Ein El Qedeis: "Piltdown Kadesh"
The world's
choice for Kadesh Barnea: 1881 - 1916 AD


Ein el Qedeis oasis c1900 AD
Its looks the same today.
- Ein Qedeis
means "Holy Fountain". (ein = spring; Qedeis = holy) Qedeis also
known as Kadis or Kades. Ein which is sometimes spelled ain, means
- John
Rowlands goes down in history as the man who plunged the search for Kadesh
Barnea in to the "Dark Ages" (1881 AD - present). But Ein Qedeis
would be just another desert spring without Henry Clay Trumbull who is
responsible for literally deceiving the entire world into believing it was
Kadesh Barnea. The "one-two punch" of Rowland-Trumbull moved the
worlds attention for the location of Kadesh from the Transjordan Arabah to
where it has been presently located on all Bible maps since 1916 AD.
- There are
actually two Kadesh's in the Bible.
- Transjordan
Kadesh Barnea in the negev where Israel spent 38 years from 1445-1407 BC (barnea
= wilderness).
- One
located north of Israel in Syria: (Kadesh on the Orontes) "Then they
came to Gilead and to Kadesh in the land of Tahtim-hodshi, and they came
to Dan-jaan and around to Sidon," (2 Samuel 24:6)
- Kadesh
means “holy”
- The fact
that 19th century Muslims called a spring "holy" (ie Kadesh =
holy) is as unsurprising as it is unconvincing for Kadesh.
- Modern
Jewish funerals are also called a “kadesh" because they are sacred
and holy.
- The fact
that 3 million Hebrews died during the exodus at Kadesh and buried there
may in fact be the original etymology of the name.
- Although in
1842 AD John Rowlands was the very first man in history to suggest Ein
Qedeis was Kadesh Barnea, it became the majority opinion choice for Kadesh
Barnea from 1881 - 1916 AD. Before 1881, everyone was looking for it in
the Arabah Valley area or near Petra as Josephus said it was. After 1916, Qudeirat
became the choice and is still to this very day. We however reject both
Qedeis and Qudeirat
as Kadesh Barnea and believe it is located at or near Petra.
- The
"similarity of modern name" argument became the most important
"proof" that Kadesh Barnea had been found at Ein Qedeis until
Ein el-Qudeirat dethroned Ein Qeudeis in 1916 AD. Scholars like Keil &
Delitzsch in 1867 AD, William Smith's Bible Dictionary in 1884 AD and the
New Advent Catholic encyclopedia, Cades, 1917 AD all focused upon the
similarity of modern name. But all this was thrown aside and forgotten
when a larger spring was found 6 km north at Qudeirat. Ein El-Qudeirat
means "Fountain of Omnipotence" or "Fountain of God s
Power". This has nothing to do with any connection with God bringing
water from the rock with Moses, but the fact that Qudeirat is the largest
spring in the entire Sinai Peninsula for a 100 km radius! Not surprising
that they would call it "God's powerful spring." Of course the
problem with Trumbull's search for a similar sounding name is strange and
ill-advised, given the fact that Kadesh was changed to "Sela" by
the Edomites when Israel vacated in 1406 BC. Sela is even found in the Bible.
It underwent several name changes until the Nabataeans started calling it
Petra. Both Sela and Petra mean: "rock". So the name Kadesh
hasn't been used since 1406 BC and the name "rock" (Sela/Petra)
has been used from 1406 BC down to the present. Seems like we need to look
for modern places that have the word "rock" in them... like
- The Quseima
area has been the general area chosen by archeologists for Kadesh since
1881 AD. Attention shifted from the Petra area to the Quseima
area because of the deceptions and lies of Clay Trumbull. After
visiting Ein Qedeis, he published a ridiculously deceptive account that
made the dry, lifeless dustbowl appear to be a tropical forest. This
account changed the worlds opinion on where Kadesh was located and
everyone accepted Trumbull's new location for Kadesh. It took almost 16
years for the world to learn of Trumbull's deception. So Henry Clay
Trumbull got his 30 years of fame for identifying Kades as Kadesh Barnea
through deception. Much like the "Piltdown man" fraud, that
deceived the world into believing evolution, so too the world was deceived
through Trumbull's lies. For the first time in history, Trumbull's "Piltdown Kadesh" as we call it, drew
attention away from the Arabah Valley in the search for Kadesh Barnea. 100
years later, we are using the Bible to again look for Kadesh at or near
the Petra area.

Ein Qedeis is a barren dustbowl.
- "The
actual site of Kadesh-Barnea has long been a subject of scholarly dispute.
The earliest 19th century investigators, men like Karl von Raumer and
Edward Robinson, looked for Kadesh-Barnea in the
Aravah, the deep geomorphic rift extending from the southern end of
the Dead Sea to the Red Sea. Based on the reference in Numbers 20:16 to
Kadesh as being on the border of Edom and the fact that the Aravah was
thought to be the western border of Edom, various
oases in the Aravah were proposed as the site of Kadesh-Barnea. In
the 1880s, Henry Clay Trumbull suggested Ein-Qedeis, in the northern
Sinai, as the site of Kadesh-Barnea. What appeared to be the retention of
the Biblical "Kadesh" in the Arabic "Qedeis" was a
forceful and appealing argument in favor of Trumbull's identification.
Moreover, Trumbull described Ein-Qedeis as a luxuriant oasis which seemed
to fit the Biblical description of the site. Unfortunately, Trumbull's
description of Ein-Qedeis was highly romanticized. In fact, Ein-Qedeis is
a shallow pool of water surrounded by a desert wasteland. Ein-Qedeis could not have been a major ancient center
like Kadesh-Barnea." (Did
I Excavate Kadesh-Barnea? absence of Exodus remains poses problem,
Rudolph Cohen)

A. History of Ein Qedeis as Kadesh
History of the search for Kadesh
- 1842 AD:
Ein Qedeis (Qudeis or Kadis or Kades) was first discovered in 1842 AD by John Rowlands and was the first to suggest a
connection between the two names "Kadesh" [Barnea] and
- John
Rowlands recounted the discovery of Ein el Qedeis in a personal letter in
1882 AD written to Henry Clay Trumbull. Trumbell writes: "His [John Rowlands] Bible studies had satisfied him of
the general location of Kadesh barnea, on the southern border of Canaan,
and he became interested in a search for its site. His first movement in
this direction was with his friend Williams, in a trip from Hebron,
southward, in October, 1842, under the guidance of "Sheikh Salini of
the Teahars"(Teeyahah?) Their discovery of the southern border line
of the Promised Land, in the natural barrier of the Smooth Mountain (Mount
Halak), as they stood on that wall-rampart, at the westward of Jebel
Madurah, has already been cited. It was while they stood there, that
Shaykh Selim informed them that at some distance
westerly (or southwesterly), there was a place known as
"Kadese," which they instantly recognized as a term
correspondent with Kadesh, or Kadesh-barnea, on that same southern
boundary line. But they were at that time unable to pursue their
investigations farther ; and they returned to Jerusalem with only this
gleam of horizon-light on the site of Kadesh. It was subsequent to this,
that Rowlands made a new and successful attempt to find the ancient site.
On his leaving Jerusalem for his home, he took the route by Hebron and
Gaza in order that he might pursue his search on the strength of the hint
from Shaykh Selim. His companion on this trip was Mr. Johns, architect of
the English church at Jerusalem, and for a time the British viceconsul
there. At Gaza, Rowlands sent for two shaykhs of the Terubcen Arabs, a
tribe which roams from Gaza to Suez, and east ward toward, and even into,
the Azazimeh mountain tract. "When they came," he says, " I
explained to them where we wished to go, and what we wanted to find, and
asked them if they knew any place in their territory or neighborhood
called Kadesh, or Kades, or Kades, and they said at once, La, Hawajah,
mafish ; No, sir, there is not' or there is nothing of the sort. Perhaps I
do not pronounce it properly, or as you do' I said ; and I tried 'Kodes'
'Koodes' and 'Kudes'; but they still persisted in saying 'No'. 'La,
mafish' or 'feesh' - 'No, there is nothing of the sort.' Having tried
again various sounds, I happened to say 'Kadeis' or 'Kadase' laying the
accent, or emphasis, on the last syllable, and they cried out at once,
'Fi, fi, fi' 'There is, there is, there is ' Ain Kadeis' or Qadeis'
sounding the K' or Q' somewhat like G' that is, hard G. I asked them all
about it, and what sort of place it was, and whether they would take us by
it ; ... and they agreed to do so." (Kadesh-Barnea,
Henry Clay Trumbull, 1884 AD, p 212)
- Continuing
with his main proof of finding similar sounding modern places to Kadesh
Trumbull comments on ein Weibeh,
"There is no trace of the ancient name of Kadesh, or of its meaning,
in Ayn el-Waybeh or its vicinity." (Kadesh-Barnea,
Henry Clay Trumbull, 1884 AD, p 308)
- Trumbull in
his final argument in chosing ein Qedeis as Kadesh leans heavily on the
similar sounding name: "And the place itself bears the equivalent
name of Kadesh in three-fold form, as Jebel Qadees, AVady Qadees, and Ayn
Qadees. Moreover, neither Qadees nor Retemat Kadesh or Rithmah is to be
found elsewhere in all that region. Even though too much dependence ought
not to be put on the preservation of such names as these, it must be
admitted by all, that when the proof of the location of Rithmah and Kadesh
in just that vicinity is made reasonably conclusive, by independent
evidence, it is certainly no objection to the identification to find that
the ancient names are still to be found there, as held and repeated by the
unchanging people of that region. ... And as to the name of the oasis,
about which Robinson and others were so in credulous, it is Qadees, as it
was written for me in Arabic by my intelligent Arab dragoman, a similar
name to that of Jerusalem, El-Quds, the Holy; the equivalent of the Hebrew
Henry Clay Trumbull, 1884 AD, p 320)
- If Trumbull
was wanting to find Kadesh by finding similar sounding names, we need to
look for modern places that have the word "rock" in them... like
- It is clear
that John Rowlands is the one responsible for drawing the search for
Kadesh away from the Transjordan Arabah valley. Although Rowlands
"used his Bible", he certainly did not use it very well. He correctly
understood from the Bible that Kadesh was located outside the border of
Israel, but drew the border almost 40 kms east of the Wadi
el-Arish. The Wadi e-Arish is the southern border of Israel in the
Bible. In fact Ein el Qedeis is 27 km east of the Wadi el-Arish, making
such a location impossible as Kadesh Barnea. It is clear that he was
relying heavily upon a similarity of names to the Hebrew
"Kadesh". After many tries of pronunciation , the Muslim guides
finally announced that they knew of the place and would take them there.
The problem with all this, is that Kadesh simply means "holy".
The fact that there was a spring that had a similar sounding name to
"Kadesh" is a rather poor reason to assume it is the site of
Kadesh Barnea. After all, Kadesh was renamed many times after the Exodus
Hebrews vacated Kadesh. It is clear that trying to locate Bible places by only
finding similar sounding MODERN names is almost always worthless. Remember,
there are actually two Kadesh's in the Bible. One located in the far North
of Israel and Transjordan Kadesh Barnea (barnea = wilderness). The fact
that 19th century Muslims called a spring "holy" (ie Kadesh =
holy) is as unsurprising as it is unconvincing for Kadesh.
- In 1856,
Arthur Penrhyn Stanley rejected ein Weibeh and
stated that Petra was the location of
- In 1867 AD,
Keil & Delitzsch have fully accepted Ein el Qedeis as Kadesh Barnea:
"Kadesh is represented in v. 16 as a city on the border of the
Edomitish territory. The reference is to Kadesh-Barnea. This city was no
doubt situated quite in the neighbourhood of Ain Kudes (Kades),
the well of Kadesh, discovered by Rowland. This well was called
En-Mishpat, the fountain of judgment, in Abraham's time. (Keil &
Delitzsch, 1867, Num. 20:22-29) "With regard to the situation of
Kadesh, it has already been observed at Gen. 14:7, that it is probably to
be sought for in the neighbourhood of the fountain of Ain Kades, which was
discovered by Rowland, to the south of Bir Seba and Khalasa, on the heights
of Jebel Helal, i.e., at the north-west corner of the mountain land of
Azazimeh, which is more closely described at Num. 10:12 (see pp. 688,
689), where the western slopes of this highland region sink gently down
into the undulating surface of the desert, which stretches thence to El
Arish, with a breadth of about six hours' journey, and keeps the way open
between Arabia Petraea and the south of Palestine. "In the northern
third of this western slope, the mountains recede so as to leave a free space
for a plain of about an hour's journey in breadth, which comes towards the
east, and to which access is obtained through one or more of the larger
wadys that are to be seen here (such as Retemat, Kusaimeh, el Ain,
Muweileh)." At the north-eastern background of this plain, which
forms almost a rectangular figure of nine miles by five, or ten by six,
stretching from west to east, large enough to receive the camp of a
wandering people, and about twelve miles to the E.S.E. of Muweileh, there
rises, like a large solitary mass, at the edge of the mountains which run
on towards the north, a bare rock, at the foot of which there is a copious
spring, falling in ornamental cascades into the bed of a brook, which is
lost in the sand about 300 or 400 yards to the west. This place still bears the ancient name of Kudes. There
can be no doubt as to the identity of this Kudes [Ein el Qedeis] and the biblical Kadesh. The situation agrees
with all the statements in the Bible concerning Kadesh: for example, that
Israel had then reached the border of the promised land; also that the
spies who were sent out from Kadesh returned thither by coming from Hebron
to the wilderness of Paran (Num. 13:26); and lastly, according to the
assertions of the Bedouins, as quoted by Rowland, this Kudes was ten or
eleven days' journey from Sinai (in perfect harmony with Deut. 1:2), and
was connected by passable wadys with Mount Hor. The Israelites proceeded,
no doubt, through the wady Retemat, i.e., Rithmah (see at Num. 33:18),
into the plain of Kadesh. (On the town of Kadesh, see at Num. 20:16.)
(Keil & Delitzsch, 1867, Numbers 12:16)
- 1878 AD:
Ein el Qedeis was again visited in 1878 AD by F. W. Holland.
- 1881 AD:
Clay Trumbull visited Ein Qedeis in 1881 AD for
only one hour, and then wrote an article in 1884 AD that
formally stated that it was Kadesh Barnea. Trumbull flagrantly lied and
exaggerated his account of Ein Qedeis saying, "It was a marvelous
sight! Out from the barren and desolate stretch of the burning
desert-waste, we had come with magical suddenness into an oasis of verdure
and beauty, unlooked for and hardly conceivable in such a region. A carpet
of grass covered the ground. Fig trees, laden with fruit nearly ripe
enough for eating, were along the shelter of the southern hillside. Shrubs
and flowers showed themselves in variety and profusion. Running water
gurgled under the waving grass. We had seen nothing like it since leaving
Wady Fayran ; nor was it equalled in loveliness of scene by any single bit
of landscape, of like extent, even there. ... There
was a New England look to this oasis, especially in the flowers and grass
and weeds; quite unlike anything we had seen in the peninsula of Sinai.
Bees were humming there, and birds were flitting from tree to tree.
Enormous ant hills made of green grass-seed, instead of sand, were
numerous. As we came into the wady we had started up a rabbit, and had
seen larks and quails. It was, in fact, hard to realize that we were in
the desert, or even near it." (Kadesh-Barnea,
Ein-Qedeis, Henry Clay Trumbull, 1884 AD, p273-275)

Close up of the sparse plant life.
- In 1884 AD,
William Smith, following the lead by Keil & Delitzsch in 1867 AD, and
by Trumbull's deceptive account of the place. William Smith, therefore,
was perhaps the first to be influenced by Trumbull’s lies and wrote this
entry in his Bible dictionary: "There has been much doubt as to the
exact site of Kadesh; but Rev. H. Clay Trumbull of Philadelphia, visiting
the spot in 1881, succeeded in rendering almost certain that the site of
Kadesh is Ain Kadis (spelled also Gadis and Quadis); "the very same
name, letter for letter in Arabic and Hebrew, with the scriptural fountain
of Kadesh --the 'holy fountain,' as the name means-- which gushed forth
when Moses smote the rock." (Kadesh, William Smith's Bible
Dictionary, 1884 AD)
- In 1896 AD,
Kades next visited by Lagrange: In 1910, Schmidt (who himself visited
Kades in 1905 AD) recounts the visit of Lagrange in 1896 AD: "No
wonder that the next visitor, J. Lagrange, who came from El Natal to 'Ain
Kades on the 11th of March, 1896, confesses that "the deception was so strong, the disenchantment so deep,
that I prevailed on the sheik Suleiman while shouting that he brought us
to the wrong place.) Suleiman swore by the Prophet that it was 'Ain Kades."
There was the rock with some wasms on it,
the water, the channel, an occasional tuft of grass, and a few wild figs;
but no marble, no vegetation, no color, no life, no oasis of verdure and
beauty. Lagrange's description shows that only fifteen years after
Trumbull's visit, and at the same time of the year, the place presented
very much the same appearance that it did to myself in 1905." (Kadesh
Barnea, Journal of Biblical Literature, Nathan Schmidt, Vol 29, no 1,
1910 AD, p69).
- In 1901 AD,
Robinson comments on Stanley who said Kadesh was at Petra: "Stanley
in his Sinai
and Palestine (pp. 92-8) identifies Sela' or Petra with Kadesh, which
is absurd." (Modern
Kadesh or Ein Kadis,
George L. Robinson, The Biblical World, Vol. 17, No. 5., May, 1901AD) Of
course, there is nothing absurd about Petra being Kadesh, only the idea
that the city carved in stone we see today, like the "Treasury"
dates back to the Exodus. Stanley was wrong to suggest that Petra as we
see it today, is the result of the Hebrews in 1446 BC when in fact the
city we see today was carved by the Nabataeans in 350 BC. But Stanley was
right in correctly locating Kadesh at Petra. He was a lone voice.
- In 1901 AD,
Robinson comments on Trumbull's deception echoing what Lagrange said in
1896. "The last to visit Ein
Qedeis was Rev. H Clay Trumbull, editor of the Sunday-School Times,
who in 1881 rediscovered the site, describing his search for it at length
in his scholarly work entitled Kadesh-Barnea (1884), but whose actual description of the 'Ain (pp. 272 f.),
we regret to say, is more rhetorical than scientific." (Modern
Kadesh or Ein Kadis, George L. Robinson, The Biblical World, Vol. 17,
No. 5., May, 1901AD)
- Robinson
noted that in spite of Trumbull's deceptive description of Kades, he and
most of the world scholars still viewed Kades as Kadesh Barnea: "It
is pretty generally agreed now that Kadesh of Scripture is probably the
same as Ein
Qedeis, or "Holy Fountain," of the Arabs. This is the
opinion of Rowlands, who first identified it; of Ritter and Schultz ; of
Palmer and Dr. H. Clay Trumbull; of Guthe also" (Modern
Kadesh or Ein Kadis, George L. Robinson, The Biblical World, Vol. 17,
No. 5., May, 1901AD)

- In 1910 AD,
Nathan Schmidt was next to visit Kades and he makes this comment on
Trumbull's deceptive description of the place: "On March 30th, 1881,
H. Clay Trumbull came to 'Ain Kades from the south. There can be no question that the picture he afterwards
drew of this "oasis of verdure and beauty" was altogether too
richly colored. Even when the greatest
allowance is made for the season of the year, the contrast to the
desert of El Tih, the keen expectancy and the joy of discovery, the later
visitor cannot help asking in amazement what has become of all the marble,
the carpet of grass, the fruit-laden trees, the warbling birds, and the
"New England look" of the landscape, or what would have happened
if the eager explorer had been taken to Ain Kades before the marvelous
sight " of all this loveliness had burst upon him. His learned and
valuable treatise on Kadesh Barnea in part makes amends for a manifest
want of sobriety in the description of what is supposed to be its modern
site. (Kadesh
Barnea, Journal of Biblical Literature, Nathan Schmidt, Vol 29, no 1,
1910 AD, p69)
- Nathan
Schmidt noted that the water quality at kades was good but not much else:
"The water that was brought up from the
fountain for the evening meal was of an excellent quality. ... Aside from the water, there is nothing very impressive
about 'Ain Kades. (Kadesh
Barnea, Nathan Schmidt, Journal of Biblical Literature, Vol 29, no 1,
1910 AD, p69,71)
- Nathan
Schmidt noted: "The name of Kadesh has, no
doubt, been preserved in the name 'Ain Kades. But it does not necessarily
follow that Kadesh Barnea was located at or near 'Ain Kades. There
are numerous instances of old names migrating to new settlements, and of
old places receiving new names. In the Negeb, Sbeta is almost certainly an
example of this. There is no ground for questioning that the name may be
identical with Sephat; but there is good reason for doubting that the old
Sephat was situated at Sbeta, a Byzantine city of unknown name, apparently
resting on the rock, with not the slightest sign of a tell." It is
rather to be looked for at El Meshrifeh. In the Philistine plain it is
only sufficient to take a look at Akir to see that Ekron cannot have stood
there; but the name is there, as it is also at the Jewish colony of Ekron
established some twenty-five years ago." (Kadesh
Barnea, Nathan Schmidt, Journal of Biblical Literature, Vol 29, no 1,
1910 AD, p73)
- Schmidt
wondered if Trumbull had mixed up Kades with Qudeirat in his mind when he wrote
his report as a way of explaining the lavish description of Trumbull. This
explanation fails because Trumbull's account of Ein El Qedeis doesn't fit
Qudeirat much better. "It is not as easy as it has seemed to those
influenced by Trumbull's descriptions and the modern name to decide whether 'Ain Kades is more likely to have been
Kadesh Barnes than 'Ain Kderat. The latter is the fountain par
excellence in this region; it is El 'Ain. The sheltered position, the
broad stream of water, the comparatively luxuriant vegetation, the
impressive "tell," the well-constructed pool, the traces of
ancient buildings, clearly indicate the importance of this place. It seems
to me altogether probable that this is the site of the city of Paran, the
? of Judith 1:9 and 5:14, the Byzantine Cadis and the Kadesh Barnea of the
Crusaders. It is not impossible that the stream flowing down Wadi el 'Ain
was once called Me Meribath Kadesh." (Kadesh
Barnea, Nathan Schmidt, Journal of Biblical Literature, Vol 29, no 1,
1910 AD, p73)
- In 1910 AD,
Nathan Schmidt, after considering Weibeh, Kades and Qudeirat, rejected
them all and concluded that Kadesh was in fact at Petra: In choosing the location of Kadesh, Schmidt rejected
Qudeirat in favor of Petra in 1910 the same way that Stanley rejected
Weibah in favor of Petra in 1856: "It
seems to me even more probable that Petra was the original scene of these
stories. Here the great Deliverer (Cp. my article "The
Jerahmeel Theory and the Historic Importance of the Negeb," Hibbert
Journal, vi. 2 January, 1908, pp 339ff.) performed the miracle of
piercing the rock and sending the wonderful stream through the Sik, and
here his older brother Aaron died on the peak of Mt. Hor. In earlier times
the gulf of 'Akabah reached farther north than it does to-day, and a
passage from the eastern side over to El Tih may not have been as easy as
it is at present. Nomadic tribes pushing northwest from the land of Midian
no doubt found their way down into the Negeb through the defiles of Mt.
Seir (Jebel Sharra). The Idumaean clans that camped around Moserah and Zin
probably brought with them the traditions of their heroes. Their way from
Sinai-Horeb to Kadesh Barnea and Mt. Halak is likely to have led them
through the Valley of Moses and put the reputed resting-place of Aaron in
Petra." (Kadesh
Barnea, Nathan Schmidt, Journal of Biblical Literature, Vol 29, no 1,
1910 AD, p75-76)
- In 1914
Leonard Woolley and T. E. Lawrence visited Kades and commented on the
deception of Trumbull: "Mr. H. C. Trumbull, an American, spent a single hour at the spring in 1882, and
wrote round his visit a very large book with fantastic descriptions of the
valley ... As a general comment we can only say that this account is as
minutely accurate in its measurements as it is inaccurate in its
descriptive matter. The valley of Ain Kadeis is unusually naked, even
among the valleys of the south country. " (The
Wilderness of Zin, C. Leonard Woolley and T. E. Lawrence, CH IV, Ain
Kadeis And Kossaima, 1914-1915 AD)
- The New
Advent Catholic encyclopedia was probably the last to say that Kadesh was
located at Qedeis in 1917 AD: "A good deal of controversy has existed
concerning the site of Cades, no less than eighteen places having been
proposed. This may now be considered as settled in favour of 'Ain Qadis or
Gadis, discovered by J. Rowlands in 1842, fifty miles south of Bersabee.
Its only serious rival, 'Ein El-Weibeh, on the western edge of the Arabah,
forty-five miles farther east, which was advocated by Robinson and others,
is now generally abandoned. 'Ain Qadis ("Holy Well") preserves
the name Cades both in meaning and etymology, and best satisfies
the scriptural data." (New Advent Catholic encyclopedia, Cades, 1917
- By 1916 AD,
the world rejected Ein El Qedeis for Kadesh. The new location for Kadesh
was about 10 km north at Ein
el-Qudeirat. Qudeirat has been the almost undisputed location for
Kadesh Barnea from 1916 to the present time. However Qudeirat simply
cannot be Kadesh Barnea for a long list of reasons discussed elsewhere.
B. The Quseima area and Kadesh

the other hand, the assumption, necessary to our minds, that the place-name was
extended to a district embracing other and better water-sources, undermines the
identification of Ain Kadeis valley as the scene of events related as happening
at Kadesh. These may have taken place anywhere in the
Kossaima neighbourhood. We are told that at one well in Kadesh the
Israelites found the water insufficient - and if there were more than twenty
families of them, and the spring were the present Ain Kadeis, then their
complaints must be considered moderate. Thereupon Moses produced the water of
Meribah, so called to distinguish it from the first well. Certainly it is useless to look for this copious fount in the
barren gorge of Ain Kadeis, unless we suppose that it dried up as miraculously
as it appeared." (The
Wilderness of Zin, C. Leonard Woolley and T. E. Lawrence, CH IV, Ain Kadeis
And Kossaima, 1914-1915 AD)
The four springs of the Quseima area:
Map of
the Quseima area showing the location of Ein Muweileh.
Ein Qedeis is not on the map, but
just below the bottom right hand corner of the map.





C. The Fortress at Ein Qedeis:
(One of Solomon's
network of military border fortresses)

of the fortress at Ein Qedeis:
- The
fortress Solomon built at Kades (Ein Qedeis), is located a short distance
from the actual spring.
- Ein Qedeis
is one of 50 Solomon built to protect the border against Egypt to the
south and Edom to the east of the Arabah Valley.
- There is no
archeological evidence of any occupation by any culture before 1000 BC. If
Israel had spent 38 years here as Kadesh, there would need to be some
trace in actual archeological evidence. But there is none.
D. The shape of all the fortresses:

shape of all the fortresses was different because the builders erected walls
to follow the contours of hill tops for added security.
- "Roughly
Oval Fortresses: To this, the most common, type of fortress, having a
roughly oval groundplan and comprising several casemate rooms around a
central courtyard (cf. fig. 2), belong the following sites: 'Ain Qudeis, 'Atar Haroca, H. Haluqim, Ketef
Shivta, Rahba, Mesudat Nahal Horsha, and H. Nahal Sarpad. a. 'Ain Qudeis. The fortress of 'Ain Qudeis (Grid
Reference 1034 X 0002) was erected on a flat hill commanding the plainland
between Wadi Qudeis and Wadi Qudeirat, some 3 km. south of the spring of
'Ain Qudeis (fig. 2). The site was surveyed in 1957 by Aharoni (1967: 8),
and excavations were carried out in 1976 by the author (1977b: 71). The
diameter of the fortress is ca. 50 m., and the gate and five out of 20
casemate rooms were uncovered (fig. 3: 1). The walls, ca. 0.60 m. wide and
preserved to a height of ca. 1.70 m., are of rough-hewn local limestone
blocks and rest on the bedrock. The size of the casemate rooms varies:
width ca. 2.00 m.; length ca 5.50-10.00 m. In some of the entrances to the
casemate rooms the lintels were preserved. Aharoni had discerned in the
southern side remains of a gate "protected by two massive piers"
(1967: 8), but upon excavation this was found to consist of an open space
of ca. 6.50 m. in the line of the casemate wall. It is bordered on each
side by casemate rooms and included two small confronting guardrooms (ca.
2.00 m. wide X 3.00 m. long); these reduce the width of the passageway to
ca. 2.50 m., which is narrowed even further by a rectangular pier. This
passageway was found blocked by stones. (The
Iron Age Fortresses in the Central Negev, Rudolph Cohen, 1979 AD)
E. Negev pottery found at Ein
- More on Negev
- The remains
of the pottery, found in the ash layer that covered the beaten-earth floor
of the casemate rooms, are of two basic types: wheel-made pottery
characteristic of the 10th century B.C., of which two entire juglets
deserve to be specially mentioned; and hand-made pottery of the
"Negev" type. One phase of occupation was detected in the
fortress, but to the northwest of the hill are traces of a small
settlement (Rothenberg 1967: pl. 46)." (The
Iron Age Fortresses in the Central Negev, Rudolph Cohen, 1979 AD)
By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or