Ein Muweileh, a spring near Quseima, Egypt

Ein Muweileh just 5 km west of the town of Quseima
Ein Muweileh is a spring located 5 km west of the town of Quseima and 10 km west of Qudeirat. The Quseima area has been the general area believed to be where Kadesh Barnea was located since 1881 AD to the present time.
Ein Muweileh is located at the center of a four major ancient crossroads (Darb Esh-Sherif, Darb El Ghazza, Darb Ez Aaul, Darb El Arish).
Ein Muweileh is one of four nearby springs of water: Quseima, Qudeirat and Qedeis. The "Quseima area" was the center of the largest water supply in the Sinai. The size of the springs from largest to smallest are: Qudeirat, Qedeis, Muweileh, Quseima.
A. Solomon's network of military border fortresses in the Negev
Ein Muweileh was the most westerly outpost protected by Solomon in 950 BC with a network of fortresses he built.
The Ahoroni Fortress near Quseima was very near, being about 2.5 km north. Solomon's fortresses at Qudeirat, was 10 km east.
B. Map of Solomon's network of military border fortresses in the Negev

By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections.