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principles, and if you accept these you are no longer Muslims. The Bible has in all ages been attacked by its enemies, but it has always prevailed over them in the past, and we feel sure that it will prevail in the present also 1. All the great modern discoveries in Babylonia, Assyria, and Egypt support 2 the statements of the Bible in opposition to these assertions and theories, as you will perceive if you study the subject.]

35. M. Why do the different translations of the Bible which you now make into so many languages differ so much from one another? Why are you continually correcting and re-correcting these versions, if your original text is not corrupt?

C. They do not differ from one another to any extent, as you may see from comparing them with one another. We find that in some instances the earliest translators either used words not generally understood, or, from not knowing the vernacular languages as well as they are now known, did not make quite perfect translations. Hence we endeavour to perfect them, especially when a new edition is required. This shows how much care

1 An admirable little book on the subject is Dr. Rouse's Old Testament Criticism in New Testament Light (Baptist Mission Press, Calcutta). See also Criticism Criticised, ed. by Rev. Dr. Wace, Dean of Canterbury (Bible League, London): also Religio Critici (S.P.C.K.).
2 This is the conclusion I have reached after very considerable study of Assyrian and Egyptian. Vide Sayce, The Higher Critics and the Monuments.

we take to make the Bible understood by the people who speak each language. A change of translation does not imply a change or corruption of the original text, as you must know. Your interlinear translations of the Qur'an in Persian, Urdu, and other tongues, may vary, and new translations have from time to time appeared, but the original Arabic does not alter.

36. M. The Urdu, Arabic, Persian, English, Turkish, and other copies of the New Testament are only translations. How can we be sure that they agree with the original? Even if they do, they cannot be quite as good as the original.

C. We have the original and constantly consult it, to be quite sure that our translations and explanations are correct. As you know, these translations are made by a number of learned men, not only Europeans but natives of the various countries being employed and consulting together as to the correct interpretation of every word. Moreover, we publish the original Greek text, and are willing to teach all who desire to learn Greek, so that they may read it for themselves. If you do not choose to take this trouble, as we do, is it our fault or yours?

37. M. Not one of the Gospels was written by Jesus Christ Himself, and St. Luke's not even by an eye-witness. Even if they have been preserved free from corruption, they are only traditions, corresponding to our احاديث (ahadith).

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