joyner of Morning Star Ministries in North Carolina.
Prophetic accuracy must be only 66% (per Bob Jones "revelation"). - Manifest sons of God/New Breed.
Creation of "superapostles" from the manifested sons of God. (i.e. 35 "Pauls" will be created)
Developed strategy to infiltrate and gain control of Christian Community throughout the U.S. and Canada on behalf of the Kansas City Fellowship.
"What is about to come upon the earth is not just a revival, or another awakening; it is a veritable revolution. The vision was given in order to begin to awaken those who are destined to radically change the course, and even the very definition of Christianity. The dismantling of organizations and disbanding of some works will be a positive and exhilarating experience for the Lord's faithful servants. A great company of prophets, teachers, pastors and apostles will be raised up with the spirit of Phineas..." (Rick Joyner, The Harvest, op. cit. "Joel's Army.")
Rick Joyner reports visions of "a bloody civil war" in the Church. (Latter Rain Revival, 1996)
Rick Joyner has identified "Antichrist" as the orthodox church. (Weighed and Found Wanting, Bill Randles, p. 64.)
"In the near future we will not be looking back at the early church with envy because of the great exploits of those days, but all will be saying that He certainly did save His best wine for last. The most glorious times in all of history have not come upon us. You, who have dreamed of one day being able to talk with Peter, John and Paul, are going to be surprised to find that they have all been waiting to talk to you." (Rick Joyner, The Harvest (Pineville, NC, MorningStar, 1990, 9)
"Like the American Civil War, the coming spiritual civil war will also be between the Blue and the Gray. In dreams and visions blue often represents heavenly mindedness - the sky is blue - and gray speaks of those who live by the power of their own minds - the brain is often called gray matter - this will be a conflict between those who may be genuine Christians, but who live mostly according to their natural minds and human wisdom, and those who follow the Holy Spirit." (Rick Joyner, The Morning Star Prophetic Bulletin, May 1996, 2)
"There will also be some new wonders coming to the church. We had some of these just recently where Bob Jones and I heard angels singing twice in a meeting. This didn't even take any faith, it was so loud and so clear, it was like a choir singing. Another time, we had the odor of incense fill a meeting for about 15 minutes. It was so intense that you couldn't help but smell it...He gave it as a witness that He was receiving the intercession from these people, the prayers and their intercession. He had said He would come with a sign that we would smell the incense. It came so powerfully faith was hardly needed. And we saw the wind of the Spirit blow so hard at a meeting you could see people's hair blowing! So He is coming a whole lot more dramatically. As one brother said, 'This hardly takes any faith, it is so obvious.' But when He comes in ways like that, it is always to give a message. He is not just trying to tickle our curiosity or our interest in supernatural things, He is trying to say something to us."(Rick Joyner, Faith Hardly Needed From Fullness, Jan/Feb 1990 "The Unfolding of a Prophet." Page 13, with commentary by Bill Randles, Weighed And Found Wanting, 1994, appendix)
"At the height of the Azusa Street revival Seymour prophesied, "We are on the verge of the greatest miracle the world has ever seen." The miracle he was referring to was a true love and unity between races and creeds that he considered to be fundamental Christianity. When it does, William J. Seymour must be considered as one who sowed the seeds for this greatest miracle of all. Possibly more than any other man in church history, he promoted that which alone can bring it to pass, seeking the fullness of the Holy Spirit in our midst." (Rick Joyner, "Azusa Street - The Fire That Could Not Die", The Morning Star Journal, Volume 7, Number 1)
"We must be vigilant and able to quickly recognize the enemy, but not be too quick to call someone the enemy until we are sure of what we see. A friend of mine who was a close associate of Jack Coe, one of the greatest of the healing evangelists, told me how he died quickly and unexpectedly at the age of just 39 after publicly referring to Kathryn Kuhlman as a witch. Years later, Kuhlman died quickly and unexpectedly after publicly calling Bob Mumford a false teacher. Were these the judgments of God? I believe both of these died because of the mercy of the Lord, to keep them from crossing the line to becoming a stumbling block, something the Lord Himself warned should be the last thing we ever want to become." (Rick Joyner, "False Prophets and False Prophecy", The Morning Star Journal, Volume 6, Number 4)
Kansas (Metro) City Fellowship |
Formed by Mike Bickel and Paul Cain. In 1991, after a great deal of concern regarding cultic/occultic/heretical beliefs and practices, the Vineyard took control of the church, arranged for an independent investigation of the church to be suspended. The Vineyard, under John Wimber investigated themselves, declared the KCF to be sound, and incorporated them into the Vineyard as the Kansas City Metro Vineyard Fellowship. The church split with the Vineyard in 1996 after the Vineyard and the TACF parted ways. The church is now know as the Metro City Fellowship.Most leaders in the KCF have now become the most prominent leaders in the Vineyard.
To see video of antics clicking here.
The theology of this movement appears to consist of:
Real purpose of God is a church which provides redemption for our sins. Salvation through the sacrifice of Christ is secondary.
Manifest sons of God/New Breed: We will be manifested as sons of God in our glorified bodies while here on earth, to permit us to take the world for Christ. The doctrine teaches that these Sons will be equal to Jesus Christ in every way. They will be immortal, sinless, perfected sons who have partaken of the divine nature. They have every right to be called gods, and they are.
Restoration Theology. the church is slowly restoring theology and offices of early church. until we have completed this process and perfected the church, Christ cannot return.
Christians will become "gods".
Church will conquer Satan, and put an end to death (not Christ).
Dominion/Kingdom Now theology: We are to conquer and dominate the world in order to bring in the Millennium.
Jesus is optional as ruler during the millennium since the church is the "corporate Christ", and therefore as the body of Christ is and has all that Christ is and has.
Churches currently operating should join the KCF, then be shut down, until only a single church leadership remains in each city.
Re-establishment of the office of prophet in the church.
Prophets are required to be only 66% accurate (By revelation from God - God said to Bob Jones that he will supply false prophecies one third of the time).
Apostolic control (i.e. the leadership of the church tells you what to believe - their word is as good as scripture).
Believers incapable of properly understanding scripture.
See also William Branham, Latter Rain movement and Manifest Sons of God.
Denominations are the mark of the beast.
Kenyon, Essek William |
The true father of the modern-day Faith movement. (deceased)
Essek William Kenyon's life and ministry were enormously impacted by such cults as Science of Mind, the Unity School of Christianity, Christian Science, and New Thought metaphysics. (E. W. Kenyon, The Father and His Family, 17th ed. (Lynnwood, WA: Kenyon's Gospel Publishing Society, 1964), 100; cf. Kenneth E. Hagin, "The Incarnation," The Word of Faith, December 1980, 14)
Many of the phrases popularized by present-day prosperity preachers, such as "What I confess, I possess," were originally coined by Kenyon. Kenneth Hagin ... plagiarized much of Kenyon's work, including the statement, "Every man who has been 'born again' is an Incarnation, and Christianity is a miracle. The believer is as much an Incarnation as was Jesus of Nazareth." (E. W. Kenyon, The Father and His Family, 17th ed. (Lynnwood, WA: Kenyon's Gospel Publishing Society, 1964)
"If Jesus' physical death could pay the penalty for Sin as some contend, then why is it necessary that a Christian die? If a Christian dies physically, does he not pay the penalty of his own sin? If physical death is the penalty for sin, then why do not the whole human race pay their own penalty, and save themselves, for all die? But we hold that the physical death of Jesus did not touch the sin issue at all." (Daniel R. McConnell, A Different Gospel, Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 1988, 23, 28 note 23)
Kilpatrick, John

Head pastor at "Brownsville Outpouring" Assembly Of God Church in Pensacola, FL
anti-intellectual, anti-doctrine: John Kilpatrick said "Let (yourselves) go" ... "do not think about what you are doing" ... "just give yourselves completely to the Spirit'". (Revival ... or Satanic Counterfeit?, Jimmy Robbins, 1996)
Kilpatrick stood on the platform praying with Hill and another man when he suddenly heard a sound like a "rushing mighty wind" sweep over his right shoulder. As Kilpatrick looked over his shoulder, he said his ankles slipped, his knees bowed out, and a sudden "river of the glory of God" moved between his legs. "It felt like a telephone pole," he said. "An endless telephone pole was coming through my legs and it was coming in the church." With some help from another man on the platform, Kilpatrick stepped back and listened to the sound of the "rushing mighty wind" and what he described as the "river of the glory of God" as it swept into the church. He suddenly jumped to the pulpit and screamed, "My God, church, get in! This is it! This is what we've been praying for! Get in!" (The Brownsville/Pensacola Outpouring. Revival or Pandemonium?, Matt Costella, Foundation Magazine, March-April 1997) - Note: I saw the video tape of this very night and there was no sound of a rushing wind, no 1000 people at the altar. There were only a couple hundred or so people who slowly came forward who had been coerced to come and receive the "anointing" Steve Hill had received from Sandy Millar at the Holy Trinity Brompton, England.
"My God, church, get in! This is it! Revival's come! This is what we've been praying for! Get in!"(John Kilpatrick, Counterfeit Revival, Hank Hanegraaff, audiotape version, 1997)
"God sent pandemonium in the church," he said. "I think it's time that we have grand pandemonium in the Baptists, in the Lutheran, the Episcopal, the Assembly of God [churches]. God send pandemonium!" Kilpatrick exclaimed. (The Brownsville/Pensacola Outpouring. Revival or Pandemonium?, Matt Costella, Foundation Magazine, March-April 1997)
anti-intellectual, anti-doctrine: "Let me tell you something else about this revival," Kilpatrick said. "This move of God is not about preaching." He said that while he and evangelist Steve Hill do preach sermons that are simple and easy to understand, the signs and miracles are what actually turn people to Christ, not the Word of God. "We've heard so many sermons and so much of the Word of God that we've grown fat," he said, "but there's been no power and no anointing and no miracles. So, I just want to tell you, that's why tonight I don't feel bad about not coming up here and preaching a great sermon." (The Brownsville/Pensacola Outpouring. Revival or Pandemonium?, Matt Costella, Foundation Magazine, March-April 1997)
"See, we've become so used to the abnormal that now that the normal has come it seems abnormal." (The Brownsville-Pensacola Outpouring. Revival or Pandemonium?, Matt Costella, Foundation Magazine, March-April 1997)
Kilpatrick himself seems unsure at times what these supernatural powers are, but he concludes that they must be the "glory of the Lord." He oftentimes describes a phenomenon that occurred either to him personally or to the entire congregation and prefaces it by saying, "I don't know what it was." He then continues by either saying, "I believe it was God," or "I think it was the glory of God." He has no basis for this assumption, but, for some reason, he concludes that these manifestations and feelings are of God even though they can be found nowhere in God's written Word. (The Brownsville/Pensacola Outpouring. Revival or Pandemonium?, Matt Costella, Foundation Magazine, March-April 1997)
Prophesies against Hank Hanegraaff, the "apology" letter of 6/17/97 and the original message of 4/6/97:
(Kilpatrick Letter 6/17/97:) "When I said, "I'm going to prophesy as a man of God that the Lord bring you down in 90 days," I was not speaking that as a prophet but as a shepherd putting something in the ears of God. I did not say, "Thus saith the Lord"; it was a "Thus saith John Kilpatrick," putting these words into God's ears in the context of the message I was bringing. Let me reemphasize again that was me speaking."
(Kilpatrick Message 4/6/97:) "You're all gonna have to pardon me for being beside myself, but I got a word from the Lord last night."
(Kilpatrick Letter 6/17/97:) "This is by no means to be interpreted as an attempt to wiggle out of a prophecy. I would like to grant you the right to continue to count down the days and continue to comment about the 90 days. It's ammunition that I gave you in April. I only want you to know -- it was me speaking that and not a "thus saith the Lord."
(Kilpatrick Message 4/6/97:)"If you want to keep any kind of a semblance of a ministry, you better back off from this revival and what God is doing. You better back off, because I'm going to prophesy to you that if you don't, and you continue to put your tongue in your mouth on this move of God, within 90 days the Holy Ghost will bring you down. I said, within 90 days the Holy Ghost will bring you down."
(Kilpatrick Letter 6/17/97:) "I want to emphasize also that I did not wish you any harm personally. I was talking about your ministry, I was saying, "God bring down your platform for crying out and associating us with a cult." I did not nor do I wish you any harm. I ask your forgiveness if you thought I meant any harm to you personally. Honestly, before the Lord, I had your platform in mind, not the person Hank Hanegraaff."
(Kilpatrick Message 4/6/97:) "And I want to tell you something else. If you don't want your head to start shaking - you make fun of somebody in the choir shaking [Note: Hank Hanegraaff has never made fun of her, but has repeatedly expressed concern due to the physical and mental problems that can come out of shaking one's head so vigorously for hours at a time for over a year and a half] - come here a minute, girl. Come down here a minute. Hurry up. Hurry up. [Note: Would you want to be spoken to in that way?] If you don't want your head to do like this, you better lay your mouth off of her. I know this girl. She's a godly girl. She's a school teacher, and she lives a godly life."
After John Kilpatrick completed his anecdotal stories about manifestations, things went from bad to worse. His "speaking in tongues" for a long period without an interpretation was a red flag. I guess that what he was doing would have been labeled "speaking in tongues," but it sounded more like an Indian chant "Oo-ee-ah-oo-ee" (with occasional "whoosh" and "shew . . . Holy Ghost" sounds made into the microphone etc.). This "chanting" went on for a period of over twenty minutes. (I Experienced the "Pensacola Outpouring" and Came Home Crying Tears and Praying, Shawn Paul Sauve, 1997)
anti-intellectual, anti-doctrine: In John Kilpatrick's entire sermon not a single Scripture was referenced, the Gospel was not preached, and the bizarre manifestations appeared to be the point of the whole evening. John Kilpatrick's description of the beginning of the Brownsville revival seemed very similar to the service that I attended. The gospel was not preached (a message was not given according to Kilpatrick), and the evidence that revival had come was not that people were saved, but because people fell down on the floor out of control. (I Experienced the "Pensacola Outpouring" and Came Home Crying Tears and Praying, Shawn Paul Sauve, 1997)
Kuhlman, Kathryn |
Faith healer and evangelist (deceased), mentor for John Arnott and Benny Hinn.
Kuhlman was one of the more flamboyant women ministers of recent times. She was known for her flowing gowns and dramatic movements and speech. She began ministering in 1923 and died of heart failure in 1976. She was known as a healing evangelist and teacher. She was an ordained minister under the Evangelical Church Alliance and she built the Denver Revival Tabernacle where she served as pastor until 1938. During this time she fell in love with a married man, who divorced his wife to marry Kathryn. Later Kathryn divorced him because the scandal attacked to her marriage stopped her ministry (and rightly so). She was a national radio preacher and is remembered as a leading figure in the Charismatic Renewal movement. Benny Hinn visits her mausoleum to get his anointing recharged at times and he holds his services in the exact same manner which sister Khulman did.
Benny Hinn recounts a story where an associate of Kathryn Kuhlman told him that Kuhlman "in the earlier days . . . didn't have any anointing on her compared to what she had when she died." (Benny Hinn, The Anointing. Nashville: Thomas Nelson. 1992. 59.)
The personal account of a doctor who investigated the alleged supernatural healing powers of Kathryn Kuhlman, Norbu Chen, and the Fillipino psychic surgeons. One chapter on each -- includes a number of case examples. The author shows clearly how both suggestion and outright fraud tend to play a role in supernatural healings. (Healing: A Doctor in Search of a Miracle, William A. Nolen 1974, Fawcett; 272p.)
The second event was Pentecostal healer Kathryn Kuhlman's audience with Pope Paul. After the meeting, she said, "When I met Pope Paul there was a Oneness." This "oneness" was carried into and through her interdenominational healing services until her death. (Part One Foundations For Apostasy: 1950-1985, Ed Tarkowski)
Dr. Nolan concentrated his efforts on a nationally known faith healer known as Kathryn Kuhlman. She was an ordained minister who had been "healing" about 30 years at that time, and claimed to have treated app. one and one half million patients. Dr. Nolan interview Miss Kuhlman, and secured permission to follow up on the people who attended her services at Minneapolis in June 1973. He used two legal secretaries to secure names, addresses, phone numbers and diagnosis of everyone who was willing to cooperate. In July of 1973 letters were sent by Dr. Nolan requesting those who claimed a "cure" to come to Minneapolis. Twenty three responded. In every case examined by Dr. Nolan there was not found one case of a miraculous cure. Note this quote: "Kathryn Kuhlman's lack of medical sophistication is a critical point. I don't believe she is a liar or a charlatan or that she is, consciously, dishonest. I think that she believes the Holy Spirit works through her to perform miraculous cures. I think that she sincerely believes that the thousands of sick people who come to her services and claim cures are, through her ministrations being cured of organic diseases. I also think--and my investigation confirms this--that she is wrong." (Quotes and facts are from an article in McCall's 9/74)
Dr. Nolen, in his book Healing, did long-term follow-ups on 23 of Kuhlman's claimed healings. There were no cures among these cases. One woman who was said to have been cured of spinal cancer threw away her brace and ran across the stage at Kuhlman's command; her spine collapsed the next day, according to Nolen, and she died four months later. (James Randi, The Faith Healers, 1989, p.201)
Kathryn Kulhman developed her own explanation for being "slain in the spirit": "All I can believe is that our spiritual beings are not wired for God's full power, and when we plug into that power, we just cannot survive it. We are wired for low voltage; God is high voltage through the Holy Spirit." (Warner, Kathryn Kuhlman, 220)
Among the thousands who tapped into the high voltage flowing through Kuhlman were Richard Roberts, Charles and Frances Hunter (the "Happy Hunters"), ex-priest Francis MacNutt, and a young immigrant named Benedictus ("Benny") Hinn. (Wayne E. Warner, Kathryn Kuhlman, Ann Arbor, MI: Servant Books, 1993, p214-215)
(Benny) Hinn revealed that he periodically visits (Kathryn) Kuhlman's grave (click here for a photo of her grave site) and that he is one of the few with a key to gain access to it. He also visits Aimee McPherson's grave (click here for photos of her grave site), where he says: "I felt a terrific anointing ... I was shaking all over ... trembling under the power of God ... `Dear God,' I said, `I feel the anointing.' ... I believe the anointing has lingered over Aimee's body." (Benny Hinn, April 7, 1991 sermon)
(Kathryn Kuhlman as a young woman) meticulously studied (Aimee Semple McPherson) "taking in every movement, every song, every dramatic presentation, every altar call" from the vantage of the Angelus Temple balcony. (Wayne E. Warner, Kathryn Kuhlman (Ann Arbor, MI: Servant Books, 1993, p205)
For much of Kathryn Kuhlman's early ministry, she lived in the shadow of her role model, the most famous woman preacher of all, Aimee Semple McPherson ... although she never met Aimee at the Angelus Temple, "enough of the glitter rubbed off to start her toward her own superstar status." (Wayne E. Warner, Kathryn Kuhlman (Ann Arbor, MI: Servant Books, 1993, p203-205)
Sister Kathryn (had a) flamboyant lifestyle. Not only (did she have a) love for "expensive clothes, precious jewels, luxury hotels, and first class travel," but (she was also married) "to an evangelist, who divorced his wife to marry Kuhlman." (Burgess and McGee, Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements, 529-530)
"You've had cancer in the hip and now your pain is gone. Is that right?" (Man with cancer:) "Yes," (Kathryn Kuhlman:) "Bend over so everyone can see." He bent over. "Walk around." He walked around. "Isn't the Holy Spirit wonderful?" she cried. A sound Of rejoicing went round the hall. Afterward, the doctor inquired of this man. Nothing had changed in his condition. But in Christian circles, the news was spread everywhere that a man in a wheelchair had been healed. (Kurt Koch, Occult ABC, 1978, p. 119)
McPherson, Aimee Semple |
Founded and headed the Foursquare Gospel Church. Faith healer and evangelist (deceased). Mentor for Benny Hinn.
Aimee Semple McPherson, nationally known healing evangelist in the 1920's - 1930's. Founded and headed the Foursquare Gospel Church, led a controversial life and died of a drug overdose in 1944.
She thought that her organization was in fact restoring true Christianity which had been lost over the years. All of these groups initially believed in a restoration of the gifts of the Holy Spirit including prophecy.
She is without doubt the most controversial of all the Pentecostal women. She got the baptism in 1907 and soon went with her husband to China, where he died. She came back to the United States and traveled as an evangelist. In 1919 she settled in Los Angeles where she built the Angelus Temple. She served as the pastor of the temple until her death in 1944. She is controversial because she faked her own kidnapping in order to carry on an adulterous affair in 1926. During the outcry against her over this affair she incorporated The International Church of the Foursquare Gospel, which later grew into a large Pentecostal denomination. The Foursquare denomination exists today. Sister Aimee died of a barbiturate overdose in 1944.
While the Dictionary of Pentacostal and Charismatic Movements deals with the controversial aspects of "Sister Aimee's" life -- her mysterious disappearances and alleged affairs, multiple marriages (two of which ended in divorce), and death from an apparent drug overdose -- it is strangely silent about her theatrical preoccupation with the slain in the spirit phenomenon. (Hank Hanegraaff, Counterfeit Revival, 1997, 168)
(Benny) Hinn revealed that he periodically visits (Kathryn) Kuhlman's grave (click here for a photo of her grave site) and that he is one of the few with a key to gain access to it. He also visits Aimee McPherson's grave (pictured below) where he says: "I felt a terrific anointing ... I was shaking all over ... trembling under the power of God ... `Dear God,' I said, `I feel the anointing.' ... I believe the anointing has lingered over Aimee's body." (Benny Hinn, April 7, 1991 sermon)
"The Voice of the Lord spoke tenderly: "Now, child, cease your strivings and your begging; just begin to praise Me ..." All at once my hands and arms began to tremble gently at first, then more and more, until my whole body was a tremble with the power ... Almost without my notice my body slipped gently to the floor, and I was lying under the power of God, but felt as thought caught up and floating." (Aimee Semple McPherson, This Is That, Los Angeles: Echo Park Evangelistic Associaton, 1923, p90-91)
Ozman, Agnes |
In 1901, Agnes Ozman was the first recorded tongue-talking Pentecostal in American Church history.
(1870-1937) was a female student at Charles Fox Parham's Bible School in Topeka Kansas. In 1901 she made Pentecostal history by being the first member of this Bible school to speak with other tongues. When she got the "gift" it is recounted that she could not speak a word of English for three days! Many credit her experience with the initial flood of spiritual gifts being released into the Church, yet a careful reading of Church history proves that people had already been speaking in other tongues via Sister Etter's meetings some eleven years prior to Agnes Ozman's experience. However it was a black man and woman named William Seymour and Lucy Farrow who were students at Parham's school who took this new experience with them to Los Angeles and from Azusa street the neo-Pentecostal movement was birthed. |
Paulk, Earl |
Bishop, TV preacher on TBN.
Propagator of Latter Rain Doctrines, Bishop over 3,000 churches
"That's what we're doing as the five-fold ministry - the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers - is equipping the saints, maturing the Body of Christ. But see, even that frightens us because we say we've got pastors, we've got evangelists - we talk about apostles and prophets, we get afraid. And yet they've got to come back with authority and power. Ephesians 2:20 says the Church is built not on Jesus (a lot of folk don't know that), but it's built on the apostles and prophets, and Jesus Christ being the chief cornerstone. He's the cornerstone, but the apostles and the ministry of the prophets is [sic] the foundation. What God is doing today is raising up prophets. I don't have any doubt in my mind that Oral Roberts is a prophet to the Church to bring us back to the healings. Many of them - Branham and many others - I believe that the Hagins and the Copelands, we have varying doctrines here, but I believe they brought us back to understanding the power in God's Word. They were apostles toward that. I believe there are other apostles and prophets God is raising up." (Earl Paulk, guest appearance on "Praise The Lord," Trinity Broadcasting Network, March 4, 1986.)
Popoff, Peter

Peter Popoff is a notorious fraud still active on TV today!
Read all about how he was exposed as a fake and a fraud. We would ask all Pentecostals: "If Popoff is a fraud, then why do people get slain in the Spirit through his hands" |
Price, Fred |
You can have what you say. (Fred Price, Praise the Lord (TBN), 9/21/90)
You can't glorify God if you are sick. (Fred Price, Is God Glorified Through Sickness?, Tape #FP605)
Man has made God violate His own word. Have a "Rolls Royce" Faith. (Fred Price, Praise the Lord (TBN), 9/21/90)
God has displeasure in poverty. (Fred Price, Ever Increasing Faith, recorded 11/16/90)
Jesus and the disciples were rich, only rich people could take off for 3.5 years. (Fred Price, Ever Increasing Faith, recorded 11/23/90)
"Yes! You are in control! So, if man has control, who no longer has it? God" (Fred Price, "Prayer: Do You Know What Prayer Is...and How to Pray?," The Word Study Bible, 1990. p. 1178).
"Jesus was rich and that He left us with an example to follow. That is why Fred drives a Rolls Royce; he is following Jesus' example!" (Fred Price, An Examination Of The Word-Faith Movement, Richard J. Vincent, 1991)
"how can you glorify God in your body, when it doesn't function right? How can you glorify God? How can He get glory when your body doesn't even work? ... What makes you think the Holy Ghost wants to live inside a body where He can't see out through the windows and He can't hear with the ears? What makes you think the Holy Spirit wants to live inside of a physical body where the limbs and the organs and the cells do not function right? ... And what makes you think He wants to live in a temple where He can't see out of the eyes, and He can't walk with the feet, and He can't move with the hand? ... The only eyes that he has that are in the earth realm are the eyes that are in the body. If He can't see out of them then God's gonna be limited" (Frederick K.C. Price, "Is God Glorified Through Sickness?" Los Angeles: Crenshaw Christian Center, N.D., audiotape #FP605)
Roberts, Oral & Richard

TV preacher, Faith healer , founder of Oral Roberts University, Word of Faith movement, Endorses the "Holy Laughter Movement" of Rodney Howard Browne
- It is a
compete contradiction that God's "miracle healer" (Oral) would found a major medical centre! Think about it!
- Notorious for
miraculous trinkets and gimmicks!
- Oral Roberts, you may recall, is the
man who claimed that Jesus told him God had chosen him to find an effective treatment for cancer. In a lengthy appeal, Roberts avowed that the Lord told him, "I would not have had you and your partners build the 20-story research tower unless I was going to give you a plan that will attack cancer." Roberts then said that Jesus instructed him to tell his partners that "this is not Oral Roberts asking [for the money] but their Lord." The project was completed, but has since been "shut down and sold to a group of investors for commercial development." And no cure for cancer was found. (Hank Hanegraaff, Christianity In Crisis, 1993, pg. 31 citing Russell Chandler, "Talked with Jesus, Evangelist Says", The Los Angeles Times, 3 February 1983, p3,16 and Clark Morphew, "What's to become of Oral Roberts 'City Of Faith?'" St. Paul Pioneer Press, 27 June 1992; reprinted in The Christian News (20 July 1992, p2)
- Prosperity teachers are so committed to presenting a Jesus who wears a Rolex that they are willing to do whatever it takes to sell this myth to their parishioners. Oral Roberts, for example, wrote a book titled "
How I Learned Jesus Was Not Poor." (Hank Hanegraaff, Christianity In Crisis, 1993, pg. 187)
- On January 4, 1987, Roberts launched his most notable campaign to date.
Roberts told his followers that if he did not raise a total of 8 million dollars by March, God was going to take his life ... Comparing himself to the apostle Paul, Roberts begged not to let Satan defeat him. "God" he says, "clearly told me he needs me here on earth. And here's why -- because of all the ministries, this ministry is the only one God has on this earth that owns a medical school." ... Some time later, Oral's son, Richard, took pen in hand to warn of his father's impending doom. Without "the additional $4,500.000." explains Richard, "God will not extend Dad's life" He then pleads, "Partner, we cannot let this man of God die. There is no reason for him to die." ... After sternnly warning, "if you neglect to pay attention ... then Satan will take advantage and hit you with bad things and you will wish that 1985 had never come, " Roberts closed his letter with a hard sell. Sending a seed-faith gift will not only enable you to "stop Satan in his hate to bring you down," it will also "help you get your hundredfold return." Roberts raised the money and did not die. (Hank Hanegraaff, Christianity In Crisis, 1993, pg. 196-198)
- Oral Roberts used 3 John 2: "
I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers." to say to his wife, "Evelyn, now this means that we're supposed to prosper" (as Christians). Roberts goes on to recount how, after discovering this verse, God gave him a brand-new Buick. ... Evelyn enthusiastically agreed with Oral that to prosper "is God's highest wish for us." (Hank Hanegraaff, Christianity In Crisis, 1993, pg. 223 citing Roberts, "A Daily Guide to Miracles" (Tulsa, OK: Pinoak Press, 1975, p36-38 passim.)
- Son Richard, as usual, had to face a press and try to explain his father's ridiculous claims about raising people from the dead. He said that there were "
dozens upon dozens upon dozens" of documented cases of such resurrection, and I decided to switch the direction of my inquiries. Knowing full well that a mere healing is nothing compared to a resurrection, I sent this telegram to Oral Roberts on June 30, 1987: "Please provide me with one identifiable case of a resurrection from the dead brought about by Oral Roberts, regardless of the sources of the power used to accomplish this wonder. Since resurrections are not considered commonplace, I will accept documentation of such an event in place of any of the other evidences of healing by Reverend Roberts that I have been seeking." Need I tell you that no response was ever received? (James Randi, The Faith Healers, 1989, p.195)
Robertson, Pat |
Host of the "700 Club" on CBN/TBN, Prophetic movement, Endorses the "Holy Laughter Movement" of Rodney Howard Browne
- "
God spoke through a word of prophecy in May 1968, and said, 'I have chosen you to usher in the coming of My Son.'" (Sermon on Satellite Network Seminar, Word of Faith Outreach Center, Dallas, TX, Dec. 9-12, 1984, as cited in "The Freedom Writer," 1986)
- Robertson also announced then that the Christian Broadcasting Network will provide worldwide coverage of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ from the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem
. (Sermon on Satellite Network Seminar, Word of Faith Outreach Center, Dallas, TX, Dec. 9-12, 1984, as cited in "The Freedom Writer," 1986)
- One formal declaration boldly documents the Evangelical and Catholic commitment to work together to evangelize and bring about social reform in the world. The Evangelicals and Catholics Together:
The Christian Mission in the Third Millennium has, in effect, laid the groundwork for Evangelicals to set aside their distinctive doctrines and unite with the Catholic Church and other religions which are coming together by 2000 A.D. (Living Truth Ministries, 1708 Patterson Rd., Austin, TX 78733)
- Conforming to the world rather than the Word, evangelical leaders such as Pat Robertson and Francis Frangipane have called
visions of Mary and animated statues "manifestations from God." Frangipane believes that, had the message of Medjugorje to forgive Muslims been obeyed, the war in Bosnia would have been averted. (Tom Barbaho, The United Religions Organization citing "Signs, Wonder, and the Word," Francis Frangipane, River of Life Ministries, August, 1995)
- Gerry Straub, a former associate of Pat Robertson and his television producer, pointed out that in his book Salvation for Sale
the astonishing fact that God seemed able to time miracles to conform with standard television format. God would stop speaking to Pat and stop healing exactly in time with the theme music. He described his former employer's "Word of Knowledge" performance: "There was nothing "mystical" to understand; it was simply "statistical". Robertson's little faith-healing procedure is a charade -- he simply "calls out" an illness and predicts its cure, and with millions of viewers the statistical probabilities are that someone will have the disease named and that they will naturally recover. People put their faith in the belief that God speaks to Pat. (James Randi, The Faith Healers, 1989, p.201)
- (Gerry) Straub relates a non-miracle he witnessed while still a believer in the ministry he worked for. He describes Robertson, at the close of a "700 Club" videotaping, shaking hands with members of the studio audience: "
He stopped when he reached a man sitting in a wheelchair ... Pat ... laid hands on him as everyone prayed for healing ... at Pat's urging the man stood up. The people cheered as the man took a couple of very shaky, small steps. While everyone applauded God, I feared the man might fall. The next day we showed the nation the miracle (on the "700 Club" broadcast). I simply wanted to know if the old man in the wheelchair was permanently healed by God or if he temporarily thought that he was healed. A few weeks later I had an assistant track down the man's family in order to see if the cure had lasted. He had died 10 days after his visit to [the Christian Broadcasting Netwark]. We reported his "healing" but not his death. (James Randi, The Faith Healers, 1989, p.201)
- (Gerry) Staub sums up his experience with faith-healing in the Robertson ministry with these words: "
During my two and a half years at [Christian Broadcasting Network], I never saw one clear-cut, "beyond a shadow of a doubt" type of healing; however, I did see a tremendous amount of faith in healing -- cleverly created, I believe, by Pat Robertson ... The prophet-turned-healer could have been described as prophet-turned-fake for the sake of profit." (James Randi, The Faith Healers, 1989, p.202)
Schambach, Robert William |
Robert William Schambach started out pastoring a small church in Philadelphia Pennsylvania called the Bethel Assembly of God. Schambach soon got interested in traveling tent evangelism by attending a tent crusade of T. L. Osborn's, in which R.W. claims a friend of his, who was a boxer that lost his eyesight, was instantly healed. This is when young Schambach prayed "God, this is what I want to spend my life doing."
Later down the road, tent evangelist A.A. Allen (who RWS says was "a man who cast out more devils accidentally than most preachers did on purpose.") was scheduled to be in Schambach's town.of Glassport. He told his wife Winnie, "Don't get too comfortable in this parsonage. I have a feeling Brother Allen is going to ask me to join his team." "You don't even know him," Winnie replied. When Bob insisted that he had heard from God, Winnie responded sincerely, "Whatever God wants."
R.W. did all he could to support the crusade. He reports seeing great miracles those nights and keeping quiet about his revelation from God. When the tent came down, A.A. Allen approached young Bob Schambach. There was no lengthy conversation— just one simple statement from the man of God: "Brother Schambach, I believe God wants you to travel with me as my associate."
Schambach began his travels with A.A. Allen and took their miracle/deliverance/healing crusades whereever they could, even to the Philippines and India with crowds of over 50,000 people. Until in the fall of 1959, with a heavy heart, Brother Schambach told Brother Allen that the Lord had called him into his own ministry and it was time to leave.
Schambach then got his own tent which he brought to the inner-cities to preach healing and deliverance. Schambach Revivals was born! Now he has his own radio and television shows, and is celebrating his 50th year in ministry.
50 years of ministry... and it seems he only has one message to preach!!! He's got plenty of inpiring stories from experience and scriptures but the message is always the same. Plant a faith seed into his ministry and you will receive the miracles you are seeking.
One of the prophetic revelations Schambach has received is that the church is going through a year of Jubilee...A time when God causes all debts to be released from his people...A time when they will receive great financial miracles and become debt-free... Of course this is all dependent on planting your faith seed!
Leviticus 25:11 A jubile shall that fiftieth year be unto you: ye shall not sow, neither reap that which groweth of itself in it, nor gather the grapes in it of thy vine undressed..
One difference between the years of Jubilees past and present is the amount of time between them. Schambach preached that 1997 was the year of Jubilee and now 1998 is the year of Jubilee again!!! Sometimes, he goes back and forth between it being "THE year of Jubilee" and it "being able to be A year of Jubilee for you".
Schambach's style and speaking is always inspiring. He has many stories of people in the most desperate situations who when attending his crusades have had all their problems miraculously solved. The problem in his stories can be anything (financial, physical healing, drug-addiction, broken family) but the solution is always the same, give more money than you can afford to give and God will reward you for your faith.
Schambach is very skilled at making people not only happy but excited to empty their wallets at his alter that he has gained the attention of the heretical "Christian" broadcasting empire, TBN. One thing that can be certain, when the budget is low, Paul and Jan are going to be bringing out Schambach to loosen up the viewers' pocketbooks. Schambach on lead and Benny Hinn on back-up.
Earlier this year, Schambach claims to have received a revelation from God, that anyone who wishes to get out of debt and into prosperity should send Schambach a $2000.00 faith seed. And if you don't have the whole $2000.00, you should send the tithe of that and commit to the rest. I guess I don't understand the concept of tithes because I thought a tithe was something you applied to your income not your out-go!!!
God has given a blanket faith seed amount of $2000.00 for anyone who wishes to activate His debt-forgiving power??? For bankers? Construction workers? Janitors? How about kids with a paper route? People in Mexico? India? Ethiopians? Apparently, $2000.00 to Schambach Revivals is the universal answer!!!
Schambach is also an end-times revivalist and ecumenicalist. He preaches that in the last days, every Christian will have an annointing to do the same signs and wonders that he claims at his crusades, when the "spirit will fall upon all flesh" and lists off a bunch of denominations... "and that means all flesh! Pentecostal flesh! Methodist flesh! Baptist flesh!!! Catholic flesh!!"
Also, Schambach has utilized the holy trinkets technique of evangelism...sending out annointed prayer clothes and the like in exchange for your best offering. The prayer clothes are an 1 inch square piece of cloth. I guess it doesn't have to be too big because the faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains???
Schambach claims to have witnessed crippled and amputeed bodies grow feet, legs, hands, and arms before his very eyes in response to their faith (and faith seed planting) at his past and foreign crusades. However, when his own health was threatened Schambach depended on a quadruple bypass instead of relying on a faith healing miracle!! 50 years of preaching with only 1 message and it seems that he, himself does not believe it! But then again I'm sure he had the money! (by David Gibson)
Schuller, Dr. Robert: Hour Of Power |
Robert Harold Schuller, b. Alton, Iowa, Sept. 16, 1926, pastor of the Garden Grove Community Church in Orange County, Calif.
Robert Schuller is REALLY Robert Schulenburg from a small farm community in Iowa. he changed his name for a flashier stage name.
Schuller is one of the world's most popular religious broadcasters. Ordained (1950) a minister of the Reformed Church in America, Schuller moved to Garden Grove in 1955 and there attracted people by preaching in a local drive - in theater to worshipers who listened to him from their parked cars. In 1961 he moved to a nearby church but continued to provide drive - in facilities where members of the congregation could hear the service on their car radios. Encouraging people to feel good about themselves, Schuller became a successful author with such books as God's Way to the Good Life (1963), You Can Become the Person You Want to Be (1973), Peace of Mind through Possibility Thinking (1977), and Self - Esteem: The New Reformation (1982). Since 1970 his "Hour of Power" television program has been seen by millions in the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. His Crystal Cathedral, an all - glass church in Garden Grove with space for 4,000 worshipers, designed by Philip Johnson and John Burgee, was completed in 1980.
His theology is not clearly stated. What do you expect from someone who begins a church as a "lowest commitment level Sunday drive in". His one sentence Statement of Faith is: "holds to the classical faith of positive historical Christianity committed to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior."
Schuller has named John Wimber of the Vineyard-Toronto churches as one of the top ten ministers on the planet.
Schuller Quotes:
"Classical theology defines sin as `rebellion against God.' The answer is not incorrect as much as it is shallow and insulting to the human being. Every person deserves to be treated with dignity even if he or she is a `rebellious sinner'" (Self Esteem: The New Reformation, 1982, p. 65)
"Any analysis of `sin' or `evil' or `demonic influence' or `negative thinking' or `systemic evil' or `antisocial behavior' that fails to see the lack of self-dignity as the core of the problem will prove to be too shallow." (Self Esteem: The New Reformation)
"What do I mean by sin? Answer: Any human condition or act that robs God of glory by stripping one of his children of their right to divine dignity. ... I can offer still another answer: `Sin is any act or thought that robs myself or another human being of his or her self-esteem'" (Self Esteem: The New Reformation, 1982, p. 14).
"To be born again means that we must be changed from a negative to a positive self-image--from inferiority to self-esteem, from fear to love, from doubt to trust" (Self Esteem: The New Reformation, 1982, p. 68).
"The classical error of historical Christianity is that we have never started with the value of the person. Rather, we have started from the `unworthiness of the sinner,' and that starting point has set the stage for the glorification of human shame in Christian theology" (Self Esteem: The New Reformation, 1982, p. 162).
A criminal complaint against Rev. Schuller charged him with a misdemeanor, stating he argued with a male flight attendant on the Los Angeles-to-New York flight, and then put his hands on the attendant's shoulders and shook him, "causing (the attendant's) head to move up and down in a vigorous manner." The Positive Thinking Reverend was said to have been angered because he could not hang his ministerial robes behind his first class seat (he seemed concerned about wrinkles but not about the violation of Federal Aviation Safety Regulations); because his specially ordered low-fat meal was "inedible;" and because they dared to serve a plate of grapes that also had cheese on it! If this conveys an image of a primadonna mentality that seems to think he is the centerpiece of all importance, then we begin to understand the prime causal factor in such ridiculous incidents. In a rather vague TV sermon, following the incident, Rev. Schuller appeared to portray the situation as one of mere misunderstanding; he was a "hands on" minister because he loves everyone and that had been misinterpreted by others. In return for a public apology, a fine of $1,100 and six months of supervision during which he refrains from breaking any more laws, federal prosecutors agreed to drop the misdemeanor assault charges against the "Hour of Power" minister. (Robert J. Boser, Editor-in-Chief: AirlineSafety.Com)
Sizelove, Rachel A. |
She came to Springfield Missouri in 1907 after hands were laid on her and she was ordained. Springfield later became the home of the Assemblies of God Pentecostal denomination. Part of Azusa Street mission. |
Smith, Miss Mable |
In 1906 she came to Chicago with a team from Azusa where she spread the message of Azusa . |
Tilton, Robert |
TV miracle healer formerly on TBN
Uses detestable tactics like prayer cloths
Being poor is a sin. (Robert Tilton, Success in Life, recorded 12/2/90)
The only time people were poor in the Bible is when they were under a curse. (Robert Tilton, Success in Life, recorded 12/2/90)
Anti-intellectual, anti-doctrine: Forget your church. (Robert Tilton, Success in Life, recorded 3/4/91)
Do not say "Lord if it be thy will". (Robert Tilton, Success in Life, recorded 12/14/91)
When ABC profiled Tilton his Success-N-Life broadcast was in all 235 U.S. markets, buying 5,000 hours per month of airtime, and pulling in at least $84 million per year. Tilton's distinctive pitch was the $1,000 "vow of faith," for which he promised innumerable miracles and blessings from God. He also sent mountains of sanctified trinkets to his mailing list, promising to personally touch and pray over such items if they were returned with a donation. Then Prime Time revealed that thousands of Tilton-bound prayer requests had been dumped in the trash behind his Tulsa bank -- with the money gone and no sign that he had ever laid a finger on them. His ministry collapsed. Now, nearly three years later, Tilton is completely off the air. He divorced his wife, Marte, and sold both his waterfront mansion in Florida and his 12,000 square-foot Dallas "parsonage." Sunday attendance at his once-thriving Word of Faith Family Church has dropped from some 5,000 members to an average of 320. Tilton laid off 70 percent of his Dallas staff, leaving 32 at a ministry that once employed over 800. Prime Time unleashed a legal storm, and Tilton has been on the receiving end of more than 10 lawsuits and assorted government investigations. On March 16 a judge dismissed Tilton's civil-rights suit against ABC-TV, Diane Sawyer, and other perceived Tilton enemies (he later refiled, repositioning it as a federal racketeering suit). On April 21 a Dallas jury ordered Tilton to pay $1.5 million to former supporters Vivian and Mike Elliott of Tampa, Florida for fraud, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and conspiracy. Tilton is desperately attempting a comeback from the bottom up as an itinerant evangelist, visiting small, obscure churches that still support him. (Christian Research Institute) |
Vineyard |
In 1991, the Vineyard investigated an organization then known as the Kansas City Fellowship, which was receiving a questionable reputation for some of its doctrines and activity throughout the Christian community.
- To see video of antics
clicking here.
The Vineyard leaders and speakers are largely drawn from the former leadership of the Kansas City Fellowship (also known as the Kansas City Prophets). This includes Paul Cain, Bob Jones, Larry Randolph, Mike Bickel, Rick Joyner, and others.
The Vineyard investigated the KCF, declared then doctrinally sound and then incorporated then entirely into the Vineyard as the Kansas City Metro Vineyard fellowship.
Later that year, one of their main "prophets", Bob Jones, was discredited for sexual misconduct.
The Vineyard believes that a global "super-church" will bring in a worldwide revival.
A recently issued doctrinal statement indicates that the Vineyard considers that Bible infallible in "faith and practice", and defines the word of God as the Bible, taken in conjunction with current revelation from God.
1977: Church formed under the Calvary Chapel denomination in California. John Wimber unilaterally announced formation of church and appointed himself the pastor.
1981: First "manifestations" at the Vineyard.
1983: Vineyard churches break from the Calvary Chapel to form their own "denomination".
1991: Incorporated the Kansas Christian Fellowhip
Wimber, John |
Originator of the Vineyard Movement from which sprang the "Toronto Blessing", author of "Power Evangelism", Prophetic movement , Endorses the "Holy Laughter Movement" of Rodney Howard Browne
Founder of the Vineyard churches. Prior to the ministry, he was manager of the pop singing group, The Righteous Brothers, he chose to go into ministry, into the Quaker church. As time went on, he pulled a group of people together, and unilaterally announced formation of a church with himself as pastor. He formed this church under the umbrella of the Calvary Chapel churches in California, but a few years later, took his church, and several others out to form his own denomination, the Vineyard. He has expressed some concern regarding the laughter phenomenon, but then goes on to discourage use of scripture to test the phenomenon He does concede that there is no Biblical support for the manifestations, and that some who have exhibited the manifestations have had demons cast out of them. His theology appears to consist of:
- "New Breed"/Manifest Sons of God (See note 25).
- Joel's Army : We are to conquer the world as the manifested sons of God (i.e. in our glorified bodies) to bring in the Millennium.
- Dominion/Kingdom Now theology
- Opposed to testing manifestations by scripture
- Believes in the "corporate Christ". (Christ is not required during the millennium since we are Christ (the body thereof). Christ needs us, because without his body he is incomplete.
- Accepts use of relics for healing. (per Roman Catholic Church).
- Paradigm Shift: A shift in the way that Christians think from a rationalistic view, to an approach where doctrine is developed using experiential approach.
- Claims Laughter Movement is the "Third Wave, the Reformation being the first and the Charismatic Renewal being the second.
"There is no place in the Bible where people were lined up and Jesus or Paul or anyone else went along and tapped them on the head and watched them go down, one after another, and somebody else ran along behind. Can you picture Peter and James -- "Hold it, hold it, hold it!" -- running along behind trying to catch them? And so the model that we're seeing, either on stage or on television, is totally different from anything that's in Scripture." (John Wimber, "Spiritual Phenomena: Slain In The Spirit -- Part 1," Vineyard Christian Fellowship, Anaheim, CA, 1981, audiotape)
John Wimber subsequently said: 'There's nothing in Scripture that supports these kinds of phenomena that I can see, and I can't think of anything throughout the church age that would,' Wimber writes. 'So I feel no obligation to try to explain it. It's just phenomena. It's just people responding to God.'" (Holy Laughter, Albert James Dager, 1996)
Anti-intellectual, anti-doctrine: On Calvary Chapel: "Calvaryites are sometimes a little too heavily oriented to the written Word." (John Wimber, "Healing: An Introductions," (audiotape no. 5) and "Church Planting Semnar," as quoted in Stephen F. Cannon, "Kansas City Fellowship Revisited")
(Wimber's claim) that the phenomena associated with Christ's appearance to Paul on the road to Damascus are common is patently false. While he attempts to bolster his position through anecdotes -- such as his story that Christ appeared to prophet Paul Cain on the road to Santa Maria -- there is no evidence to validate his claims ... one wonders how many of Wimber's devotees would line up to experience the slain in the spirit phenomenon if they truly believed that there was a chance that they, like (Apostle) Paul, would end up blinded for three days. (Hank Hanegraaff, Counterfeit Revival, 1997 citing John Wimber, "Speaking on Paul Cain and the Office of the Prophet," Vineyard Christian Fellowship, Anaheim, CA, 2/19/89, audiotape.)
Woodworth-Etter, Maria |
(1844-1924) She was one of the more mystical of all the neo- Montanist women. She was a traveling evangelist, one of the first women to take this role in America and was initially part of the holiness-healing movement. In the 1880's she was known to go into trances and stand stock-still for hours and sometimes days. During these trance times people would come into her meetings and be miraculously healed or converted. In 1890 she reports people receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit as evidenced with the speaking in other tongues and people seeing heavenly visions. "The Holy Ghost was present in great power, with gifts, signs, and visions, following the laying-on-of-hands. There were visible signs of light and glory on the pulpit, and through the congregation seen by the natural eye by some" (Signs & Wonders, Harrison House, pg. 150-151). Sister Woodworth-Etter is possibly the source for many of the aberrant doctrines taken up by the New Order of the Latter Rain in the late 1940's. She practiced the laying on of hands for healing (which is Biblical), delivering people from demons, and conveying spiritual gifts. Tremendous healing's allegedly took place in her meetings, including the raising of the dead on certain occasions. Sister Etter started twelve churches, ordained twelve ministers to pastor these churches. In 1918 she built the Woodworth-Etter Tabernacle (humble huh?) in Indianapolis in which she served as pastor until her death. She must be counted as the "mother" of today's Signs & Wonders Movement. |
(Thanks to Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements, Zondervan Publishers, 1995 edition., Jim Fox, Sandy Simpson for their help in researching this document)