Calvinism Refuted

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Calvinism is Domino Theology

What is Calvinism:

  1. Calvinism is a system of false doctrine that is taught in most evangelical denominations.
  2. There are 5 major points of Calvinism. These 5 points are known by the acronym: T.U.L.I.P.
  3. None of the 5-points are taught in the Bible.
  4. All five points must be accepted or rejected as a unit. Refute any one element and the whole system falls! ("Domino Theology")




Bible Study links:

1.      The "sinners prayer" is not in the Bible, and won't save you!
It is a false doctrine that developed from Calvinism and was first practiced by Billy Graham around 1950..

2.      Historical development of Calvinism

3.      Calvinism is a member of the "Domino Theology" family of doctrines.
Refute one element & refute the whole system!



Introduction to Calvinism


Total Hereditary Depravity (Inherited Sin)

Babies inherit the sin of Adam and are totally depraved and therefore unable to respond to the gospel message of Christ

Official positions of selected denominations

Other false doctrines that grew out of "original sin"

Unavoidable consequences of "original sin"

Questions for advocates of "original sin"

Scriptural refutation of "Original sin"

Misused proof texts Calvinists use to teach "original sin"


Unconditional election (predestination)

God had a master list of those who will be saved and those who will go to hell before creation in Gen 1:1. The list is unchangeable.

Official positions of selected denominations

Scriptural refutation of "Calvinistic Predestination"

Misused proof texts Calvinists use to teach "Calvinistic Predestination"


Limited atonement (Christ didn't die for all mankind)

Christ did not die for all men but only those on the "saved list"

Official positions of selected denominations

Scriptural refutation of "Limited Atonement"

Misused proof texts Calvinists use to teach "Limited Atonement"


Irresistible grace (feelings you are saved)

God sends the Holy Spirit only those on the saved list which removes their depraved nature inherited from Adam and creates within them a saving faith in Christ. The Holy Spirit thereafter guides them directly to understand and correctly interpret the Bible.

Self test to determine if you believe Irresistible Grace

Official Positions of selected denominations

Are feelings enough or must I be baptized to be saved?

Scriptural refutation of "Irresistible Grace"

Misused proof texts Calvinists use to teach "Irresistible Grace"


Perseverance of the saints (Once Saved always saved)

Official positions of selected denominations

Unavoidable consequences of "Eternal Security"

Scriptural refutation of "Eternal Security"

"Discover it yourself" interactive Bible study!

Bible examples of Christians who Misused proof texts Calvinists use to teach "Eternal Security"


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